CringeAnarchists have a rational discussion about Notre-Dame: "We're at war."

144  2019-04-16 by Snowayne2


This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


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this isn't verified yet as i saw it on /pol/


the fire inspectors ruled out arson while the fire was still burning.

I like how this is presented as proof that the fire was started by a Muslim arsonist. It's not like someone accidentally starting a fire during construction work would have reported it, allowing the fire inspectors to know its source right away.

All they had to say was they had no reason to assume foul play, but wouldn't speculate until a proper investigation was held. A completely true, non-hostile statement.

But they're french so they had to french.

They surrendered?

Learn some history sweaty. The French don't surrender anywhere near as often as the joke makes it seem

They're lazy and whine a lot and smell.

You suck one dick.

I mean, the majority of military terminology is in French. Burgers would know this if they got their history from literally anywhere but the history channel.

Ancient Aliens and Nazi Superweapons are valid historical sources, you ivory tower elitist

Absolutely nothing that French authorities could have said would have prevented CAutists from blaming Muslims. Literally any statement that isn't "Muslims did it" is proof of a coverup in their minds since they don't actually care about the truth or evidence.

Maybe Muslims did do it tbh, it's not like they don't target Christian buildings. Even if it turns out they didn't do it though, CAutists are going to assume that somehow the thousands of firefighters, investigators, politicians, architects, etc. are just covering it up anyway.

What I'm saying is, if I was ISIS or whatever I'd just take all the credit, cuz proof doesn't matter anyway.

Maybe it was the reptoids, sowing divisions in preparation for their invasion.

There's no evidence pointing to Muslim arson, but sure.

Maybe the space aliens who helped build Notre-Dame way back when decided 800 years was long enough and burned it down with a laser beam.

Why wouldn't they claim responsibility though? It would be a huge wedge between Muslims and non-Muslim French, which is exactly what extremists (on both sides) want.

You can't reason with these people. I actually learned about the fire because my mom called me up telling me "Muslims burned down notre-dame."

So I look into it, and I see the construction stuff. I say "you think maybe the construction caused it?" and she responds "well that's the official narrative."

They're also spreading an incredibly grainy and zoomed out video showing a man who is wearing a hard hat and a high vis vest and trying to convince people that it's actually Muslim garb. Reality does not matter to these people at all. Anything that doesn't conform to their narrative is a false flag or coverup.

ethnats and civnats pls go

at least you got a good excuse for your retardation

Times you've refuted anything I said: 0.

I never said I wasn't retarded

you sure owned that retard

Retards have a sense for other retards. That’s why I trust you when you call pizzashill one. 👍🏻

Then she went on a rant about how not even the nazis burned it down,

Your mom realizes that Nazis wanted to blow up all of Paris and it was only not done because some chicken shit commandeer wanted to save his own skin and be good with the allies after the wR?

What the actual fuck is this serious posting?

i thought the theory was not that it was arson but that incompetent immigrants who work construction burned it down

I'm sure that's a theory too, but the more unhinged rightoids are saying it's arson and calling for retaliation

i see ur not providin any proof that it is not arson..

I don’t want to waste my time disproving CAnimal theories they can’t prove themselves.

burden of proof is on u to disprove it.

it's the reddit way I guess.

That fact that no one gets these obvious jokes (because politics are SERIOUS) is the surest sign to me that drama has been crucified and buried. It's currently risen but soon it will ascend to heaven and sit at the right hand of its father.

It's partly this subs fault and it's mentally handicapped userbase for making it hard to tell when someone is joking.


The current theory is keep throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks because absolutely everything has to fit into a political narrative


It's great that the default stance of rightoids is that everything shitposted to pol is plausible or likely, just not 'verified' yet (by more strength of shitposts?).

By the strength of shitposts and sketchy YouTube videos

November 22nd, 1963

Hear Kennedy is shot

Stranger on the street asks me what happened

My unbridled autism takes over

"They say Kennedy was shot and killed but I haven't yet confirmed it with the homeless people who masturbate in front of the liquor store"

Mfw the fucking normie backs away in fear

Jews, Muslims, or reptiles. Which Boogeyman is it this time?

Clearly the mole people

I already said Muslims

The one dude in there said it's an inside job. I think that means lizard people.

Obviously the shape shifting lizard men, those fuckers are everywhere.

Worse. The French.

When you see a French guy, how do you know he is not gay??

He is gay. My friend’s theory (can’t take credit for this) is that French women are hot because otherwise all the French men would only fuck each other, so to “limit” that behaviour the women are hot, to ensure the French race is continued.

Big if true

People actually feel more comfortable by believing boogeymen.

Thanks for the lecture fag

Imagine having this much of a complex over the idea that a centuries old national monument suddenly going up in flames might have involved arson.

I bet a million bussy pics that it's gonna come out that this was an accident because a buncha dumb Frenchie construction workers didn't realize you shouldn't smoke le cigarettes while surrounded by thousands year old dry wood

Some faggot probably threw a lit cig in a bin full of paper

Some f-slur probably threw a lit cig in a bin full of paper

And then they'll shrug it off and get wine drunk (the most degenerate drunk) and go back to talking about how much they love the smell of immigrant urine in the streets

Who fuckin cares

It’s a major city the urine smell was there long before the current immigration situation.

and it will be there long after the last human dies

f-slur threw an f-slur?

Yuropoors are stuck on smoking the way m*yoids are on fent

Apparently it started after the construction guys already went home. They still have security guys and catholics and shit that are there all the time though, so just because there wasn't any construction workers doesn't mean it wasn't some other employee.

Makes sense that they had left already, because if they had still been there, someone would have noticed the running blow torch laying around or whatever.

Lmao one is called SS_wypipo. How does anyone take that sub seriously

IDK it is seriously entertaining though!

Might be a reference to /r/subredditsimulator but we are talking about CAtards so most likely an edgy joak

Electric fires are a Catholic psyop!

If we're at war it's a remarkably peaceful one with hardly anyone being killed, so that's nice


But unironically.

the modern right everyone

"What do you mean, /pol/ isn't a credible source?"


800 years flushed on the toillette

Are they at war with fire? Not up to modern code structures? Safety violations?

I hope so because those might be actually useful causes to throw their NEET time at.

lmao it was obviously muslims though

r/smuggies is as bad as this,''- Spez,2019

Idk about CA but the only thing I'm at war with is the diarrhoea I got from subway

Seriously, be better to yourself, subway is equivilant to dog poop, act like an adult and buy sandwich fixing at a grocer and make it for less.

Now go wash your hands, and make me a sandwich.

What's so bad about it? Pretty sure it's just fron all the spicy stuff I eat

Retards go to war with electricity, ruining anarcho primitivism for the rest of us

Fifty bucks that these people wouldn't survive the first day in a war.

Regardless of the specifics of the Notre Dame burning, all Judaism (including Christianity and Islam and Mormonism etc. descendant strains) is officially at war with everything else all the time, as its default state. Especially Islam, the currently far most active, least democratic-politics nuanced strain.

I don't know how we got to the point where people flip the fuck out when they don't know 100% of the details of a situation within hours of an event happening. They can honestly believe that arson investigators have finished their report, the police investigated it, and they've figured out a Muslim did it. But they are just hiding it. It must be deliberate shit stirring because I can't grasp that people would unironically be that dumb.

We are at war and will not change our undies until it ends

It's the Fayocide.

Oy remy, your not supposed to smoke le ciggarettes in le 800 year old wood, si vous plait. No, worry mi a monsieur, am sure those bored alt right cels would make le alibi on us if we burn this building, soir a bon.