It's over for Embassy Wall Shitter-cels

52  2019-04-17 by WarSanchez




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people will believe any bullshit the media tells them

This clearly was a smear campaign, lmaooooo

one way or another

that is why you need to listen to alternative media

Assange is innocent, Assad did nothing wrong, Putin is a benevolent looking over his people, vote Tulsi

The US government, and many other powerful groups across the world, have been working on destroying Assange for at least 10 years.

One hilariously hacky attempt to frame him.

More info: 1, 2, 3

Whoever is behind the dating site has marshaled significant resources to target Assange, enough to gain entry into a United Nations body, operate in countries in Europe, North America and the Caribbean, conduct surveillance on Assange’s lawyer in London, obtain the fax number of Canada’s prime minister and seek to prod a police inquiry in the Bahamas.

According to its website, Yamie Chess is "a diversified applied mathematics company" that makes a special chess set and accompanying comics for children, and that, jarringly, also does "data analysis and statistical consulting" for "military clients." Though the company is now registered through a shell agent in Wyoming, the mailing address of its founder is [...]. That's the same address and suite number as ToddandClare lists here.



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tl;dr because i am not reading all that shit

Someone made a fake okcupid acccount which is proof that Shillary did pearl harbour to frame Assange.

smolbrain SRS take

Unlike largebrain fecal crayon users

this was his last interview.

What a retard



In May "ToddAndClare" (T&C) approach Wikileaks via Email, claiming they have some way to smuggle Assange out of the country, with the help of Russia of course. In exchange for "One Million Dollars", and Assange would also have to let them film him for some ad for their "dating site," saying some weird sentence and tweeting "Putin will be live. #brexitneverhappened". Of course nobody at WL took that nonsense seriously.

Oct 4 WL announces a press conference. On the same day T&C files its "Assange pedophile" libel through the UN's Global Compact system, alleging that there is an active criminal investigation in the Bahamas against Julian Assange for the abuse of an eight year old girl and claiming to have chat logs and photos.

The allegation appears on the UN website with a UN Gobal Compact letterhead and is contextualized with a complex backstory. The request targets the UN WGAD (part of the UN Human Rights system) which found that Mr Assange is being illegally detained by the United Kingdom and Sweden.

October 5 T&C file a civil claim about some bullshit through UK courts, referencing the accusations published on the UN website.

Oct 7 Podesta Emails published

Oct 11 T&C publishes THIS

Oct 12, UN Global Compact delists T&C, citing "integrity" issues. T&C issues a press release opposing the UN delisting with an elaborate story, claiming that Julian Assange is threatening US citizens (T&C).

And that's when journalists started investigating what the fuck happened with all that. See e.g. the Buzzfeednews article I linked, there was more.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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Do you know what he's accused of?

He allegedly advised Manning on how to crack passwords for the purpose of hiding her tracks in the system (deleting access logs).

Manning didn't need any passwords to collect the files that were published. She had the clearance for that.

well than he's retarded when he didn't have to commit a federal felony but did it anyway

Yeah.... so it is alleged.

Reminder that they kinda tortured Manning, after she was sentenced.

And aside from maybe her "testimony," they provide chatlogs between Manning and a user with some name (James? I forgot), who allegedly is Julian Assange.

Is it illegal for journalists to give advice to their sources on how to protect themselves?

Is it illegal for journalists to give advice to their sources on how to protect themselves?

If the advice is how to commit specific crimes for your own benefit, generally yes.

Again, Manning didn't need to crack any password to get the files that were leaked, nor to send them to WL.

The benefit she would have gotten from cracking that password would have been to protect herself.

Law aside, do you find this (helping a whistleblower cover her tracks) immoral?

If yes, would you also find it immoral to help a whistleblower protect himself from the regime (in the same situation as above), if that regime was e.g. Russia?

The American "mainstream left" has taken a deeply nationalistic turn on this specific topic -- the idea that it's treason to expose fucked up shit that the US government has done, or to help someone who exposes it to protect herself from torture... only people on the right used to think like that, and even on the right this wasn't a common view.

imagine white knighting for a fake girl

Imagine if you were able to answer the question:

Would you also find it immoral to help a whistleblower protect himself from the regime (in the same situation as above), if that regime was e.g. Russia?

I find it immoral that you aren't blowing my whistle bby, and trust me, there will be no protection.


why is it so hard for you to answer the question? is it because your hate of Assange isn't rational?

Fine, I'll answer. Yes.

Why is it immoral?

Investigative journalists pretty much always give advice to their confidential sources and whistleblowers to protect themselves.

It's one of the first recommendations.

Sorry, I was answering yes to "why is it so hard for you to answer the question?"

There is nothing in a security clearance where it says you can use your coworkers accounts willingly, let alone steal the passwords like it did. TFW you have no idea what you're talking about, and circlejerking about poor old innocent Assange who sacrificed his life out of altruism and a desire to expose the truth.



Clearly you’re retarded.

had I used "him, he" this would totally change the situation, your hate for Assange is rational

this but unironically

I believe it because it's funnier that way

"He is an informational terrorist," Moreno told the BBC. "He does not give out the information he has. He selects them conveniently and according to his ideological commitments."

What a solar sun tempeture hot take

Unironic omnicide when

I did it first though 👉 🎨 💩

Isn't that a sign of childhood rape or some shit?

Abused kids sometimes act out by playing with/smearing feces maintain a sense of control and autonomy.

lmao at the idea of ever believing an ecuadorian

somebody shop this for "julian"

D E S I G N A T E D​ S H I T T I N G​ W A L L S

Is this the same guy, who is now under a corruption investigation due to documents released via wikileaks.