Game of Thrones is just capeshit with dragons

1  2019-04-10 by hotwifesnearyou

Prove me wrong you can't


There's wieners and boobs too

imagine the reaction if the next avengers whatever had a titty scene

Turning Captain America into a brutal rapist would be quite the metaphor.

Turning Captain Marvel into a brutal rapist would be a better one.

now i really want to see b*rie l*rson riding tsundere inc*e c*ck

What the fuck even is Captain Marvel? Like a publisher with super powers or something?

Extremely OP deus ex machina. Anyone arguing otherwise is a massive f(a)nb(o)y.

>implying anyone is a fan of captain marvel

Again, she used to be a layered character. She was a massively overpowered, self-doubting alcoholic for decades. Now she's just YASKWEENFUTUREISFEMALE, but that's just idiot writers.

knowing this

He probably read it when he was a kid



I would love to see a Captain America where he interacts a team of nation themed superheroes (Focusing on South America and the middle east) and it ended with him brutally raping them all

Or just replacing them (new actor and name after the next scene change) whenever they talked back to him.

Fucking brilliant

That's absolutely inspired haha

Didn't that happen to War Machine?

Yes it did

Black Panther 2: Captain Belgium and the rubber hands

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I want this so bad

Paul Rudd full frontal.

Nude tayne


ngl thanos bussy would get my ass in a theater seat

imagine the reaction if the next avengers whatever had a titty scene

Thor's had you covered for a while. His chest and butt is bigger than Captain Marvel's.

So is Spider-man's.

Wow he must be built like a 12 yr old at least.

I would pay big money to watch captain America titty fuck thanos


What if it's boobs but it's Brie Larsson.

Incel minds would overload.

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And midgets




There is a lot of manlets in capeshit movies

I was a latecel to the GoT hype. The titty scenes were a huge letdown

Honestly I thought most of the sex scenes were pointless. They didn't add anything to the plot.

Didn't not add anything to the plot either tho...

I remember SNL had a sketch about GoT when it first premiered. The joke was that it was directed by a 13-year-old boy.

Maybe you’re thinking of the onion sketch of the 5 year old boy who wrote fast and furious 5

The onion is like 6 tiers of comedy better than SNL

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God forbid they ever watch Heavy Metal

I only watched two seasons but the sex scenes between the blonde pretentious bitch and the huge barbarian guy were pretty fundamental to her origin as a blonde pretentious queen.

They overdid the "sexposition" where they would have characters fucking in the background while someone told a story to fill in some book plot. It served its purpose but they stopped doing it so much when they got called out.

Here's the most famous one from season one:

S-exposition Littlefinger, Ros & Armeca Brothel Scene (Baelish Love Story of Catelyn)

If Missandei and/or Melisande starkers don't get you up, you couldn't possibly be let down in the first place.

Why in the world would a dramacel be aroused by titties?


In the last couple seasons there really hasn't been all that much. Too much plot, not enough gratuitous sex scenes.

Capeshit is better, the dragons are the worst part

Ew shut up f-slur

It is now at least. It used to be entertaining but then fat women found it and demanded it be changed to suit their sensibilities.

It was never good

game of thrones is a bad show filled with cringey dialogue, overpowered mary-sue characters and dumb cliché plotlines. It rips off everything it can and not a single aspect of it is original or thought-provoking

The day it goes off the air and people stop talking about it at every opportunity instead of developing personalities of their own, the world will be a far better place

The books are great. The show was great at bringing the books to life.

Then the show went past the books and they turned it into network TV level blandness.

Personally I think the books are poorly-written and tedious, but at least the world-building is pretty interesting. They're better than the show anyway

Books 4 and 5 are dogshit. Seasons 5-7 barring battle of the bastards is dogshit

The first 15 minutes of the S6 finale is some of the best shit ever put on TV change my mind.

No it's not


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Fantastic use of largely non-verbal storytelling, amazing use of editing to show multiple characters perspective of the events, excellent pacing allowing for a slow-burn, big explosion sequence, payoff for a main character getting to watch all of her enemies die, torture scene with the nun-lady and one of the best songs put to TV that perfectly creates tension and sounds amazing.

