Candace Owen's testifies to Congress about w-slur supremacy

46  2019-04-09 by CommonWrongdoer


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Owens opposes welfare, although she has family on it.

Willing to starve her familial freeloaders? Maybe she really is based. I'm getting the itch to play some Spyro.


I don't see how that's at all controversial.

Some people disagree with the claim that Hitler did nothing wrong except invade other countries.

That's not even what she said though, she said "if all he wanted to do was make Germany great, fine". It's entirely hypothetical.

Maybe that's what she meant, but she implies that the only reason Hitler wasn't "making Germany great" was that he was interested in invading and annexing other countries.

No she's using it as an example of the distinction between isolationist nationalism (or at least non-expansionist) and expansionist nationalism.

Isolationism and nationalism combined lead to failed economies in the modern world. So she’s still an islur.


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isolationist nationalism (or at least non-expansionist) and expansionist nationalism.

Guys my nationalism is totally different than the last guy's nationalism.

What about Indian nationalism used to counter the Raj? Mandela with African nationalism? Chinese nationalism building them into a world power? Israel?

I mean nationalism is great if its to kick out the mayo invaders.

So then we agree it's not inherently bad ya dingus.

You know Hitler was kind of a dick outside of invading other countries right?

"if all he wanted to do was make Germany great, fine".

Murdering (((People))) is ok as long as you keep it in German, Adolph.

She probably loves Stalin. Dude murdered a bunch of fucks but kept it within state lines for the most part.

Baby brain take

So I did dumb it down enough for ya?

Why are you assuming her idea of making Germany great involves killing jews? Sure that's what Hitler's idea of making Germany great was, but I'm positive thats not what Owen's thinks

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Some people disagree that holocaust happened too.


Owens opposes welfare

Has family on it

Conserviside when? Day of progressivism soon inshallah

Confirmed once again Nazis voted for trump SMH

lol I love when politicians ask for fact checks on shit from some random person they brought in. "hey random person I brought in, am I right and great?" "yes, you are right and great"

I mean she is a total moron, and the thing she said about hitler was stupid (being globalist not a nationalist), but her point in no way supports what hitler did regarding genocide, and all the evil fucked up stuff he did. Unless she is on record somewhere saying "yeah it was totally cool for him to massacre fellow germans"

So are people taking this as her saying that if Hitler just killed parentheses in Germany it would have been okay? That seems to be an extremely uncharitable interpretation, like a grasping at straws interpretation.