tech geniuses in the bay area use their skills to mathematically triangulate the human shit they step over everyday

13  2019-04-16 by Sea_Safe


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Crosspost to /r/SanFrancisco

this why dont import tech indians

but how much people know now can report ?? do it get clean ?? then more report

what the fuck is this verbal diarrhea

you made me stupider just by reading it

no you


Its a pajeet, just ignore it and move on.

So, burgers are street shitters now is what I'm hearing? Superpower when?

The Bay Area is where a lot of H1-B holders end up. What do you think is going on?

Burgers are going broke/homeless/regressing, resorting to squats where they wants. 💩Big Cali Caca💩

Just another example of the white man appropriating beautiful PoC culture.