Also Tay

499  2019-04-16 by respaaaaaj


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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Baseless. Perhaps the child was sticky or something. You weren’t there.

If it was taken in the summer in NY everyone’s sticky. It’s quite gross tbh.

I knew it. Tay is saved from slander yet again.

Why is lime man wearing long sleeves, then?

The shorts cancel out the long sleeves.

Sticky so she couldn’t get her whole hand off fast enough

ya she is not racist she just HATES cocoa butter. makes sense.

Wypipo don't understand

Alright, but why does Tay have a death grip on her purse, huh? 🤔

Stop noticing things.

So she doesn’t hit a small child with a purse? Last thing thing needs the paparazzi to see.

If touching something with your fingertips is a death grip I'm gonna need to rethink some things.

My cock must be made of extremely hard cock steel

Because if you look at the way the strings on the purse are, if she lets to it’ll cause it to turn at a bad angle and make for a bad picture.

It's over for taycels.

You weren't there too. Maybe the child was not sticky

blatant defamation. Taytay's favorite race is blacks.

Yeah no one cares when she eats black children to stop looking like an anorexic preying mantis

taytay actually feeds of u/DistortedLines cum

In this day and age, who doesn't?

I’ll do a lot for my drama fix but I won’t do that

should be the other way around

It's over for taycels.

Makes me wanna cuddle every black person in the world.

So... Will Smith?

Normally I'm not one to give Tay the benefit of the doubt, and this will be no exception

Why the fuck are you following our deranged mods' example, and of all the deranged mods, why xer?

Have you tried spelling out words with your mouth when you read other people's posts

Have you tried not being a colossal fag?

wtf is going on with her thumb in the top right

Foids have weird hands

Hands are still pre-op. They're usually the last thing they transition.

Hands are still pre-op. They're usually the last thing they transition.

Based and ogre-pilled

Hands are still pre-op. They're usually the last thing they transition.

Gross. She almost touched her

You're talking about the girl or Tay?


Based. Lead us to the Mayo Empire. Day of chains soon mongrels.

You know she finally revealed her political views and it’s liberal right?

Sure, keep falling into the trap darkskin

Our gal



well, would want ebola?


This picture is old as hell. Get with the times and stop reposting old memes from pol.

honk honk

stop reposting old memes from pol

Do want to kill this sub? Because that's how you kill this sub.

Be better, people. That photo was taken a second before this one

Make a new post

But muh purse death grip!

Where? Shes pulling it away because purses like that swing a lot and it’d be in the way for the girl. Her last tour made more money than coachella In every year combined, are you so out of touch with reality to think she’s afraid the little girl is gonna rob her, or was just this a pathetic attempt of being funny?

"muh" almost always implies sarcasm. Since one of the top comments literally talks about how she doesn't want to touch the girl and she's clutching her purse.

Why did I waste my time typing that? Just pull the stick out of your ass.

Then apologies as I did not know you were being sarcastic.

Not always easy through text. Have a good day :)

Now kith!

Both of you should go fuck yourselves, this isn't good drama

Not everything needs to be?

Who hurt you sweatie?

If the dummy is on this sub and can't smell the sarcasm then he prolly got smol pp

The top comment was also being sarcastic. Now who's stupid?

Thank you Kanye, very nice!


Does her face look like she's wearing a mask to anyone else?

What will I be outraged about today?

She reps the trussy in this pic

Tay Biden!


Why aren't any of these women wearing hijabs?

she is touching childern all over and it's considered fine, but when uncle Joe does it he is considered a sexual harasser?


She’s even clutching her handbag.

Never relax.

Based and Redpilled.

this post is some good work. shaping hearts and minds lol.

trolls are changing the world, and its getting faster.