Trans Ally has had enough and cant keep up with tranny demands anymore. Makes a long post on /r/trueoffmychest which takes it very well.

141  2019-04-17 by Ultrashitposter

The rant in question, and here is the rant in question sorted by controversial. The tl;dr is that trannies don't resemble women in any way, other than their ability to blow everything out of proportion.


Trans women are women


This but unironically.


Boy it sure smells terfy in here.

They're just TEs not RFs. Your typical sexist men.

repeating a lie will never make it true

Bruh moment

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

I sent you my shenis in dms, please tell me how pwetty and cute it is and how you want me to birth your baby out of it

No u didnt

I have a feminine penis for you to suck. Sometimes I call it my clit.

what happened to sending me ur shenis bb

First 10 times it was funny, now you just look like seriousposting retard tbqh

It was never intended to be funny

So you are just r-slur and boring at the same time, that's a shame bb

It really is

If they were, they wouldn't have to try this hard to convince everyone.

You in the 1100s:

if the earth was round then you wouldn't have to try this hard to convince everyone.

Imagine using an appeal to the majority lmao

If the earth had stubble, a dick and balls, I'd think it was a dude too.

Weve known the earth is round since the ancient greeks. The ancient egyptians even tested it.

I'm aware. The majority of the public at the time was not, that was my entire point.....

How much anime do you watch


Ugly trans women are still men however

Did you actually delete this thread you turbo cuck I was still getting karma from my comment

Nah it was somebody else. DL and I both prefer to start more drama over trans fights.

It wasn't me lol o barely.remove threads

Bring back the thread then reeeeeeeeeeeee

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. The rant in question -,,,

  3. here is the rant in question sorted... -,,,

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Cool so hate speech is ok here got it

siouxsie_siouxv2: Brigading is against Terms of service so coming here to disrupt a thread could lead to your account being suspended.

I've lived long enough to see sucky sue of all people tell a tranny that they'd rather behave.

Also, I think the LGBT community resembles the antifa and political club landscape a lot, in regards to constant infighting on how to properly do things.

I've encountered this a lot in the LGBTQ community. Go to any gay club as a bi guy and watch how fast you get gay men treating you the same way they complain about straight people treating them. "You're not bi, you're really gay." "You're just confused." Etc etc.

Like, bitch you don't like anyone telling you what your sexuality really is, how are you going to try and tell me about mine?

You just haven’t found the right bussy yet 😤

Lol yup I've heard that one too. I wonder how many times those same guys heard, "you just haven't had the right gussy yet." and got super offended?

I imagine ALOT. But it’s different for straight (🤮) passing people like you. Smh.

I'm feeling really strong deja vu right now.

👏It’s not my job to educate you!👏

I'm bout to educate dat ass bby.

Sorry but if intersectional feminism has taught me anything it’s that I’m more oppressed then you so consent is therefore impossible. Step away from the ass.

Sweaty no one is as oppressed as a drama mod. Do you have any idea the emotional labor I put in? Sometimes I have to press buttons. Buttons!

When did the mod card outrank the gay card? You choose your oppression and You Do It For Free.

Oh here we go with the oppression Olympics. How dare you! Being a mod is not a choice!

You didn’t choose the mod life, the mod life chose you 🙄

Around the time when articles like this one started to come out (archive because I got like 2-3 cancerous popups when I opened the original and fuck that noise).

Oh I remember that article! No wonder Reddit doesn’t make any money, and that’s despite not paying moderators in anything except karma.

Pick a team sweaty.


On a serious note

so you don't hate me? This is as close to a compliment I've gotten in a long time

Hot take, ban anyone who watches anime or hentai from transitioning until they are a year free

They all seem to either be weebs or speedrunners

I noticed this as well. I think anime is a big influencer, but why? Maybe it idealizes being a woman.

It’s because jap men are basically women with balls. Gives the freaks ideas

Bonus points if they bravely come out as lesbian straight after, triple score if they also don't date other trans lesbians

That’s the one I never see. I know a ton of trans girls and most are bi and dating other trans girls.

y not just b gay??

I wonder if trans people are gay at the same rate that non trans people are straight

which is a pretty interesting take because japan and anime are no bullshit pretty sexist

Much, much less accepting of any LGBT people than any western country too.

western country too.

Literally the Eastern most country in the Orient

Mmmm ok.

Moonnagi posted in a search r/ seeking names of stars in a mmff porn video.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Male male


Lmao u gay xddddd

I have no idea what that other guy is talking about

Mmmhmmm anyone can see your posts retardXD

What proofs do you have to the assertion that I have a case of the gay?

The way you worded that.

Hmmhmmm not sure what your talking about hahaXD

Several years ago, before trans stuff really blew up, I used to hang around on /a/. There was several running jokes/ideas about wanting to be a little girl, and promotion of yuri (girl's love/lesbian) content/relationships. When transgenderism started to become more accepted, it opened the floodgates for autistic weebs to transition.

Yeah, “I wish to be the little girl” was an inside joke back in the day. Also, there are a ton of gamers who only play as female characters because they don’t “want to look at a dude’s ass” and like how female characters have more clothing options.

