😎 A sub gets a thread upvoted and commented on more than 200 times the normal amount. Who could be behind it?! How do the locals feel?!?! 😎

179  2019-04-17 by MajesticReveal


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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If poor people spent as much time as they do reeeeing about rich people as getting a quality education and making smart decisions maybe they wouldn't be poor.

Stupid poor people making terrible decision of being born. 😒

Well poor people have too many kids and perpetuate a cycle of poverty.

Stupid poor people letting poor people being born. 😒😒😒

Poorcel cope

Nonsense, boiling own blood requires energy for heating. Tâche impossible.


Everything you’ve said but unironically.

Literally correct.

good and reasonable take

That's exactly what happens

the first of many

Most of the people into this new Marxism/LSC/Chapo craze aren't poor they're youn middle class or even upper middle class.

They are just future poor people when they are cut off by their parents for unironically supporting communism.

Having hard working UMC parents must be hard if you know you aren't capable of getting there yourself.

No they morph into woke liberals once they get the jobs their parents give them.

They never get that I'm my own and owe none of it to you heck off satisfaction.

acting like you're poor before you're actually poor, now that's living in 2029

Upper middle class is very low on the income ladder

they're downwardly mobile sociology and art major barista faggots

They should really pursue their passion of being fake homeless people in the hipster part of town.

You dont understand, it doesn't matter how hard I work Ill never manage to be a giga billionaire exploiting our society and it's people for everything it's worth.

No, but then again I'm an absolutely terrible person.

This but unironically.

Serious post...

Think about how many hours a day these people (ok and us, all of us) spend literally wasting time on reddit. Imagine if those hundreds of hours a year were spent taking free classes online or educating themselves. Teaching themselves how to code or something.

Fuck off fag. Don't tell me to improve myself

learn to code lol

This is bullshit - you're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of no longer adding anything useful to the discussion.

Nuh uh.

People need to stop including “education” as a factor for wealth acquisition because it assumes, aside from doctorate required fields, that knowledge acquisition and intelligence are indicators of financial success instead of just obtaining a requisite piece of paper.

STEMlords think that they’re better because their parents paid for their degrees so they could play on computers and Reddit all day for six figures at 21 with no actual meaningful work accomplished. That doesn’t require intelligence.

Being rich is more about having the social skills to communicate and network with the right people. You don’t even need a piece of paper for that.


I really doubt poverty is caused solely by people not working hard enough.

when can we cut the shit and just say as a society that we hate poor people

If poor people spent as much time as they do reeeeing about rich people as getting a quality education and making smart decisions maybe they wouldn't be poor.

Oh yeah dude just get a quality education and make some smart decisions. Don't forget to head down to the job store and buy a job though, or you'll be in real trouble.

What's your job?

I'm self-employed after getting a STEMlord degree in Actuarial Science, passing the P, F/M, and C exams, and never getting so much as a callback from any of the dozens of insurance companies I applied to. BUt JuSt gET a qUAliTY eDucATioN And YoU're GuArANteEd A GOod jOB!

And how old are you?

I fail to see the relevance of the question.


It starts in high school. Shit decisions as a teen mean shit life as an adult.

If your boss is driving a Lamborgini you’re probably not a regular employee either and probably isn’t doing too bad.

If your boss is driving a lamborghini your probably far up in your company’s hierarchy yourself.

I know someone who works for Tesla and his boss didn't even buy him a free car. Fucking bullshit.

He can probably go on submarine rides with Daddy Elon tho

God, I wish that were me.

Not always true in small companies, I made 13 bucks an hour and both my bosses owned the company so they both had big houses and multiple cars. That's not a failure of capitalism though, the first guy started the company from his garage and the other one had my job and saved enough money until he could buy part of the company.

That is a failure of capitalism. You were doing the work and only got a fixed wage while they benefited.

I was putting in very little effort and was their favorite employee, meanwhile they worked their asses off constantly.

You were still putting in the work and getting none of the benefits

I was getting paid tho.

Not a living wage

Seemed pretty livable to me, but then again i'm not a retard trying to live in California.

He assumed zero risk. If the business fails, he loses a job. His boss loses his time, investment, etc.

That’s only if you ignore the labor theory of value.

I don’t use bots, I don’t know how to use them so don’t accuse of things I’m not capable of.

OP! Did you make your boomer meme yourself? Do you love communism? What made you post it to that sub? I want to hear all these things and more.

No, some random liked my tweets so I looked at his profile and saw the meme there. Made me laugh and the sub looked starved of any controversial ideas so I decided to bless them 😇

Based and Dramapilled

Based. If you didn't use Twitter I'd even say you're a mood material.


Yes but do you agree gussy should be put to work and only artificially inseminated so that we can all chase bussy?


My nigga!

Hey it's the Chapotard himself, what do you think of my version if your meme?

I don’t use chapo, podcasts are dumb

If I let you fuck my ass will you buy me a Lambo?


Because I have a golden bussy of gods.

If you’re into guys and I’m into guys how is this going to work?

Not pegging your man in 2019.

He’s not my man, I’m a strong independent woman that doesn’t need a man

What did you think though Mr. Boomer?


At this point I want Yang to win so that these people can shut the fuck up about Capitalism.

But whining Chapotards is good for dramacoin.

True. I hope Daddy wins again so that I can see them SEETHING.

