J-slur daddy wins reelection and r/worldnews is not happy

1  2019-04-10 by Zac1245


This is why we need mayocide.


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Juice: A Race? A Historically-Inbred Ethnic Group? A Religion? Or All Three?

Are Juice a race? Yes...and no. Yes, they are people related by DNA or genes. But most anthropologists do not classify Juice as a race, or a subrace, since a) Ashkenazim Juice, i.e. most, Juice are a racial hybrid, and b) calling Juice anything other than a religion has been taboo since WWII. Further, that question "are Juice a race?" depends on the/your scientific definition of the word "race" [subspecies]. The term "ethnic group" is probably more accurate in describing the Juice, although "race" can also be used.

[A word needs to be said about the field of Anthropology and Juice. An anthropologist informed us that when he studied anthropology in the 1950s, Juice were not referred to as anything other than a religion, and he said that that feature is still true today. We call this non-mention of Juice as an ethnic group by the anthropology field dishonest and politically-motivated].

Someone on the web mentioned that [paraphrasing] "Juice function as a race, so they are a race, regardless of what modern science calls them." Indeed. Juice are more cohesive and unified than any other ethnic group, so that is a great description of the Juice. Thanks, somebody.

Furthermore, the word "Howahito" means Howaito European. In other words, a Howaito person's ancestors originally came from a Howaito European country, such as England, Germany, France, etc. Some Juice may appear to be Howaito. In other words, they may have light-colored skin and light-colored hair. That does not make them howaito, however. Only genetics makes a person Howaito. The Juice are not genetically howaito. [One of the reasons that the Juice have been so successful in the Western countries is that they sometimes appear to be Howaito].

Howaito gentiles should hopefully be able to recognize Jewish people based upon their physical appearance, but granted, this is not always possible. However, Juice often have features that identify them as being Jewish by race. The majority of Juice do share common physical features -- especially in their faces and/or craniums [skulls].

Brief History of the Juice

Juice originally came from the tribe of Judah/Judahites back in old Canaan or Palestine. The Judah tribe was banished from the other Israelite tribes in about 950 BC. In 70 AD, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, and did so again in 134 AD, compelling Juice as a people to scatter in the wind. Some of those Juice made their way to Europe, others stayed closer to their original homeland.

There are two main types of Juice. Most Juice in America and Europe are Ashkenazim, aka "Eastern European" or "Russian" Juice.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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A Historically-Inbred Ethnic Group?

Still has more Nobel Prizes than the rest of the middle east combined

Wtf I love bibi now.

Nah just go hard left and don’t stop. It’s the one thing we really haven’t tried yet.

Yes, because is all of history there has never ever been a leftist government in power.

Of course the moron is a Chapocel.

I'm going to try this again since my last comment got automodded out of existence.

That guy is one of the biggest r-slurs who regularly spams the Sam Harris subreddit with the usual braindead Chapo takes. And that's saying something, because that sub is infested with r-slur-ed Chapos.

I don't know why so many idiots tend to flock to subs like r/samharris. I suppose it is because they like to RP as intellectuals.

I thought Sam Harris for discussing taboo and dangerous ideas?

Chapos don't like any taboo or dangerous ideas. Notice how they a*tistically screech whenever someone states that gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

Lol we don’t screech, we just laugh at you for sounding dumb. You’re wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole.

Is that all you got? An obsession with trans folks?

It is a mental illness that's why the suicide rate is 40%. CTH wasn't always as shitty as it is now. At some point, it was invaded by r*tarded, ID Politics-obsessed tumblrinas.

Well, as cringe-inducing as Harris's ethical theories are + his misunderstanding of the is/ought distinction, his podcast can be pretty decent and I still have fond memories of reading the End of Faith back in the day.

But the real problem on that sub is that all the regulars are Chapos and other socjus-obsessed m-slurs who all virulently hate Sam. This is allowed to continue mostly because the most active mod seems to agree with that perspective. So the whole place is just a constant shitshow.

You sound mad.

Not nearly as mad as you are about Netanyahu, Chapo lmao.

Mad? Better to have a monstrous face of the occupation than a technocrat who might make more acceptable to a broader public. Now the Democratic Party will have to run against supporting Bibi, the occupation, and to some degree Israel in general. It’s a mixed bag.

But you’re not interested in a discussion so why am I telling you this?

I don't know much about Sam Harris, but I assume the overlap between his followers and the Richard Dawkins crowd is pretty much a circle.

He's a more liberal version of Dawkins with less focus on biology/evolution and more focus on nueroscience/meditation + mediocre philosophy takes. His primary virtue is sometimes getting decent guests on his podcast.

However, if you were to believe the discourse on his sub, he is out there leading right-wing death squads, rounding up brave WOC and Muslims. Idk, you decide.

I dislike Dawkins, because of how he strawmans Christian beliefs to make his points. Honestly, though, I can't think of a bigger waste of time than debating the existence of God.

Lol “r-slurs”. So brave.

I bet you're not tough enough to use them big boy words either, mister dirtbag left

I don’t jizz every time I say a swear if that’s what you mean.