Aside from that, there are also men who get off on the idea of being the woman during sexual intercourse, despite being “straight” men. This shit has layers.

Yeah, “I wish to be the little girl” was an inside joke back in the day. Also, there are a ton of gamers who only play as female characters because they don’t “want to look at a dude’s ass” and like how female characters have more clothing options.

Aside from that, there are also men who get off on the idea of being the woman during sexual intercourse, despite being “straight” men. This shit has layers.

It's a correlation not causation, the same thing that causes anime to manifest causes trans. Incredible, unchecked autism combined with incelism.

TLDR: Autists who can't read Shoujo like a man become women to watch girly shows made for boys.

Shouldve watched more anime smh

Japan with the long con

I noticed this as well. I think anime is a big influencer, but why? Maybe it idealizes being a woman.

Jacc1337 posted futanari hentai.


Did I, I don't doubt it's possible but half of my post history is there entirely to catch out people who look up history

All penises are gay tho

Especially yours it would seem


So Bruce Jenner is like OG realworld OG?

I'm a weeb and I support this message.

Hotter take, give transgender people a licensing board and give them the authority over who gets to call themselves trans. Make Blaire White the chairperson, and make item number one revoking Chris-Chan’s trans license.

Rapid onset gender dysphoria is the answer.

Oh man I never realised how much fun it is to see someone become completely disillusioned with their their ideology and the community surrounding it. I'm surprised I haven't seen more posts like this.

You will soon

You should talk to your parenta sometime😏

implying his parents ever had any hope

/r/GenderCritical has whole threads about it. That place is really only good for drama now, but their “peak trans” threads are really fun to read.

That's the only thing gc talks about tbh

You’re going to have to learn how to coexist with trans folk because (spoiler alert) they exist everywhere and have always existed and will continue to exist. You can’t just keep avoiding interacting with a group just because you don’t like them. It’s part of being an adult.

this fits more inline with a physician's Hippocratic Oath and not everyday people.

I'll learn to Coexist if they learn to code. Also it's so easy to avoid them, they are a rounding error of the population and tend to cluster/be extremely online.

Learn to Coexist

You can’t just keep avoiding interacting with a group just because you don’t like them. It’s part of being an adult.

That's rich, considering all the deplatforming and banning speakers that's been going on.

You can’t just keep avoiding interacting with a group just because you don’t like them

Watch me lol

/u/LiquidDreamtime I think you can help us further the cause of the mayocide.

“Omg he criticized white men! Get him!”

Jesus Herbert Christ them dudes need to chill.

This is some good drama, surprised there weren't more people reeeeeeing in the comments so we could get more dramacoin.

Even r/drama is surprisingly grown up 😅

This shit is beautiful. I can literally feel the annoyance and frustration bubbling up to pure rage.

I hate it all so much. I hate every last one of them. I hate them, hate them, hate them, hate them. I tried SO hard to be nice and supportive and educated and you know what? All of this education has had the opposite effect. I have ALWAYS thought that trans people are people. I never considered treating them poorly or trying to deny them any rights or being mean to them because they're trans. Now? After dealing with so many crazy fucking people? I don't know why I ever bought into any of it. I don't know why I ever honestly believed that a man could somehow be a woman

Seriously though, anyone who has spent more than 10 minutes with a group of trannies can tell you the problem with them isn't that they're trannies, it's that they tend to be fucking autistic fuckfaces. 9 times out of 10, whatever gender disorder they think they have is at the bottom of a long list of other mental illnesses.

Personally I blame the medical community for acting like handing out a script for estradiol is some sort of holistic cure for people who have a whole host of mental problems.

It could also be the type of personality thats attracted to such antics. Eventually more reasonable trans people will be silenced, as the more vocal and attention seeking types take centerstage

Run that process continuously for a couple years, and youve got yourself very vocal and very radical individuals who believe themselves a "true" representation of their community

I've gathered that the political climate today more or less convinces people the identitarianism is the right way to go about life, everyone always says "if you believe in a cause don't be afraid to show it" but that action is the biggest cause for divide. I mean let's be real how many people do you see a day on reddit or whatever social media site where they have a profile picture or name that has something to do with showing they believe a certain thing or "are" a certain person.

As you say the loud minority speaks for the silent majority only because the loud trans gender in this case literally base their existence off the fact they're trans. Those people act as the figurehead for the group regardless of the average beliefs of the group. The internet gives people the sense of anonymity that makes them free to act way more uncivil and unreasonable about subjects.

I blame western society as a whole tbh. The ideology war of USSR vs USA was highlighted by eastern conformity clashing with western individualism, individualism won out as the "superior" ideology, and has since been growing without constraint

Problem is, individualism is not a sustainable approach to society. The only reason it was so successful before was that American patriotism held everyone together; now that patriotism=nationalist=nazi there is nothing left holding most western communities together

Full communism when?

Full communism will happen when chapotards move from their mother's basement and actually do something except bitch.

So never

I complain about online "activism" destroy real activism but for the Chapos that's probably a good thing.