I can admit that the shows quality has dropped overall, but due to the fact I'm not a f#ggot I can also give credit to when they knock it out of the park. That sequence was a masterpiece of using all of the mediums strengths simultaneously. Just because normal people like something doesn't mean I gotta pretend it's bad.

That episode of Mad Men where the whole office does meth.

Hahahaha classic

It was speed actually.Kenny dancing was fab

It's good at the technical aspects of TV making, sure. It still butchers the plot to shit and relies on all the characters being complete r-slurs.

Amazing rebuttal doofus.



r/ASOIAFcels on suicide watch

AFFC is unbelievably boring. ADWD wasn’t that bad.

Everything outside of the north was trash in dance, everything outside of kings landing was trash in feast.

I liked book 4 a lot. Book 5 was pretty disappointing.

The books are absolutely poorly-written, but the storytelling is good. That's why I could never get into them despite wanting to.

The worldbuilding makes zero sense and is basically just a Crusader Kings mod with some half-remembered AP World readings for background history.

And no, not all fantasy is like that OKAY?

I mean, the world building is some of the best in mainstream media, it’s reasonable by all extents and he does a pretty good job at explaining cultural history. Something like I’ve kind of liked about it is that he straight up doesn’t tell you everything, the world map looks like what it might have if it came from the time period. I agree that the story telling is lukewarm, but the world itself has merits

“Best worldbuilding in mainstream media” is a stretch. Let’s see...

Westeros has one language and like two religions, offers free education, a reasonably robust road system and mild temperatures for years at a time, and yet none of these downtrodden peasants has ever thought to storm the local lord’s fort and install a different system of governance than the abusive feudalism that’s been the norm for literally THOUSANDS of years.

You’ve got the “darkest Africa” continent, which has no civilization and whose inhabitants are literally subhuman.

You’ve got the Island of Enlightened Black People which is clearly there so Martin can have the above without being accused of racism.

You’ve got the obvious China analogue ruled by emperors who all have monosyllabic ching-chong names.

Let’s not forget the Incestuous Space Romans who were wiped out by Mega-Vesuvius.

And of course we can’t leave out the blatant, unsettling obsession with incest and castration.

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“Best worldbuilding in mainstream media” is a stretch. Let’s see...

Westeros has one language and like two religions, offers free education, a reasonably robust road system and mild temperatures for years at a time, and yet none of these downtrodden peasants has ever thought to storm the local lord’s fort and install a different system of governance than the abusive feudalism that’s been the norm for literally THOUSANDS of years.

You have multiple large groups that are a main part of the narrative whose cultural and religious beliefs can be defined as “rape and pillage are fun.”

You’ve got the “darkest Africa” continent, which has no civilization and whose inhabitants are literally subhuman.

You’ve got the Island of Enlightened Bl*ck People which is clearly there so Martin can have the above without being accused of racism.

You’ve got the obvious China analogue ruled by emperors who all have monosyllabic ching-chong names.

Let’s not forget the Incestuous Space Romans who were wiped out by Mega-Vesuvius.

And of course we can’t leave out the blatant, unsettling obsession with incest and castration.

Agreed, but I don't know how you get from there to "not all fantasy is like that". It's all just exactly that but usually with elves and dwarves thrown in the mix.

What fantasy novels do you like? I'm partial to John Crowley's stuff whenever I want to toboggan the noggin.

Though I enjoyed asoiaf just fine. Prose is mostly mediocre but shines at times. Sort of like Malory, really.

I'm not super dialed into the ~fantasy community~ but I think the Malazan series is considered the gold standard as far as worldbuilding goes.

ASOIAF is fine. I don't think it's terrible but it's very much a stereotype of what a layperson likely imagine high fantasy to be.

I also suspect one of the reasons GRRM is struggling with the final books is that he has never figured out exactly how magic works in this world, and to what degree it will factor into the endgame.

I think he's struggling because at some point it becomes a generic fight the bad games end of the world shtick and he still wants to write the political scheming stuff

I too hate things that are popular

hmm ahh yes the books are fantastic such as these fine scriptures from god king martin:

"Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew".

