N-word king says democrats are too rigid and should compromise with people they disagree with. Twitter is having none of it.

100  2019-04-09 by Plumfruits


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Obama says he worries about "rigidity" among liberal Democrats

Imagine thinking that any liberal male can get or sustain an erection after 2+ straight years of #metoo.

Who knew the one that actually won presidential election twice actually knows what he's talking about. But alas, the blue checkmark PhD with all of their big brain take will still spew their bullshit rhetoric all over the place.

i’m a liberal democrat. i’m flexible. but don’t anyone fucking tell me kids in cages or calling asylum seekers animals is ok, because i’ll show you what stiff looks like

Hold me papa he's scaring me


i’ll show you what stiff looks like

Uh oh, rapist alert!

Bend over bby

m@le f€minist alert

because i’ll show you what stiff looks like

Owo. What's this.


flaccid dick

Thats kind of hot tbh

Taco here. These people do this on purpose right? I mean, they are aware that trump was talking about MS13, and that yes, those people are literal fucking animals, right?

Of course they do it on purpose lol.

The ones who start the mobs do. The dumb NPC followers don't, because they just repeat what they hear from the bluechecks. They genuinely believe Trump ordered child concentration camps to be built and so forth. I know this because they have told me themselves and they seem very sincere (and gullible).


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Obama not great at campaigning actually. He's just so damn charming that any of his strategies works out, but only for him.

It's the equivalent of Cha-ds telling <people> to just be yourself lol that's what g-irls like

Obama is basically a political genius. He's very good at campaigning and was the first to weaponize social media in a presidential campaign.

His campaign tactics were leaps and bounds ahead of Trump's and Hillary's.

I'm gonna say it....




Nipples that are brown don't get much love as pink ones but they look better on b*ssy

Truth. Brown nips on pale skin are kino.

u stay away from me


thats what u do after being denied access to my nipz

what makes you think he'll comply, bwussyboi


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I'll bite them off

Only if they’re hairy

Think he also recognizes that some of the left’s agenda is totally wacko. Had some disagreements with him but Obama was never a socialist like today’s left.

Lmao was this person paying attention at all during Obama's presidency?

Americans have the memory of a goldfish. Bush has a 54% approval rating AMONG DEMOCRATS. Iraq? Water under the bridge!

To the Rs, Obama was a kenyan muslim socialist 5 years ago...today he's a respectable moderate centrist.

To the Rs, Obama was a kenyan muslim socialist

to 5% of the Rs

Bush has a 54% approval rating AMONG DEMOCRATS.

The day of the tankies can't come too soon.

respectable moderate centrist

Ofc he was. Can't find more respectable position than drone striking brown people.

That's not even politics, that's just an American tradition.

America gets feisty if foreigners aren't being blown up.

I don't hate Bush as a person, I hated him as a leader, so how do I ask a ridiculously vague question like do you approve of Bush?

You answer no, you tard. The question is obviously (to the non-spectrummed) about whether you approve of him as a president. No one cares if you think he's a snappy dresser or has dreamy eyes.

Yeah I would infer that, but if you don't word it specifically then you are going to get different responses.

Bush, McCain, and Romney were all LITERAL rapists, imperialists, and misogynists until Trump was elected. Guess they reap what they sow.

Obama was to the right of Reagan


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The Overton Window isn't just shifting the the right nowadays it's actually widening both ways.

I mean that's what most normal people think. Who cares about the opinions screeching online right and left, other than to laugh at like we do here?

Watch as the Democrats selfimplodes once again giving the orange muppet another 4 years of good drama

Are people actually expecting democrats will win 2020 elections? Historical data shows that the incumbent president will win most likely. I remember reading that nearly 95% of incumbent presidents win the elections.

This Mueller report turned out to be a huge dud. So, its not like the electoral votes are going to change suddenly this time, or the people who make dumb voting decisions suddenly vote with their best interests in mind.

I am guessing, its going to be a repeat of 2004 all over again.

Which means, its entirely possible that trump could stack the supreme court with majority conservatives 20-30 years to the future.

I think the only thing that actually keeps Trump from losing 2020 is if the economy tanks. Right now it's doing fucking amazing, so as long as the recession doesn't hit until after the election, chances are really good he stays where he is.

Yes I mean they expected to win in 3016 as well. They gonna get dabbed on by daddy

1000 years and they never learned smh

I can't wait till AOC gets tied to every moderate dem like an anchor and the Dems lose the house and the circular firing squad really gets going.

she's like an albatross with real good milkers that got tied around the neck of the democratic party

her huge latinx tits are a pair of millstones

Based mulatto Kenyan warlord.