Streamers who lived in Ice Poseidon's mansion do a tl;dr tell-all about their time there

87  2019-04-17 by snallygaster


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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The butler competition was NOT scripted/rigged. None of the contestants (JJ, Nigel, Hector [biggest two faced leech], Bell, Nigel)

Please tell me this wasn't a typo and two dudes named Nigel showed up to this shitshow

Apparently a freak with two faces was present, so anything is possible

Genetically better than 100% of video game streamers.

snally please remod me.

What do you mean two faces?

It's right fucking there:

Hector [biggest two faced leech]

There's a rotting mansion with a goddamn two faced freak.

i thought you meant an actual two faced genetic mutant 😓

Personally I'm impressed you thought that.

Imagine moving into an internet personality's "mansion" and not taking a single second for self-reflection.

I don't even have to see the interior to know that the Addam's family household was better maintained than that shambling architecture, only held together by the hopes and dreams of an architect who has likely long passed following a stroke caused by witnessing the crimes committed to his hard work.

The rotting wood within the architecture most likely causes the air within a 50 mile radius to reek of parental disappointment, failure and low credit scores.

I would compare the state of the household to entrusting rowdy college students with an expensive car, but that would be an insult to college students.

Why would anyone want to live in a house filled with degenerate streamers? It sounds like a shithole.

Even getting involved with the streamer at all should have you questioning the person. His community is a degenerate shit hole with absolutely no redeeming qualities. The streamer himself is banned from both twitch and the biggest streaming site on reddit so you’ll only be exposing yourself to his audience. It’s like you’re actively trying to make your life worse by going.

I thought he got Dimmadicked for trying to start a Ponzi scheme?

Btw thanks for making me look at /r/lougne again

The gaster is truly a master.(of being a drama bloodhound)

Who/what is ice Poseidon?

You don't really want to know. It's a rabbit hole of sadness of the human condition.

Too late. I started reading that post. I gagged at the part when the bathroom is broken so no one showered and the toilet broke and leaked into the garage (where people were living in tents for some reason).

All I know is, his fan base likes bomb threats

boomers had the playboy mansion, zoomers have the ice poseidon mansion. i weep for this generation.

Didn't know you knew about Ice Poseidon, Snally.

Some highlights:

You know what's hilarious? Lucha asked me to make mac and cheese multiple times because he didn't know how. I literally had to tell this guy to put the pasta in the water after it boils...

How the fuck do you move out of your moms house and not know how to boil pasta?

This was a major issue for everyone who didn't have a room. The 1st floor bathroom has been broken since they've lived at the house. There isn't even a fucking light in that bathroom, just a toilet that barely flushes and has flooded multiple times now. One time it flooded so bad that it leaked into the garage and started to soak the tents. Petey told me he woke up in the middle of the night because his mattress was soaking up disgusting piss/shit water.

Jesus fucking christ.

Was anything Stolen from you?

.... ... My lisa ann fleshlight

Oh my.

Thank god, I was worried about having to read a lot of drivel.

/u/snallygaster youse slacking

I know :( i will redeem myself this weekend granted I'm not too hungover

I have no idea what any of that shit meant.

this is basically the "real world" tv show from early mtv but the legal department has a more laissez faire attitude towards human rights violations

What was the the first week of the mansion like and what did you do?

Awkward... red flags everywhere. 

Why is a streamer who got banned from every single platform not being the best landlord?

snally please remod me.

Dang it got deleted it looks like

Ice_poseidon2 is a goldmine of incels creeping on girl streamers and ice’s gf. I watch ice Poseidon and his orbiters like reality tv toss but the super fans and anti fans are incredible lolcows

The place has progressively become more insane as all the rubberneckers from the FBI raid have lost interest. With the kind of shit they spam on a daily basis I wouldn't be surprised if they pull something large enough to get banned in the next few months.

Literally being Jesus honest here: who?

They keep referencing these "Butlers".

Who are these "butlers"? Do people literally sign up to be butlers for autistic Twitch weirdos like Ice?

holy fuck that first paragraph.

This is how you end up homeless or dead from ODing on drugs you genetic defectives.