> - 2 points


**HOW CAN YOU DOWNVOTE?!?!?!?!?!**


I said you should be upvoted for bravely speaking out against (((them))) sweaty :-D

Does that mean I only fuck Chapos?

No, it means you don't fuck because you are a basement dwelling CTH user.

Right. We are preserving our essence. That’s how we can control your mind.

This chap probably thinks Khrushchev was right wing.

He wanted to tone down the gulaging and dissapearances, he's a disgusting moderate fascist tbh fam

He didn’t just tone it down, he basically stopped it and exposed it to the world. He also probably saved the world from nuclear annihilation. He also didn’t both doing any of this till after Stalin kicked and was a full participant up until then it so it’s a mixed bag.

Stalin would have put a bullet in his head at the first sign of dissidence, so I don't exactly blame him

Nor do I. Watch the Death of Stalin. Good movie.

Compared the communists that wanted workers to run the factories and not the commissars, yeah, he was.


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Lenin wanted to privatize social security


That was an obvious joke, come on


Oh is this what we’re doing?

Has the US or Israel tried a hard left government? Lol you’ll probably say Obama.

N*gga thats ghey imma go play some halo 3

In Soviet Russian, Halo plays you!

Holy fuck go back to /r/all you fucking scum

Nah I’m good. What else?

Ignore him. You're welcome here.

DAE America's left-wing is the rest of the world's extreme right? makes u think

You got my invite 😍😍😍

No need to try. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that Marxism doesn't work.


USSR, Hungary, China, Yugoslavia, Venezuela.

J daddy is unstoppable!

Day of the Kufi when?

Wouldn't this be his 5th term or something? Why are people claiming doom and gloom?

From what I got in the world news posts is that he wants to annex the West Bank as part of Israel and they are not happy about that!

I wish Isreal would just annex the whole middle east. Would be good for dramacoin.

Would be bad for homocidecels tho

But Muslims getting to vote is Islamophobic

Greater israel lets go 🇮🇱

I’d hate to agree with r/politics about anything but Netanyahu is unironically a pretty horrible person. He’s constantly railing against the more moderate voices in the government and it’s very unlikely there’d be a two state solution under his rule

Almost every article I've read on the topic said the two-state solution was dead long before Bibi.

A two state solution is never happening lol.

Palestinians killed it in 2000ish

They sure do love killin stuff alright

That’s because the Israelis aren’t willing to offer it. They have the backing of the US while the Palestinians have a handful of 4th world middle eastern governments on their side, they’d jump at the chance for a two state solution

The Hajjis had a chance with the Oslo Accords but they decided anuddah shoah would be more fun


There will never be a two-state solution under Netanyahu. That discussion is off the table for now.

there will never be a 2 state solution under a labor government either lol

Two state solutioncells BTFO

it honestly never began for them

BTFO even harder then.

One state solution, that state is the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.

ruled by the British

Shhh! Don't tell everyone

It’s over for hamascells

Netanyahu is the best thing that happened to chapocels because he justifies their burning hatred of Israel.

Reported for care-posting in r/drama

seriousposter out out out

He’s constantly railing against the more moderate voices in the government and it’s very unlikely there’d be a two state solution under his rule

Based. The only way he could make this better is to force a-slur to impregnate j-slur women, to integrate p-slur into I-slur.

Implying that the two state solution was ever a solution at all

Rabin made some progress in the 90s until he got John Kennedy’d by another Israeli

He’s constantly railing against the more moderate voices in the government and it’s very unlikely there’d be a two state solution under his rule


The IDDF out in full force in this thread

Right now he's indicted, but if he manages to get enough of the insane religious parties (which make American evangelicals look like atheists in comparison) he will be able to pass a law that gives him immunity to prosecution. Of course, in order to get them to agree to coalition with him now that he really, really needs them, they are going to ask for a lot and basically if you speak Arabic you are fucked.

It’s over for sandcells

His coalition would be in power by like 1 vote tho, I'd bet one of them would vote against

Aren't those religious parties the ones with all the full-time NEETs that refuse to do anything besides "studying the torah"?

They also throw rocks at womên who show their ankles on public buses.

Do they accept gentile members? They sound like fun

They can't even go 2 generations without fracturing into competing subgroups, so no sadly.

And they also pussy out of military duty, ironically enough.

Basically all the non-religious American J-slurs are crushing r/Israel with the sheer weight of their v v important opinions.

Annex that Palestine with your thicc Mossad Daddy😫😫😫

Based and ethnostatepilled


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J-slurs did this.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Looks like (((they))) meddle in Israel elections, too.

On a 0-10 scale, where 0 is "Israel is an evil apartheid state that should be fought with international solidarity" and 10 is "Israel is our most important ally and a shining beacon of democracy in an otherwise barren Middle East", anyone who is outside a 4-6 on that scale should be thrown off a cliff into the Endless Ocean.

lol they are still extremely tilted over mueller results. 2019 is off to a great start, but I think it's all setup for 2020's never ending dramaporn.

I’m unironically amused at this news as far as Reddit goes.

It’s everywhere on most news channels (or at least was during the voting) but reddit had every single article downvoted to oblivion lmao

If they dont like something they just try and hide it lmao.