You fucking incel. There's no such thing as ''female privilege''. No! More lenient prison sentences is not proof of such a misogynistic concept; it's a case of 'benevolent sexism'. Educate yourself.

22  2019-04-15 by Ladida876


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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there is no such thing as female privilege, or toxic femininity, etc.

Whores still exist though. What have you say about this?

What have you say about this?

sex workers are an oppressed class and are not remotely privileged.

'Sex workers' and whores are entirely different people. One has sex for fun and the other does it out of 'neccesity'.

One has sex for fun

what is privileged about being attractive, having tons of fun sex, and being sexually active? nothing.

seems like a big incel cope

the other does it out of 'neccesity'.

yes, sex work is often done as a necessity under capitalism for many women, queer people, coloured people, etc.

Nothing wrong with having sex for fun unless it's the only thing you know how to do, which is the case for many whores. That's why they're called whores in the first place. As for sex workers, there are plenty of other jobs that let you keep your dignity and make decent money and I'd advise for them to check those out.

nice srs post lulz

You know you love it

it's pretty boring

True. I can't bring myself to truly seriouspost the way the retards do

you were serious posting this entire time and are now pretending you weren't


Nah. I just talk a different way when it comes to certain users. For example, if I weren't talking an autistic trans woman right now, I wouldn't be talking this way at all.

nice serious post lol

Sounds like cope to me

no u

Lame response retard

no u

r00d but ok

no u

nigga moment

you can't say that word unless you're black

I am black


Thanks for not questioning the authenticity of my status as a person of color like everyone else

it was my privilege

my white privilege

Nothing wrong with privilege if you acknowledge it

One has sex for fun what is privileged about being attractive, having tons of fun sex, and being sexually active? nothing.

Literally everything you just wrote is a textbook example of privilege.

seems like a big incel cope

Lmao the big incel cope. Whores are gonna whore, buddy. There is no amount of incel cope that will ever change that fact.

Literally everything you just wrote is a textbook example of privilege.


Whores are gonna whore, buddy. There is no amount of incel cope that will ever change that fact.

glad we agree

incels btfod

Getting paid to spread your legs? Sounds pretty privileged to me.

not really, lol.

I am enjoying these things right now.


Just so you know, the plebs meeting assukas is going to be a long and delicious process. I’ve unironically been looking forward to this throughout the day.

even the veterans get trolled / baited by my shitty, zero effort bait

MDEfugees and cringey cringeanarchy kids are even easier

I honestly don’t know why the mods didn’t bring you in to do this months ago.

Because it took them that long to see if they were actually retarded or not

Well you can never be too sure around here.

Nah I tried to get assuka to post here for a while but she refused. That's when I got unironically mad a bit.

Then I guess cause she's now friends with Trappy and that she's posting here.

Best thing to happen for meta drama drama in a while. I don’t want to hear anymore “muh pings” when everyone can get in coping slapfights with her. I also figured someone wanted her here, excellent anti-fugee measure. We can’t just become CA.

Stop downvoting the lolcow please guys!

Imagine being a white middle class woman in America. Literally the easiest shit you could ask for.

yep, it's pretty sweet alright 💅🤭

It's framed that way because it's accurate to the situation and it's causes.

High-level of cope. You could use that argument for anything.

ThErE's No SuCh ThInG aS fEmAlE pRiViLeGe

There is totally such thing as female privilege, stop deluding yourself and look at the facts. Denying it just makes you look stupid, but being a feminist you look stupid anyway.

And don't come at me with that "YoU'rE aN iNcEl" bullshit just because I disagree with you. If anybody is an incel it's you and that's why you're so mad at men, because they won't even look at you the way they would an actual human woman.