Heroic Marine veteran finishes Boston Marathon with a crawl in honor of fallen brethren. Fatties, commies, and illiterates argue over whether it was a stunt, if he killed babies, or either they don't know, don't show, or don't care about what's goin' on in the hood.

150  2019-04-16 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


womp womp


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The Mayos of 'Murica vs the Red Commies is a fun comments section fight.

His legs locked up at mile 22 but the commies and the 'Murica mayos don't know how to fucking read.

But even when they read it they comment stuff like

A man in peak physical condition and a US Marine doesn't know how to run? Bullshit

Literally can't help these people

I'm picturing a grown man who literally has no idea how to run.

Not that hard to picture someone in a wheelchair tbhwuf

Lol get your legs working

Stand up, walk towards a mirror, now there’s no need for imagination

It's not like anyone on reddit knows anything about running a marathon either.

>Red Commies

>Not Mayos, disproportionately from America

Your entire comment history is mostly anti-US or anti-US military. You talk about us more than we do haha. Must be oil in your brain son, cuz we in there.

Holy shit btfo!

Trying to roast someone who hates the US for it's imperialism by using a joke that basically proves him right.


yea... thats the joke.

I'm pretty sure that person' whose comment you linked is OK with glorifying the troops.

Listen here, I am not afraid of YOU or your unappealing RELIGION. You attempt to feebly defend your honor because you are unaware of the persuasive mastermind you are dealing with. It is funny in all honesty seeing you try to win a battle you have no hope of gaining victory in.

Imperialism is a good thing, prove otherwise.

Asking a 12 year old for proof, that’s your plan? This is pretty much the prime example of a CTH user, they couldn’t prove that the sun exists

It lets Britcels and the like pretend like they're still important tho

Britcels literally lost their whole impire.

And that's a good thing. You'll still catch people talking about how they wuz kangs though.


No, baseball has always been an American sport. They never had an impire.

Brite are all imps.

Imperialismo 💪

Imagine living in 2019 and still thinking the wars are for oil not glorious Zion 😬

Most successful earlu internet psyop of all time till anon chans destroyed israeli intel

Big, scary US imperialism couldn't possibly make the Middle East worse of a mess than the Muslim majority already has done. At this point, the situation would get infinitely better if the entire Arabian peninsula were just annexed as the 51st state.

He's from Ireland, a country so backwards that despite being on Western Europe's westernmost edge, it not only failed to establish a colonial empire of its own, but was turned into a colony itself, and got cucked so long and hard that it has to keep its "national language" on life support because everyone adopted the invaders' tongue like 200 years ago.

The very existence of the US military and veterans will always be a boon for Drama coin.

Thank you for servicing me.


Wtf I love the troops now

Bro he's a marine a 26 mile is nothing, he should have been able to do it in full battle rattle

I they had packs of crayons at the refreshment tables, you know damn well they would be springing the whole way for that treat.

Most criticizing him probably never exercised a day in their life and have no idea what that is.

As some other drama naut posted

Marine: UUURAASAH! Charge that machine gun nest! Lets go! Dumb as fuck!

No one finishes better on their knees than a US Marine.

Yeah but we only suck dick ironically to make fun of the Navy. It's not our fault we're better at it, we're better at everything (except reading).

and cooking

My fucking ass, adding crayon bits to jalapeño cheese and crackers is the fucking apex of culinary achievements.

Thought I was the only dramatard that served. We must make our presence known by drawing dicks on everything in sight.

And coloring inside the lines

Nothing but respecc for international murderers. Don't wanna lose your limbs and then look ridiculous, don't go to foreign lands with a gun.

compsci-major trannies are the truly brave ones y'all

fuck those abominations too.

Too bad Palestinians aren't even considered people by most of the civilized world.

other arabs don't even consider palestinians people, much less the civilized world

false, Arab governments do, but Arab governments don't even consider their own population as people. We as Arabs love our Palestinian brothers.

as you treat them marginally better than Israelis do......

Not even remotely true, Egyptians were in the six-day war, and Palestinian refugees are always welcomed in Egypt (we refuse to give them the Egyptian nationality because that would basically erase their identity and benefit Israel immensely). We were once willing to die for Palestinians, this is not the case anymore because we now see that individual effort is useless and futile if there is no major force behind us so wasting our lives and being martyred would not actually achieve anything at the moment. But if there was ever a war where the Egyptian army would go to war with Israel (which is probably never going to happen in my lifetime) then you bet your ass i'd be the first one signing up for drafting.

Didn't you guys close your only border with Gaza?

That's what our corrupt government did, but it was an action that is, to this day, unanimously looked down on by normal Egyptians.

Palestinian refugees are always welcomed in Egypt

I guess the ones who were in Lebanon during the civil war just chose not to go to Egypt because they enjoyed getting massacred. 🙄🙄🙄

literally just Israel

"Most of the civilized world"

Nice try IDF

For the last time, dogs aren't people.

I agree, no people died during the holocaust.

Not only do you think desert hobos are anything more than worthless trash, now you cant follow a simple conversation...

What about the Swiss guard

I thought Palestinians were allies to progressives and, by extension, the LGBT movement. You seem misinformed, comrade.

No one here said that.

I did


He's a hero, not because he's a Marine, not because of the marathon, but because of his real service: giving aneurysms to the neet commies of reddit. 😍😍

the militard wank is strong in this.

Shut up chink dont make me sell your sister into sex slavery

tighten your bussy

How can he run an entire marathon in airpods? Those things fall right off my ears when I’m on the treadmill

I bet it’s hard having prolapsed ears

not stealing earbuds from the 99 cent store and attaching them to your broken Sansa Clip


The one running in the front is in the Army, I assume?

fatties, commies, and illiterates

but you repeat yourself.