"all she could do was stand there, fevered and bleeding".

"Yezznan was burning with fever, squirming fitfully in a pool of his own excrement. His shit had turned to brown slime streaked with blood".

"Those afflicted by the pale mare were always thirsty, drinking gallons between their shits".


i can cherrypick out of context lines from literally any book to make it sound like shit

Try it from Blood Meridian, pleb

i'm sitting right next to my copy, gimme a few minutes

2 hours later

alright of all fucking books, really?

That's the power of McCarthy baby


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Anyone wants to try Infinite Jest?

Faulkner half–warmed over in Melville and the KJV. In the American West. Yawn.

Imagine being such a contrarian nerd that you feel the need to insult the greatest American novel ever written.

Imagine not knowing about Stoner.

Am I wrong for preferring Buffalo Crossing to Stoner.

Also Grapes of Wrath is the best American lit novel written

Butcher's Crossing? No, not at all. Personally I prefer Augustus. My favorite American novel of them all is The House of Mirth.

I was just trying to impart to the young fella about how not everything needs to be so consciously artsy cowboy.

As if you've ever read Faulkner, Melville, the KJV, or Blood Meridian and aren't just parroting the opinions of your barista.

Nah. I read them all in barista school.

No cherry-picking required, Cormac McCarthy writes like a multiple stroke victim.

ah, blood meridian, monsieur? that novel is the sark and chaparral of literature, the filament whereon rode the remuda of highbrow, corraled out of some destitute hacienda upon the arroya, quirting and splurting with main and with pyrolatrous coagulate of lobated grandiloquence. our eyes rode over the pages, monsieur, of that slatribed azotea like argonauts of suttee, juzgados of swole, bights and systoles of walleyed and tyrolean and carbolic and tectite and scurvid and querent and creosote and scapular malpais and shellalagh. we scalped, monsieur, the gantlet of its esker and led our naked bodies into the rebozos of its mennonite and siliceous fauna, wallowing in the jasper and the carnelian like archimandrites, teamsters, combers of cassinette scoria, centroids of holothurian chancre, with pizzles of enfiladed indigo panic grass in the saltbush of our vigas, true commodores of the written page, rebuses, monsieur, we were the mygale spiders too and the devonian and debouched pulque that settled on the frizzen studebakers, listening the wolves howling in the desert while we saw the judge rise out of a thicket of corbelled arches, whinstone, cairn, cholla, lemurs, femurs, leantos, moonblanched nacre, uncottered fistulas of groaning osnaburg and kelp, isomers of fluepipe and halms awap of griddle, guisado, pelancillo.

I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

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i'm too lazy to google this but i want you to know that if this isn't copypasta, i am as impressed as i am disgusted

Bend sinister

Malazhan go

I don't see anything wrong here

"fuck bitches get money" "danaerys , snatch my wig " "jon blow"

you forgot those

I have no idea why George RR Martin gets so much praise from feminists for writing female characters, when the sex scenes in GoT are written like scripts to bad porno's.

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I have no idea why George RR Martin gets so much praise from feminists for writing f*male characters, when the sex scenes in GoT are written like scripts to bad porno's.


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You know, I had this discussion once before with a woman who made the same claim.

Go back and read these sex scenes and the POVs that have these "cringey" lines.

These lines aren't from the perspective of Super Handsome ladies man Jaime or Sexual seductress expert Melisandre, they're written for broken, awkward characters.

They're awkward and uncomfortable because they're supposed to be, take for instance this famous line:

And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast.

This is from a 20 year old Virgin abused fatass about to lose his V-card to an inbred hill person. If it was written like the books you find in your moms sock drawer it wouldn't make sense.

Now if there was a scene with Jaime and Cersei where they're both charismatic and attractive and have chemistry and the scene was like this, it'd be bad writing. It's not in this case though.

The reason GRRM is a good writer is because he writes lines like those listed in the parent comment because it's what his characters think.

As a matter of fact, let's look through these with some context, so spoilers ahead.

"Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew".

