Toxic πŸ‘πŸ» yellow fever πŸ‘πŸ» fetishizing πŸ‘πŸ» mayo πŸ‘πŸ» masculinity πŸ‘πŸ» won’t πŸ‘πŸ» do πŸ‘πŸ» in 2019 πŸ‘πŸ»

1  2019-04-10 by HardIsLife


It is not time to lay down nor look down.

It is time to rise.

Battlefield, they put women in it.

Resident Evil, they destroyed it.

Mass Effect, they ruined it.

When is enough, ENOUGH?

Big media has entered the fold. They are here.

They are using advanced strategies to censor us.

This is not one battle.

This is a war.

On all of us.

We all have to work together. Share strategies. Come up with new ones.

Forget which game is better.

We are fighting for our right to boob animation.

If we do not work together, we will all get rekt.

We have to all have an open discussion about this.

It starts right here. Right now.

They want to fck with us. SO BE IT.

We have the power of bots like them.


I am TIRED of it.

Tired of the GAMES and MANIPULATION.

They want WAR.

Then let us GIVE THEM WAR.


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Mfw a K-slur tells me that prostitution never existed in their country until burgers invented it. They ought to make a time travel k-dr*ma where the evil cauc travels back centuries to invent the gisaeng.

I would totally watch that.

B*by, I'd make you a star in it

Only uggo's, pedo's and manlets like ching chang chong g-slur.

Yep, fetishizing second generation Asian grills whose parents chose to come to America/Europe is definitely rooted in colonization and war. About what you'd expect from a math-rejected yellow g-slur smh.

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I apologize for my insensitivity smh

Yep, fetishizing second generation yellow grills whose parents chose to come to America/Europe is definitely rooted in colonization and war. About what you'd expect from a math-rejected yellow g-slur smh.

This is why mayo men need to go after latinxas, the yellows are getting as uppity as mayo g-slurs.

Yeah people that like asian chicka mostly mean they like korean/japanese wom*n from that specific country. Not asian ones living in the us. The ones living here have a completely different culture.

You think fat neckbeards are willing to actually travel to ching chong land? They'll take yellows here too.

They have a point but as always go over the top.

Last 3 girls I have been out with have been Asian and I've been hit with some non subtle shit over it .

I'm not too picky and if the Asian girls are the only ones replying on tinder what do you want from me. It isn't like I'm turning down queues of mayos looking to date me

They want that green card.

Fair enough but I'd only date someone who can speak english fluently, I wouldn't mind being able to work in China or KR either

Let me guess. You’re gonna teach English πŸ™„

Nah Im a programmer for a bank that has branches in Asia , I'm the high quality loser Western export 😎

I’m a programmer too πŸ™„ and mayo brogrammers are the worst. I bet you use Linux, refuse to use a mouse and even unzip the files in command line.

That's the network engineers, I'm part of the Chad front end programmers who talk to people, sometimes not even entirely work related, and use windows

I’m frontend too!!! Stop taking our jabs and stop invading wamen spaces in tech πŸ™„

Srspost I get shamed for having yellow fever just for going after girls who I share interests with, who in a larger proportion happen to be Asian , not because of them being Asian

Think there is a wider anti mixed couple's undertone under a lot of this

Srspost I get shamed for having yellow feve

Rightfully so.

going after girls who I share interests with, who in a larger proportion happen to be Asian , not because of them being Asian

Excuses πŸ™„

Send me more mayos who have a STEM/nerd background or can tolerate it then , while not being fat

Porn breakdown I watch is like 90% mayo if that makes you feel better


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There are other races apart from mayo and Asian πŸ˜’

You got caught by the bot get out of here 😎

πŸ˜’ slaps

What is your solution btw, because it isn't like I'm turning down anyone else based on race

Are you sure you arnt a lost arzidentity larper

Become voluntarily celibate.

Eh, I’m an Asian woman 🀣


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And is your bf a may* guy who totally isn't like that πŸ™„


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No, he blΓ€ck πŸ™„

And that is somehow different πŸ˜‚ maybe he should stop fetishesing Asians

Please stop speaking on behalf of minority men and their experiences πŸ˜’

Yikes sweaty, are you sure you arnt fetishesing him as a minority there

Minorities cannot fetishize each other or be racist towards each other. You have a lot to learn, sweaty smh

Not sure you actually get minority points sorry, not lacking in power or privilege

Sounds like you are trying to appropriate discrimination like those wh*te girls who put on tan to be dark skinned

Stop mansplaining πŸ™„

Stop πŸ‘ appropriating πŸ‘ discrimination πŸ‘ you aren't a minority and are fetishesing your bf

Discrimination of what? lol

You don't get a pass on bonding as minorities as you arnt a minority .

