A story in two posts.

94  2019-04-15 by sakfad


damn that bitch fine af

Nice ears?


>unironically getting turned on by gussy

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

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Deffo some 40 year old white dude RPing

That bottom image is pretty convincing for a moido

^ ^ ^ I mean you gotta trust this guy's opinion

Everything on the Internet is true, it's more fun to think that way.

my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?



Why’d you take such a long break between comments?

thats fake as fuck

I'm going to regret asking what a "BWC_Lover" is, aren't I?

Big white cock.

Is that a fetish sub or are people chasing unicorns?

Belgian waffle confection

Ever heard of a BBC? 😋

It's like that, but smaller 😭

>furry ears

C'mon I thought this shit was for fentanyl-sapiens only.

as with weebs, black furries are even more insane/confusing than their white equivalent.

Jesus fuck, OP wasn't kidding.

At least she recognizes how terrible her own fetish is for her health. If she isnt faking lmao.

Found the amateur internetologost. Real academics use Ribeye.

I would guess the second post is more likely to be fake than the first.