This is the come down to Dany's big moment. She had just rode a dragon, she had looked beautiful while doing it, she could fucking fly. And now here she is, in the middle of nowhere, shitting her brains cause of the dirty water. It's supposed to be foul and gross and crude, because she isn't a queen or a conqueror right now, she is a lost teenage girl... Again.

"Yezznan was burning with fever, squirming fitfully in a pool of his own excrement. His shit had turned to brown slime streaked with blood".

"Those afflicted by the pale mare were always thirsty, drinking gallons between their shits".

Wartime descriptions of medieval diseases, not supposed to be eloquent or artsy. Disgusting, like the man who said them.

"Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night."

People reference this one a lot, but never mention that it's said by a guy who is basically an in-story /r/drama too-cool-for-school insert. He is just so handsome, and so deep, and so good at sword fighting that if you don't get how cool he is, well maybe you're the one who is not so cool. It's supposed to make you cringe, the guy is desperate to be as cool as his uncle who was a Chad.

The Books are exceptionally well written because for every bit of criticism leveled against here as basic shit, there is a deeper layer to it. Jaime/Theon/Stannis the list goes on all have incredible character arcs.

And really let's go back and take a look at some of these critics in this comment section and celebrate the glorious return of Pinging.

/u/Ohpiekang says it's "faux deep". I'm sorry do we take Weebs opinions on literature seriously now?

Or /u/darth_tiffany and her comment. Oh, but she is also a Subredditdrama user and a Chapo-slur, so we should just cross her opinions out already. Oh and a nega-reddit poster. I can almost see her new wave hair cut through her comments. Guys, don't you understand that is Not Like Other GirlsTM?

or the comment by /u/The_Great_I_Am_Not nerding the fuck out about High Fantasy. Yeah, it's not high fantasy, you can tell cause it doesn't suck ass.

I'm so tired of this "Mainstream=bad", you get the same shit on band subreddits. Like /r/arcticmonkeys


So, yeah, excuse my effort post but I'm sick of these smug losers on this site constantly thinking that because you're not into something popular that you're not basic when being counter-culture for the sake of it is even more basic.

You want to say you didn't like ASOIAF? Fine. You want to say that it objectively sucks ass? Get a life.

Just like the top comment reply to me is going to be about how the user is just too cool to care about anything, and that's why he lives in a shitty 1 bedroom apartment alone.

P.S to the Great I am not, too. Wheel of Time is terrible and only popular with nerds who have time to read through a series longer than the old testament

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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This is a bizarre pathetic rant and it's really weird that you wrote it. It's also entirely 100% correct

You know I realized about halfway through writing it that your assessment is correct.

I made a post that got /r/drama users to upvote a pro-GRRM and mainstream comment but it was weird as hell and written like I have a mental disorder.

I spent so long thinking if I could, when I should have asked if I should.

The Arctic Monkeys tangent was my favorite part.

I was more referring to stuff like the scene in the first book where Danny gets cream-pied. What does that add to the book? It reads like Martin was jacking off while writing it.


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At least you called out the Wheel of Time posters.

I'll burn the whole fucking internet to the ground right now if you don't shut your stupid mouth.

Arctic monkeys first album was the fastest ever selling UK album, they were hardly in a garage before am lol. Even their early eps had a huge amount of hype


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He writes from the perspectives of the characters the chapters are from. You choose Tyrion, Asha, and Sam - a midget frat bro, a literal crazy viking bitch, and a guy with self esteem so low that a poster from /r/politics would take his lunch money.

Good job, now start quoting Dany, Jon, or Jaime.

Shutup r-slur your book is shit stop serious posting and stop being so shook someone doesn't like your epic fantasy books

The books are shit, its 2deep4u lotr smut.

How smoothbrained do you have to be to think GoT is in any way deep.


The books are great

Doesn't it have like 4 pages dedicated to someone shitting?

