G*mer 🤢 uses a goddamn Malcom X quote to defend his favorite vidya company.

83  2019-04-15 by Ghdust2


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Yawn. Another day, another embarrassment from /r/gamingcirclejerk


gamers need to be rendered extinct before the end of the century or they'll drag us all down with them

Imagine believing that’s a relevant quote.

G*mers are a cancer.

It is, though. Analogous situations in a certain context, differing scope.

Don't be an idiot.

Don't be an idiot.

Unlike you, I’m not a subhuman g*mer so I’m not an idiot by default.

Even if all g*mers are idiots, not all idiots are g*mers.

I think it's dumb, because these people had no problem with shitting on and criticizing Valve/Steam up until this Epic store controversy started.

They only now have a problem with it because they're losing their minds over Epic Store exclusives.

If somebody wrote an article in 2017 about Steam's search functionality being broken then they would happily upvote it and collectively complain about it. But now that's haram and means you are paid off by the Epic Store.

Gamingcirclejerk managed to become less funny than gaming lmao

The only time /r/gamingcirclejerk was ever funny was when they had a guy from there put his nutsack in the corner of a pic on /r/gaming

Can agree, that was amazing.

And the title ended with "this game is nuts!" True art like that is wasted on people who have to us /uj and /rj on a circle jerk sub.

The sub literally went down hill after that

Even better, his story is that his friend has died in a car crash -- the game in the photo was Crash.

"All it takes is for good men to do nothing" - Gaming proverb

using a Malcolm X quote to defend a corporation like Valve is infinitely more embarrassing.

It's more about attacking the media. Which is the point of the quote.

Saying the media is shit shouldn't turn you into a bunch of shit flinging monkeys just because it just so happens to be about video games. Media being shit is a universal truth.

oh my god shut the fuck up nobody cares.

take a shower and go outside.

Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks

we get it, you're retarded. you didn't have to tell us twice.

You better stop being mean to me, or else.

Malcolm X would have gone for the epic victory royale IRL if he had ever met a group of gamers

/r/gamingcirclejerk is full of fags and but that quote shouldnt be use for something so dumb.

What's the best way to ensure the extinction of all gamers? Poisining the dew supply? Electrocution through key boards and controllers? Forced labour?

mandatory microtransactions in all games

they'll starve before they stop buying rare skins


Make it illegal to be an incel. All gamers will be locked up and punished for crimes against humanity.

Not all gamers are incels

Sorry for disrespecting your people.

I'm not a gamer, but thank you.

white knighting for g*mers


No, you're somehow worse


Make it illegal to be an incel.

Government đź‘ŹGets đź‘ŹGirlfrendsđź‘Ź

Most gaymers are volcel tbh. It may be just incel + COPE but at least they're not incels.

This but unironically. Gussy doesn't compare to anime, Vidya, and dramaposting on Reddit.

Every game is an epic games store exclusive

It's about ETHICS

gamer loyalty to steam is the dumbest fucking shit out there

literally you're getting fucked in the ass using a shitty, broken platform with no customer service or consideration whatsoever and then getting furious when another company dares publish a game and offer it for free, making the poor manchildren open up another tab

That's the fucking thing that I can't wrap my head around. So many of these man-child types were like "I want other competitors to steam to but not like this!!! not through store exclusives!!" .... Like stupid motherfucker, the userbase is what gives steam it's market power. Exclusives are how other stores will get a foothold. Just look at GoG or whatever, they've been hanging around since forever without putting any significant dent into steam.


Even the ones pretending to be left wing and hoping that other competitors would show up and take less of a cut from the developers were also repeating the same talking point. G-slurs are the ultimate conformists.