These mayos are so fragile they get triggered by ads.

55  2019-04-09 by Ghdust2


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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We get it, you want mayo(🤢) g*ssy(🤮).

TBH it wasn't until I went 2 or 3 posts down before I could figure out if its insecure mayo men who are pissed that whyte womyn are race mixing or insecure bl@ck womyn pissed off that bl@ck men are race mixing.


Interesting timeline.

Little of both. Mostly they're just noticing the trend of every ad with an interracial couple being a black man and a white woman, instead of the other way around or different minorities mixed in. But in today's society noticing trends is racist.

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Little of both. Mostly they're just noticing the trend of every ad with an interracial couple being a blck man and a whte woman, instead of the other way around or different minorities mixed in. But in today's society noticing trends is racist.

to be fair this is like the only pairing i ever see, although let me tell you they are never tall thin and attractive irl

also it feels like the amount of interracial couples in ads is way more than the actual demographics reflect in proportion, but whatever, its ads.

I think the real reason why they like to put so many mixed race ads is so they can cover both genders and also the two biggest races at the same time with just one photo. It still does seem weird though

It still does seem weird though

because it's forced. and because it's blatantly being done with a political motive.

Whats the political motive?

That mayos🤢🤮 are human,duhh😒😒


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What about the mayo mn azn gssy meme

Peak Mayo Fragility


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To be fair, they are only as fragile as the non-mayos that pushed for representation that this is a consequence of.

calling out blatant propaganda is fragility

SRDine tier argument here y'all. yikes.

Thinking any ad with an interracial couple is “propaganda”

why are rightoids so dumb

propaganda | ˌpräpəˈɡandə | noun 1 information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view: he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda. • the dissemination of propaganda as a political strategy: the party's leaders believed that a long period of education and propaganda would be necessary.

how many such ads until you would admit it's propaganda?

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propaganda noun 1 information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view: he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda. • the dissemination of propaganda as a political strategy: the party's leaders believed that a long period of education and propaganda would be necessary.

how many such ads until you would admit it's propaganda?

let me guess. everyone who disagrees with you is an insecure inc3l, right? you don't differ substantially from SRDines. you just have a narrower amount of topics for which you'll deploy the same shitty arguments they use.

What makes an ad with an interracial couple political lol. It’s just two people of different races.

let me guess. everyone who disagrees with you is an insecure inc3l, right?

I literally never said this. Quit it with the persecution complex.

how many such ads until you would admit it's propaganda?

are you saying hypothetically every single image featuring a couple ever shown to humans was always bl-ck man, wh-te women you wouldn't call it propaganda?

Holy shit you are unironically upset at these commercials

If literally every ad had a bl-ck man, wh-te women couple for some reason, than sure it may be “propaganda”. (then again it would probably be just a result of more people dating outside their race, and companies following that trend)

But that weird scenario isn’t happening now, will probably never happen, and even if it did, the “worst thing” that would happen is that there’d be more interracial couples. Big deal.

Or are you one of those rightoids that believe “white genocide” is a real thing 😂😂

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are you saying hypothetically every single image featuring a couple ever shown to humans was always bl-ck man, wh-te women you wouldn't call it propaganda?

Holy shit you are unironically upset at these commercials

If literally every ad had a bl-ck man, wh-te women couple for some reason, than sure it may be “propaganda”. (then again it would probably be just a result of more people dating outside their race, and companies following that trend)

But that weird scenario isn’t happening now, and even if it did, the “worst thing” that would happen is that there’d be more interracial couples. Big deal.

Or are you one of those rightoids that believe “wh-te genocide” is a real thing 😂😂

than sure it may be “propaganda”.

k so you admit that images shown for a political purpose, with a political bias are propaganda.

thus anyone who believes that the images are being shown with a political purpose in mind is correct to believe they're propaganda. not a difficult argument.

Dude, you completely ignored the context in which I said that in.

I said in a hypothetical world where every ad had an interracial couple, then in that world it could possibly be propaganda.

We don’t live in that hypothetical world though, these ads aren’t propaganda. You’re just threatened by them for some reason.


this isn't a rightoid safe space. OUT OUT OUT.

Thinking any ad with an interracial couple is “propaganda”

That's what it is tho, and then you see who is behind the ad and it's always oven-americans

That's what it is tho

How? What political view is it pushing?

what rightiods and leftoids need to realise is companies have one agenda: the coin. they're not your mates or enemies, theyre just greedy


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it is though lol

How much time do you have


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I have done nothing but order Gilette razors by the case for three days

Giving Johnson and Johnson money to own the racists.

That's Proctor and Gamble you shavelet

im actually a gillette-cel, im too much of a pussy to use those single blade bics tbh

Boycotting Gillette because their ad hurt your feels

Buying dollar shave club because it’s a better product

Reminder that blаck fеmаle + whitе mаle >>>>>> blаck mаle + whitе femаle.

Even wanting a f*oid in the first place

King is nothing without his queen, sweetie.


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aren't ads supposed to be targeted to stuff you've searched before?



So basicly /r/hailcorporate?