Think of all the Trumptard gloating and the Chapotard crying, and the infighting between all the retards. There would be so much circlejerking on both sides that would give everyone more dramacoin.

No matter who wins 2020 there will be extreme levels of drama. COPE on one side, and smug on the other. Never been a better time to be a radical centrist.

who would be the best democrat to face trump for drama?

There's so many I don't even know, but reddit nuts the hardest to Bernie so he would probably be best for local drama. Yang would definitely be the most dramatic on twitter though.

what about the chicks? Harris/Warren/Butch (can't remember her name). Or the literal christfag?

I think any of them would be extra juicy for the idpol aspect.

I guess there is no right answer, we win no matter what in 2020 :)

Trumptard REEing is delicious though

Yeah true, the trumptard hivemind crying about fake news is hilarious, and the dramacoin be amplified a hundredfold if he lost too. Either way, we all get dramacoin, but we would make more dramacoin if Cheeto man fucks over America for another 4 years.

I just want to see the obese dwellers who decide to start Civil War Part II when Daddy loses. It will the spergout to end all spergouts

lol america is doing great, wtf you talkin about

It will be a rerun, though. That's why I want Daddy to lose.

it's almost a 30 year streak of every president being two term.

Chapo-coins have been hyper inflating recently to the point that they are somehow more worthless than before.

Yang is the most pro-capitalist runnung

Their lives will still suck and they'll claim Yang is alt-right and this cycle will repeat again.

But dramacoin will thrive.

Pretty much this. A lot of people who's lives suck put all their hope in "revolutionary" candidates like Trump, Bernie, or Yang because they think all their problems will be solved. Other than being able to masturbate with liberal tears the lives of Trump voters still suck at about the same level as they did in pre-2016.

Nuh uh, they got an extra $20 on their tax returns

Remember when Yang tweeted the electoral college was a good thing and bluechecks just fucking went off the rails?

I want the US to adopt a workable form of universal healthcare and watch leftists lose 98% of their support overnight.

Communism: My boss arrived to work with a bunch of food. I said "wow that's amazing food." He replied, "if you work hard, put all your hours in, and strive for excellence, I'll still get all the food. Oh and your family is gonna starve."

More like my boss had food so I reported him as a kulak and the secret police took him away. Now i'm still starving but at least he's in a forced labor camp 😎

Things worth living for.

I'm actually starving because all of my income goes to the Patreon of wealthy white socialites who run a podcast.

I blame Capitalism.

SMH government should give me more podcast money, plz give us socialism.

Damn your whole income is 5$ a month?

If they're listening to CTH, probably.

"temporarily embarrassed commissars"

2020 elections cant come fast enough.

I’m starting to root for Daddy. Watching Reddit meltdown once was nice. But can we have...two meltdowns?

yes we can


Where were you when Scoobs friend Bret got confirmed on the Supreme Court?

Writing articles supporting the nomination for some FedSoc sites.

But that wasn’t a meltdown, more like a slapfight.

Starting to feel like the country will burn either way as long as he wins the nomination.

Now, if he loses the nomination and Republicans still win, THAT would legit fry people's brains.

If Bernie wins there'd be a whole other side of Reddit melting down, though. Variety is the spice of life.

But if Bernie wins both rightoids and leftoids will cry 🤔

The astroturfing is really starting to show.

When will /r/drama mods give up their bussies for a taste of that sweeet propaganda?

37 minutes ago.

To their credit chapof-slurs really picked the right strategy as opposed to the rightoids on this site. Stick to harassing and astroturfing the peasants and never mess with the power holders on the site; the mods don't do shit about it as a result

Yep. Rightoids confirmed to be social media retards.

It's probably because rightoids are more likely to be fat boomers who can barely figure out how to load up the site in-between sharing the latest minion meme on Facebook.

that sub is worse than /r/politics and holy shit is that saying something

If you're singlehandedly pushing the company to such new heights that your boss can get yearly lambos then you'll either be a) valued enough by him that you get a good piece of the pie b) aggressively targetted by his competitors as an employee to poach or c) able to start your own venture depending on the industry.

That assumes that the market works, people act rationally, and that Econ isn’t fake math

Econ isn’t fake math

Like Communism is a fake government

I never said communism is a real government

Despite making up 1% of the site chapo is responsible for 45% of drama posts

Based and virginpilled


You can appreciate the sentiment of that meme and not be a communist, but I guess neither the commies nor the rightoids can understand that, since the underlying message is, "Don't be a chump", and they are all chumps by their very nature.

I’m reading the same round and round shill creating a giant horseshoe in the sky. Worship the horseshoe bussies.

I swear if I hear"reality has a left wing bias" one more time

Then you’d accept reality’s well known left wing bias?

Come take a trip outside of your upper middle class college educated mayo bubble sometimes, you'll see reality doesn't have an anything bias.

I thought world politics was just the more anti Jew alternative to world news.

It is. It's the OG naming the jew dead subreddit. lol @ all those boomers pretending to be regulars offended by this insult to its pristine name.

i wonder how much money he spent boting those posts. L

That subreddit is like if /r/food only allowed pictures of hot dogs. Sure, their mods may not straight up delete non-hot dog posts, but if you're posting your NEETsquad at the beginning of the new feed so that they can insta-downvote everything they don't like into the shadow realm, what's the difference?