How do you get approved for private r/drama

7  2019-04-16 by BenaGD

I lack social skils so this is the only place where I can make fun of people who are shitty but still have better lifes than me


be a main chatter instead of a filler chatter


that is a filler chatter response

be a main chatter instead of a filler chatter

Post bussy

Be notable and not a NPC.

Find a gimmick of some sort, I suppose. I started with some Ed posting (PbUH) and regressed from there.


Also actually submit shit. Anything. It doesnโ€™t matter.

Ratify the second anendment to this :

An appearance of having a big penis, being necessary to the aquisition of 40 m*ids, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