Someone post the gravity’s rainbow bit

When I read A Game of Thrones when I was twelve after reading The Legend of Drizzt books and I realized you could actually kill a main character when they lopped off Ned's head and Khal Drogo died from a scratch, it was pretty gud

Watching GOT on tv in 2019 however 🤢🤢🤢

I first read it when I was 14. I kept flipping ahead to see when the next Daenerys chapter was because I masturbated while reading each of them. I also skipped the prologue because I confused "prologue" with "preface" and thought it was just a boring introduction.

dude yes I was 12 too and when Ned Stark died it was literal galaxy brain stuff. This was nearly 20 years ago now :(

I thought the TV show was great for the first 4 seasons when it was about political backstabbing etc.

Then season 5 onwards it became generic dragons and zombies fantasy shit 😴😴😴

muh wimmen power etc

Dragon lady and snow man are popular because they're the most generic one-dimensional overpowered characters, making them great for brainlets to identify with when their boring lives dissatisfy them

Wait, who snowman?

Jon who is ill-informed.

I thought the TV show was great for the first 4 seasons when it was about political backstabbing etc.

The last episode of season one had a cripple and two children throw cgi fireballs at bad cgi skeletons. It also featured a shirtless sociopath fight and easily overpower 20 good vikings who spent a whole season rowing to his house. Then the main character kills his father for no good reason because D&D thought viewers were too stupid to remember what action happened and instead just left it as he was angry about being sentenced to death when his dad told him to stop threatening to kill Joffrey and offered him the wall.

as he was angry about being sentenced to death

It's been a while since I saw the show, but wasn't he also angry because he had a lifelong grudge against his father who has never treated him well, and that his girlfriend betrayed him to be with his father?

But yeah I agree with you that it's retard​‌ed to kill your dad because of that.

In general I'm quite lenient of dumb shit that happens in tv shows. Like Jamie and Cersei are god damned retar​ds but at least they are people. I much prefer that over the mindless zombie enemies in the later seasons.

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as he was angry about being sentenced to death

It's been a while since I saw the show, but wasn't he angry because he had a lifelong grudge against his father who has never treated him well, and that his girlfriend betrayed him to be with his father?

In general I'm quite lenient of dumb shit that happens in tv shows. It just needs to be exciting and unpredictable. Jamie and Cersei for example are god damned r‌etar​ds who keep digging themselves into bigger holes, but at least they are people. I much prefer that over the mindless zombie enemies in the later seasons.

The only reason the newer seasons seem worse is that GRRM would rather play with his fat pink mast instead of writing the books.

Doesn't he literally type with one finger on some ancient computer?

20 good vikings


Main character kills his father for no good reason

Except the part where Jaime is still Cersei's bitch, this was done right and not for "no good reason".

Except the part where Jaime is still Cersei's bitch, this was done right and not for "no good reason".

Nope. In the show Tywin warns Tyrion to stop threatening to kill Joffrey and tries to get him sent to the wall. Tyrion decides to threaten to murder Joffrey, gets caught with the murder weapon, and then refuses to be sent to the wall. He also had no reason to go to Tywins room that night so you can take Shae out of the picture. If Tyrion wasn't a fan favorite then fewer people would justifying him killing his dad while whining about how his dad somehow knew he was innocent but sentenced him to die (nope that was you when you choose Oberyn).

and tries to get him sent to the wall

Yes, until Cersei/tywin uses Shae against Tyrion which sets Tyrion off. It was the second time his family used someone he loved to crush him and humiliate him completely.

Gets caught with the murder weapon

Lol what murder weapon, Joffrey was poisoned. Tyrion was caught getting pointed at and that was enough for Tywin to condemn him to the wall or to death.

IIRC Tywin wanted Tyrion out of the picture so Jaime would be forced to inherit and Joffrey's death gave him the perfect opportunity. Tywin obviously preferred sending him to the wall to keep Jaime happy, but he had no issues letting Tyrion die.

No reason to go to Tywins room that night so you can take Shae out of the picture

His whole family besides Jaime just did a repeat of the most traumatic event of his life except this time both his freedom and his life were on the line.

No shit he wanted to kill Tywin. He doesn't need a reason. He was angry that his father willingly condemned him to death even though he knew of his innocence. It's possible that he didn't plan to kill Tywin at first, but seeing Shae up there set him off.

