hole discovered in universe, lead hole credited, everyone is pissed

1  2019-04-10 by 8675309999999999


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


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It would be easier to give a fuck about this discovery if it had some kind of real world apllication that I could see in my lifetime. The most i can muster is a "cool".

Plus there's been artists interpretations of this for decades and the reality isn't that much. It's cool as fuck nonetheless.

taking a photo of it is the first step on the road to using it as a stellar dumping-ground for reddit mods

the time will come, inshallahh

Hole-ing mods using science would almost make up for Bill Nye.

True Reddit geniuses only appreciate the epitome of science if accompanied by pictures.

My granddaddy told me he don't give a hoot about some n word hole and then threw a Pabst at me

Caring about holes that are not bussy related is r-slur'ed

Of course a f o I d would be good at taking pictures

*Manager of one team involved in the project is credited