Fetishesing πŸ‘ of πŸ‘ basketball πŸ‘ Americans πŸ‘must πŸ‘stopπŸ‘

Wow, you’re literally a Nazi πŸ˜’

No πŸ‘ you πŸ‘

I'm real sorry I read this whole exchange.

You're on drama you can't just post that without adding an opinion

Watch me, English Teacher.

I wouldn't ever be a teacher I hate children and stupid people


I don't know your area, but you may end up with a better reward for your time if you develop the ability to make conversation and cold approach irl. Dating apps are essentially judged on pics and then it's your game to lose in messaging.

Im shit at conversations, I'm relatively autistically /fit/ so the matching part isn't as hard for me as some.

Wish I was gay , they are way less fussy and can appreciate working out more

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Im shit at conversations, I'm relatively autistically /fit/ so the matching part isn't as hard for me as some.

Wish I was gæy , they are way less fussy and can appreciate working out more

When convenient, maybe grind out your cold opens: situational one liners, comments about the weather, you somehow love iced chai in this moment just as if you first tried some, etc. I suggest programming of 10x day, 20 days out of the next thirty. Allow time for rest one day a week from the mental shock of speaking to others as though they might talk back to you.

You'll still have autism but the exercise is intended to develop familiarity and later confidence in the first three or four sets of responses in the conversational decision tree. Most conversations are in the beginning mostly cliche, meaning they are learnable and teachable.

Learn to eject with grace, or even without grace: "I'm headed out now", etc. Talk to homeless people if you want easy mode, instagrams thots or businessmen walking with purpose if you need a challenge.

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Try no. 2:

When convenient, maybe grind out your cold opens: situational one liners, comments about the weather, you somehow love iced chai in this moment just as if you first tried some, etc. I suggest programming of 10x day, 20 days out of the next thirty. Literally open your brain and dump some reasonably coherent thought out. Allow time for rest one day a week from the mental shock of speaking to others as though they might talk back to you.

You'll still have *tism but the exercise is intended to develop familiarity and later confidence in the first three or four sets of responses in the conversational decision tree. Most conversations are in the beginning mostly cliche, meaning they are learnable and teachable.

Learn to eject with grace, or even without grace: "I'm headed out now", etc. Talk to homeless people if you want easy mode, instagrams thots or businessmen walking with purpose if you need a challenge.

More conversations when I'm expected to be hitting on them πŸ™„ I'm a relatively functioning adult in a work and with friends environment

The fuck do the may*s want me to tell them on a blank profile or liking travelling, it's tedious


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Oh hamgurgers Automod; your insistence is as a continual lament.

when I'm expected to be hitting on them

I guess that wasn't specified in my little prescription above: this isn't actually a dating oriented conversation you would expect to open above, targeted at an outcome. It's more like take ten tries each day at non-a@tism and see how it goes.

I would suggest opening anyone whose body language indicates a modicum of receptivity; try not to count service workers since it's after all that person's job.

The key phrase I would stress here is taking beneficial action without having a specified outcome in mind. I actually came to this exercise from the standpoint of improving mental health (mental fortitude), but it lends itself to being groundwork to learn how to hit on these critical hoes since you generate a body of experience to reflect on. Like with anything YMMV. I enjoyed doing it about three years and may try again when things calm down for me in other parts of life.

*I'll edit on the profile thing: they want something to hook onto, conceptually. Biker guy that likes poetry; finance fellow into sailing (yawn) and mudriding before the race (!); you get the idea. My thesis is to present a social type with an interesting sideline that illuminates your personality, that hints at complexity.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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Asian bitches are hawt. Except for koreans, they look like they got hit in the face with a frying pan.

Eh, but their plastic surgery is ahead of everywhere else and a lot of them look good now. It’s bit creepy because many of them look the same after surgery though.

And to bust your bubble

Ewww. Gross. Those uggos look like a pile of kimchi. Disgusting bunch of rice monkeys with creepy anime face. I didn't mean all 10 trillion asian bitches were hot, only the actual hot ones.

But the hot ones might look like that without makeup lol

Hot bitches don't need makeup. Anytime I see that anime face I know something is up. It's weird af. I thought it was done more with plastic surgery tho.

I highly doubt it when men say they know who’s wearing makeup πŸ™„

IRL it's not difficult to tell the difference between someone with a little eyeshadow on vs a face plastered with foundation and concealer. U can't fool me bby.

Does anyone else get that song β€œit’s a hard knock life” stuck in your head? I fucking read your username and just start whistling it.

I mean, Its fun to whistle but it’s pissing off my coworkers. So please change your username thank you πŸ‘Œ

Taking all bets on the number of months it takes for the author to end up with a wh*te boy.


thinking this b**chass article is gonna stop me from fantasizing about having am asian gf as i fall sleep

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