You seem to think that "no rational reason" = "no reason". Tyrion isn't an infallible character who acts without emotion. He's subject to making shit irrational decisions as much as the rest of us. "HURRR WHY DID HE DO DUMB THING????" idk probably cuz he's been shit on his whole life and he's had not one but two of his life's loves used to absolutely demolish him.

still unemployed then?

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Was that a "20 good men" reference?



Lel, Ironborn are literally the worst people in Westeros, they only steal shit

The n-slur of the Game of Thrones universe

She’s one of the more embarrassing characters ever put to tv that’s for sure, but her book counterpart manages to be worse by being an actual child.

Not sure why Reddit loves her so much.


Emilia Clark looks so much better as a brunette. The wom(an)s’s gorgeous but she doesn’t look that great in GoT.

You are a r-slur, sir

Imagine not wanting to be dominated by a woman in a blonde wig shouting in pseudo-Latin.

Because she's hot

Dragon ladys eyebrows are the best actors on the show.

If you take the show on its own rights that is a fair point I think. However, having read the books before the show came out I have found the show to be an entertaining but not as deep adaptation of the novels. There are elements to GRR Martin’s writing that I find kind of cringe or boring at times compared to fantasy classics like Tolkien, but overall the series is very well written and has a lot of depth.

So I’d say there is an important difference in source material between superhero movies and fantasy epics like ASOIAF

I kinda disagree. As a fight, Battle of the Bastards was very well done as a medieval combat scene. Perfect? Nah. But pretty damn good.

Yeah if you think everyone having swords qualifies as medieval combat

Shields, positioning, encirclement, spears, cavalry, massed archery. It was at least interesting. Perfect? Nah. But interesting.

Dude piles of bodies lmao


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Beats weebshit lol


I bet you listen to 60s rock

dumb cliché plotlines

Ah yes,the famous cliche where the kill of the most famous actor in season 1.


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GOT has been overrated from the start and doubly so after season 4.


Rapeshit works just fine

I read that as Runescapeshit

Can we ping J-mods?

(((j-slur mods)))


capeshit is just shit with capes

But they do have cloaks which are basically capes

I’ve seen one episode of the old Tits n’ Swords shit. Just seems like a lot to get involved in idk.

Oh ok 👍

You’re mad.


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C​ O P E


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Also swords are lame.

swords are old and homosexual

Not really seeing a problem here.

Nobody cares, phaggot

Game of Thrones is trash.

Depending upon where you get your information from (or can ACTUALLY READ) Martin tried to write high fantasy, but he failed.

It's horrible. A shitty story, poorly written and just bad all the way around.

And HBO made it something to make money from, and now they have to finish the story because that shitty writer, loser and all-around dumb-ass isn't even close to high quality high fantasy such as Wheel of Time, Middle Earth compendium, Stormlight, and Mazalan.

Wheel of Time


I stopped reading that one as soon as I realized that all the g-slurs in it are huge b-slurs.

I's hard to keep up with stuff above your head.

...said dryly.

Robert Jordan strikes me as one of those guys who could only get off when his wife stepped on his balls with stilettos and spit in his face

Oh my. You lack so much knowledge.

That's hot

And his wife was a sub, hence WoT.

Yeah its pretty bad in the first few books, rand literally talks to a few g-slurs and egwene gets p-slurred but she grinded on a hippie for a week and that was acceptable

My main problem with the series is that I realized it felt like a Mount and Blade session -- Almost every power-holder/noble character/whatever exudes either woodenness or obnoxiousness that made me stop caring about them early on.

And seeing the scenes on TV, with the usual pacing issues such an adaptation brings, makes the grimdark scenes seem overtly purposefully placed.

I'd like to see an adaptation of WoT just so people see how truly unwoke it is on the transgender debate.

I'm not a fan of the tv adaptation, because the special effects and the morality and mentality is not possible to financially recreate on tv or streaming, but it is supposedly being done.


"Hey Thom guess what moiraine just told me" said a woman who was more handsome than beautiful then crossed her arms under her breasts.

"You better watch out Aes Sedai can't lie but they can spin the truth like a top" Thom said as he harrumphed and blew out his long mustaches.