Ive already had this argument with the_marx, western commies will be the first ones lined up at some compound 5 minutes away from the city if true communism ever comes about

Identity politics bring division, division is a crime when national unity is the goal

ok but how do i get a big tiddy goth gf

Highschool parking lots dont have an age restriction, have at it

of all the topics you seem to have studiedtheblade on, high school parking lots is by far the least surprising

How rude, do i look like a libertarian to you? 😣

That's like the funniest thing to me. Chapoturds always talk about revolution but most are unemployed and live with their parents. Ironically, the same thing applies MDEgenerates.

Horseshoe theory confirmed.

That caricature is pretty useless tbh

Did you think I was serious

The part of the mother’s basement? Yes.

That's big facts


Ben Shapiro, of all people, has kinda said the same thing. He's super liberaterian and about individualism, but he says America needs more communities to keep soical cohesion. Of course, he wants these communities to religious.

Religion has always been a tool to control people and enforce desired conduct, taking advantage of inherent human spirituality, so that makes perfect sense. Its an alternative to nationalism or authoritarianism for social control, but whether its a good alternarive is incredibly subjective

That being said, them jеws know how to behave themselves so maybe theyre doing at least something right

Religion has always been a tool to control people and enforce desired conduct, taking advantage of inherent human spirituality

According to whom exactly?

According to Karl Marx, religion is a tool used by the ruling classes whereby the masses can shortly relieve their suffering via the act of experiencing religious emotions.

That idea's been around before commie daddy said it tho.

You basically just described how Reddit works in general.

Truscum vs whatever the other ones are called

You're literally right on the money. A hugely disproportionate amount of trannies are autistic.


TBH it's a fault of all of us.

When a child in his mid teens wonders "am I really a moid/foid?", they, at least in the majority of the world (bar some super progressive cities), can't turn to friends and family and only thing left are online "support groups", so twitter circles, discords, shitty youtubers and subreddits, all filled with insane retards. These insane retards are the ones controlling the narrative so doctors are probably afraid of not agreeing with them 100%.

What I'm saying is y'all need all be more accepting of "did you just assume my gender?" folx and lick some masculine vagina/suck feminine penis once in a while to make sure impressionable people stop turning to extremely online idiots for advice.

Zee zi zo zum

I smell the blood of a cishet man

How many do you think kept themselves safe after reading this

That 40% is about to turn into 45%.

I've never seen ally in this context mean anything other than "okay sweaty, the trannies are talking now, be a good boy and shut the fuck up. Also this person was mean to me so I'm gonna need you to gather up your internet friends and call them bigots on Twitter, thanks."

What kind of alliance results in one side being the other's basement gimp that only gets released to tell others that they're just, yikes, so transphobic and canceled before being shooed back inside the ally box at the end.


reminder that this sub is for people to talk about things that others may find distasteful without it being removed

One of us.

I outed myself on that thread last night, feel free to post your super original transphobic banter as a response to this comment.

Congrats to you

Drama is accepting of everyone we have trans mods

Do you watch anime though

Do you watch anime though

No, one form of degeneracy is enough for me.

change my mind. they get off on the cognitive dissonance they force upon people and themselves, the illusion of "being in control" of how others view basic reality, and the narcissistic reassurance that they are special and different - they don't "just" have "dicks", they have "girl dicks". if you go along with any of these lies, and give in to their terminology, they only get reinforcement and you're the enabler. the whole trans thing is a form of disassociation, its an escape from manhood into a fictional feminine "womb" fantasy world of comfort and cummies. cleverly coercing people to use these contradictory words like "girl dick", calling their dick a clit and other doublespeak further distorts reality, and pushes them further into fantasy land. is one of the main motivating factors the desire to restructure reality because they live in a daydream, a reverie, and so the more they're enabled, the more it appears to be real and fuels their escape? they're lying to themselves and want everyone else to as well. the woke enablers/munchausen types are just as bad, perhaps actually more dangerous in their naivety and "compassion".

an escape from manhood into a fictional feminine "womb" fantasy world of comfort and cummies

I'm not sure this is the anti-trans hot take you think it is, but it's a lovely piece of text.

d, perhaps actually more dangerous in their naivety and "co

ohhh so you can't good talk

My personal experience has taught me that the most apathetic or anti lgbtq people are normal who were the most invested in this bullshit.

I ReCcOmEnD CoNtRa PoInTs ArE TrApS SaNe

Contra is a commie and probably posts on CTH. 😤

the beauty about being popular on the extreme left is interacting directly with fans is like dancing in a fire.

If your entire persona is made up of the least interesting thing about you(gender identity or orientation), you're going to be bitter.

Who removed this?? And why?

Transmen > Transwomen tbh, never met a ftm that I ever really thought was a cunt. Shame they're outnumbered and basically every space is mtf orientated :'c.

The one ftm I knew turned into a complete cunt the more woke they got and also the more meth they smoked.

So I guess all the woke tards are just meth heads?

This one certainly was.

Girl who surrounds herself with people suffering from mental illness has a bad time

I wonder why this post was removed 🤔🤔🤔

Why thebpost is removed?