Wokecel celebrates burning of church. People are not happy

40  2019-04-15 by marty_eraser


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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A black guy whos a weeb. And here I thought that was only a mayo-only kind of degeneracy

They're more common than you think.

Every other black dude on Twitter is a weeb

Closer to 100%, people who aren't weebs aren't attracted to twitter.

Niggas love anime

especially dragonball

It's literally a show about niggas throwing hands

yeah with entire episodes of yelling first

Degeneracy is colour blind.

my ancestors said ITS PAYBACK TIME !! stream burn by ellie goulding

Weird soundtrack to the mayocide but ok.

Hey, I don't care what's playing, as long as the mayo population is declining

But black frogs are ultra religious. Wouldn't payback be undoing lactice

But black frogs are ultra religious. Wouldn't payback be undoing lactice

This is top tier trolling. Carry on you weeb teriyakicel

Oh no Africa's beautiful buildings

Japs are literally unapologetic about the hundreds of war crimes they committed but nice try weeb

why do redditors feel the need to shoehorn japanese "war crimes" onto any topic possible?

we get it you read a /r/todayilearned post about nanjing

also this is false


weeb name

post history literally only shilling for Japan


Btw it wasn't "shoehorned" idiot it was just a meme mocking some stupid retard on twitter

Maybe read the sidebar instead of jacking off to cartoons

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

You can disguise your serious posting as irony all you want.

You literally post to weeb subs

You can disguise your serious posting as irony all you want.

If you think that's serious posting then you are retarded

You literally post to weeb subs /

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Shoving an agenda into irony is still serious posting.

Shoving an agenda into irony is still serious posting.

Nigga implying that I care or not what Japan did

You gave sources for a comment then accused the other guy of serious posting.

This is your brain on anime.

i never said i wasn't

yeah including your agenda into your post is serious posting

any form of agenda posting is

Just own it, less embarrassing than whatever you’re trying to do here.

own what?

Anime picture avatar, bois.