I'm only on 9 so no spoilers but the only problem I can see really is >!Lews therins voice and making the battles between channelers interesting when there basically just standing there trying to shield each other!<

You've slightly misquoted it, and it's relevant. You've got to pay attention if you're going to truly the whole story, and get the best of what's it's all about:

"An Aes Sedai never lies, but the truth she speaks may not be the truth you think you hear."

They literally mean the same thing

Kinda, but not really. It's a bit nuanced, like understanding the difference between the Ten Commandments and the Ten Commitments.

How did a fantasy book series manage to stumble into the transgender discussion, let alone that far in advance?


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These aren't really spoilers, I'm basically summarizing a prologue.

So a good way through the series, a character pops up. They had lived and died as a man, but Big Baddy brings them back to sow more chaos. Except this time, they're a womn lol. At first glance, it *is** kind of woke. The character even coming to identify with their sex.

Except with all the implications of the magic system. Magic is split between the boy and girl variety, and it comes straight from the soul. Basically, even God of that universe can't switch that shit around.

TL;DR - It doesn't matter what kind of plumbing your body has, because your soul's got balls or it doesn't.

You forgot the other modern High Fantasy classic, Sword of Truth

Was there a single character that didn't get raped or almost raped? I don't think so.


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He's not trying to write high fantasy. He wasn't even going to have dragons in it.

It's light fantasy merged with real world politics. Unfortunately the politics became too complicated for GRRM to keep track of and HBO attracted too many casuals who wouldn't be interested in the political side so the show simplified. The action fantasy side seems like something GRRM doesn't actually like but the nature of the story kind of means that the fantasy of frost giants w-slur walkers and wyverns dragons will overtake the political side. Then you have D&D who admit they only cared about the red wedding and don't respect a lot of the characters (Stannis) and now just want a binary good vs evil story with epic hashtag moments.

That said it's a fun watch if you turn your brain off.

Narnia doesn't even get that bad. Look at That Hideous Strength if you really want to see Lewis reveal his christcel power level.

which loser low life gave this comment gold?

It's light fantasy merged with real world politics.

At least the real greats had some semblance of understanding of geopolitics, mythology and history.

It's light fantasy merged with real world politics. 

This is an apt description of the shit I just took.

What they did to Stannis character should be punishable by intense ball torture

Wheel of Time

Wardens wear capes.


Teft sells his cape.


Literally nothing but capes.

Shut up nerd

Malazan is just as cringe with Eriksens 62 page downs syndrome Kruppe monologues and his complete and utter inability to write a fucking climax and seems to believe in a dramaturgical flatline when it comes to pacing. The world building is the only good thing about it.

Wheel of Time sucks hard core and Stormlight lul.

All fantasy sucks in some way because it's impossible to get it right. It's just children's books for kids and someone will always complain. Aoiaf was great for the first 4ish books, all of Lotr is obviously great, the first Dune book is good but let's just admit fantasy is just capeshit for nerds

There are lots of capes in GoT.

Better than Harry Retcon, tbf


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Absolutely. Arya is unbearable (plus LMAO plot armor), Jon Snow is cringe and g8y, the dragons add nothing of interest and dumb down the plot, the Bran shit is possibly the worst subplot of all time and just looking at his dumb fucking face and the scenes with Hodor tilted the shit out of me.

just kill all Starks already and make Littlefinger the overlord

oh wait they totally fucked up Littlefinger, nvm

He was an interesting character ruined by the show. Evil for the sake of evil is dumb

his ending was extremely anti-climactic and dumb, how do you get outsmarted by Sansa for christ's sake

they had to get rid off him because the show was no longer about politics, but about superheroes tossing out one-liners getting themselves needlessly in impossible situations and getting out solely because of luck and plot-armour

the great days of red wedding or other good moments when anyone who fucked up and broke the rules of the game (don't trust nobody, show no mercy, dont fuck some doctor instead of a designated bribe and think you can get away with it) was whacked, now is the time for capeshit

You realize that Sansa is going to kill LF in the end, right? Not in the r-slurred show way. But still.

if she kills him it will be because he broke one of the candinal rules (don't trust noone), not because they are playing high school girl drama in a fucking medieval castel

I agree. But she is totally going to kill the dude who is love with the young version of her mother and by proxy her and set off a whole huge war to gratify his lust.

