Look at the BRAAAAAAAAAAP πŸ’¨πŸ’¨ on Cortez 😩😩

1  2019-04-10 by Ghdust2


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


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How old is this guy anyway? When I see his comics I’m picturing the final boss of all BΓ³Γ²mers.

Basically this.

Born: 1957 (age 62Β years)

β€˜57 is prime boomer year.

Honestly it’s on the later side. Prime boomer year is 1948, so they were 19 years old in college during the summer of love

shut up boomer

I can still smell the flowers in their hair

Sometimes I think that Ben Garrison might be racist.


...and that's a good thing.

He's the kind of racist that jacks off to women of color.

Hol up bro what's that even supposed to mean

You jerk off to Ghetto Booty Bustaz 420 before posting on /pol/

What's wrong with that?!

You mod r/booboons

Me but unironically


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Just call them sheboons bro, they don't deserve any kind of respect

you should let u/DistortedLines know this!

He's been deported


I'm just saying cool it with the kink kinkshaming remarks.

The kind of guy that posts to /r/justbeblack

Why do you even know that sub exists?

It's been posted here before. Good mix of fetishists and fetishists in denial.


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Okay, this is epic

One of us...?

Call me a fucking nutball but I think it's possible he may be a republican as well, though I have no facts to support that.

You have labels tho

Jeez. You mentally ill leftists call everyone racist. Just the other day some libshit on r/politics was rewriting history to try to paint the fuhrer as an anti-semite.

How often do you think Bentanyl goes on n word tirades without the proper n word passes?

And horny

Is Sharpton even alive ?

he was replaced with one of those ghouls from fallout

Al Sharpton? I haven't heard that name in years, he borders on "literally who".

Why is he still relevant?

He's not, the only place he gets mentioned is on right wing right talk radio

Fox mentions him to since it’s someone the boomers can actually remember.

LOL he's got a show on MSNBC.

Also, I hate that fuckin' guy.

He's in here because they all pledged to support reparations at his conference.

... and all the 2020 (D) presidential candidates that have started courting his blessing. Ben being fentanyl american doesn't make his comics any less accurate.

The National Action network just had a event were a lot of the Democratic candidates came to speak at. The NAN is Al Sharpton's network.

He's a player in New York politics still. More machine stuff than high-publicity stuff these days.

Why is he still relevant?

Because he runs a huge activist organization that holds conferences and fundraisers for democrats.

I think he's someone who learned his lesson that he can get more stuff done by bribing politicians than going on Phil Donahue or Oprah.

Activist organization lol

When corporations give to Al's network it's two birds with one stone, it buys valuable woke points, and also it fulfills part of their bribery quotient for that side of the political aisle.

He's relevant because Boomers remember him from the 80s and those memories still get them frothing at the mouth.

doesnt he still have a time slot on CNN?

Are you serious? Candidates meet him as like a left wing right of passage. I get it, Garrison is peak boomer. Doesn't change your inability to think before commenting LOL

keeping in touch with boomer politicians

No thanks grandpa

Ah yes, enlightenment through willful ignorance. Truly baste


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Can we appreciate the fact that everything but the throne, crown, and stage is labeled? Benny's back to his classical style 😍😍😍

Thank goodness, enough labels for clues, but still a few mysteries to activate the old almonds.

What could the throne mean?

Ben's Clues

Art historians are gonna have to study this shit 500 years from now.

The skateboard isn't labeled either and I don't know what it's supposed to mean.

See what i mean? I didnt even see the skateboard without the label πŸ˜”

Although the label is aboard the skateboard so maybe the human is unlabeled. Benny is saying Beto is really a sentient skateboard inside a human skin suit, or controlling an empty human vessel through board telepathy.

Finally Big Daddy Ben labelled what AOC was doing, I didn't understand until now

Imagine thinking right wingers care about reality.

I'm just saying that there is a lot of debate among climate scientists

...probably, I don't know any

Do you honestly think Ben Garrison knows a single thing about New York politics? Isn't he hunkered down in some compound in Idaho or wherever?

tfw never gonna be a neet making big bucks churning out drug-induced political caricatures

that's why I wifed up. her name is tina toon.

Imagine thinking NY politics is relevant. Waiting on hurricane Sandy's successor to finish the job.

Floor isn't labeled, this can't be a real Ben Garrison comic

I thought Bernie was against reparations? I swear I remember the blue checks cancelling Bernie over it

Yup. And he just got cancelled again for not wanting the entire 3rd world to move into his spare bedroom.

At which lakehouse?

Blue checkmarks have never been fans of Bernie. Woke capitalism is the highest stage of communism FYI.

Also Ben Garrison has never been well known for his dedication to accuracy anyway.

Twitter likes. πŸ‘€βœ…

Advancing the conditions of the working class? 🚫

implying Ben cares

I didn't want to comment on this awful post but there's no brap in this. It's one thing to act like a mongoloid but you look like a fool when you use words without knowing what they mean.

weary of serious posting about politics, the reddit or moved on to serious posting about brap

β€˜57 is ultra Boomer level for sure.

You will never get to bareback Commie Mummy while you grab her massive milkies and she seizes the means of your reproduction.


Kill me now :(

Anyone got that Pol sweating cause brown women meme


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I appreciate the attention to detail he put in with the tasteful gap between AOC’s jacket and pants.

hmm, this cartoon would only be complete if pete buttgay was doing some actual ass-kissing


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I wonder what getting down on your hands and knees to kiss al sharp tons huge bl*ck diamond could be a metaphor for

can someone whom knows about art stuff please help.

Why are conservatives obsessed with Al Sharpton in 2019? Does the average AOC fan who is probably 15-21 have any idea he exists? Then again they still whine about Hillary Clinton.

The amount of detail he gave Commie Mommy is honestly impressive.

Googly anime eyes, detailed hair, voluptuous breasts, a pronounced booty and, the cherry on top, the small amount of visible skin between her shirt and pants.

He totally jerked off while drawing this.

he had to squeegee his wacom tablet clean after this masterwork


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