There was no room for a political saboteur once the show finally reached its "dragons and magic" phase. This was the trap GRRM wrote himself into. There would be no way to keep having political intrigue when you had an army of undead and a kid who could see the past.

I take it you have read the books then, because Cersei is still...well, trying, and Meereen isn't exactly a paradise.

Aren't the books still around Season 5 of the show in terms of plot? I know events get mixed around/dropped in the show. That was before the "capeshit" started being emphasized.

I don't remember, though it's whenever Dany got on her dragon and left Meereen.

I mean, the books' politics are still better than the show, regardless. Even if GoT had better writing for its later seasons, TV isn't really a medium that lends itself to that kind of worldbuilding. All of the things GRRM could expound on with prose have to be presented visually or through dialogue alone.

“seriously I'm ok with having an r-slur character but don't subject me to extended scenes of their r******dness it's awkard and nobody enjoys that shit.”

Y the fuck do you even hang out here?

All genre fiction is just some variant on the capeshit formula.

Thought this was negareddit for a second

my nega

Horseshoe confirmed

Sounds like someone is salty they can't afford HBO.

sounds like someone doesn't know torrents

game of thrones has a complex plot, far more complex characters, and the heroes actually die

Stop lying there is no way you can tell who will survive a super hero movie, especially when all the characters already have two sequels in pre-production.

I like capeshit, and I like GoT even more. Fight me, f@gg0t

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I like capeshit, and I like GoT even more. Fight me, f-slur

Early-seasons GoT is acceptable. Capeshit otoh is haram.

Easy, two words is all it takes.


Real Shit Unironically

prove me wrong

Why would I disagree with the blatantly obvious

At least theres no 70 year old playing science guy

Keep Bill Nye out of your mouth.


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Doing God’s work

I mean, if you are a dramatard who hates capeshit, then by definition this means, you expect a story that is told better. GoT is a story told better.

It got extremely popular exactly because it got so unpredictable, and it actually kills off the heroes you love.

Can you name one capeshit movie that did this? capeshit is capeshit because they are basically standardized serials told on the big screen, and nothing serious ever happens to these heroes because we all know movie producers want to keep producing sequels to these movies until the superhero fatigue sets in.

Can you name one capeshit movie that did this?

Logan (2017.)

It is absolutely haram. Why is Danerys simply not forced to wear a hijab?



It appeals to the lowest common denominator, like capeshit. So yeah, you’re right.

What are some high culture TV shows?

I have pretty basic tastes but the wire, sopranos, mad men I would say are quality shows

First book was good rest was trash. Third had potential. Extended universe is utterly trashy.

Get out of here with your normie bullshit


The later seasons of the show are yeah.



Boy, I’ll fucking /u/Onitan your ass

The show is now, at the beginningthere was a lot of subverting expectations and departing from cliches but the tv show would likely end with a Dreamworks style musical number the way it is shaping up.

Punish real takes with death “mods”

Since last season, yes

Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichaen duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.

still unemployed then?

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ITT a lot of "GoT sucks lol" from people who have clearly watched every episode and maybe read a few of the books too

The show has definitely gone off the rails since it went past it's source material but it is was excellent until then. This thread is just nerds jerking each other off over liking more obscure fantasy. Ending bullying was a mistake.

Fuck off Sauron

Better actors and Better script. Look at it this way Sophie Turner went to marvel, no one from marvel went to GOT

Not Marvel but Mamoa


Wasn't always, but the more it diverged from the books the more one-dimensional and simplistic it became.

No ur g-slur.

Yes. When Bobby B and Boromir died, I lost interest really fast.

The little girl beats up the big strong man

and everybody claps.

Are there many actual capes in the show? I think Selmy wore one.

Season 5-7 us mostly terrible with some great set pieces.The character work has gone down the drain.

Ctrl F "sunset"

0 hits

You chumps are pathetic at this.

Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

/r/umpopularopinions is that way >>>>>>>

You're right.