If Daddy is reelected, how will Chapo react?

76  2019-04-18 by GodOfDarknessWine

Will we ever see some shootings from them? Will they give up on revolution?


Nah. They will get really mad and quiet if their choice wins, or say it wasn’t their choice actually. I was harder left as a kid, but then Obama got elected and suddenly I had shit on my forehead when I criticized foreign policy. All of my lefty friends weren’t so hot on critique anymore. They suddenly wanted to just be chill and not talk politics. Tale as old as time.

🐴 👠

They’ll LOVE it. Another four years to play victim and wokescold.

(They’ll do that no matter who’s elected anyway, but even more so with Trump).

The worst thing that can happen to a chapotard is the dems wining. Especially if a woman or a black person is president.

You’re right! Seeing their disappointment change to rage as the Democrat turns more and more establishment will be a much better show then just ‘Orange Man Bad’.

I don't think just a blackman will do anymore. You need to push up the oppresion stack(or is it down?) maybe a black guy in a wheelchair or a black fag.

The same way they always do, blame the moderate left and the "liberals", denounce the remaining population as uneducated simps who don't know what's good for them.

Then claim that this just means the revolution is coming that much sooner. How is this realistically going to happen? No one knows.

I seriously hope chapotards try to start a revolution

Immediate 40% casualties. 🤭

Followed by the remaining 60% fleeing back to their parents basement.

Rinse and repeat

I don’t live in my parents basement, nice try :). I have a nice girlfriend, incel. So stop brigading it’s not cute

Look at this dood, has to make a throw away to totes own an internet stranger

Sorry Comrade but shipping yourself into a relationship with a cute WW2 partisan isn’t a “nice girlfriend”.

You post on kotaku in action so you have no opinion on my relationship :)

When I woke up this morning I didn’t think I’d be the subject of a larping struggle session.

I disavow all my thought crimes comrade!

What's it like to be the useful idiot to multi national corporations and global capital.

I’m willing to talk to you if you don’t resort to insults 😄

Are you willing to talk about the return of the dinosaurs 🦖 and their goal of consuming humanity?


The proletariat voted for Drumph

This is their revolution, they are already doing that.


It's pretty funny

It will be like the opening scene in Enemy At The Gates where only half the men had rifles and were thrown into battle against a well-armed opponent.

Except this time, none of the men will have rifles, because by their own admission, they’re liable to kill themselves if placed in the vicinity of a weapon.

The Nintendo store putsch

They also blame white men, you know the people that made Trump president.

We blame white men, too 😡

they prefer Trump to anyone but Sanders, so they will be probably very happy

just to remind like pizzashill they are accelerationists who believe the main obsticle to the US becoming a socialist paradise is that dems are not radical, so the only way to do this is to have fascists at the top, as Pelosi said though there are only 5 AOC affiliated radicals in the house (Omar, Tlaib, Khanna, Lee and AOC of course), so given the assumption that radicalization continues at a linear pace it will take... 175 years of Trump, give or take

they prefer Trump to anyone but arguably Sanders, so they will be probably be very happy

like pizzashill they are accelerationists who believe the main obsticle to the US becoming a socialist paradise is that dems are not radical, so the only way to do this is to have fascists ruling, as Pelosi said though there are only 5 AOC affiliated radicals in the house (Omar, Tlaib, Khanna, Lee and AOC of course), so given the assumption that radicalization continues at a linear pace it will take... 175 years of Trump, give or take

175 years of Trump

an era which sounds too good to be true

175 years of pure SEETHING.

Can you text post this over there please?

175 years of Trump

If only we could enter a timeline that dank

For chapocels, it never even begun

Here's how bernie can win 2024 entirely from a retirement home

My hopes: violent revolution/insurrection!

Most likely to happen: "you're not going to get any more if you keep throwing your tendies on the floor"

It will actually be good for them; four more years of being the victim and fomenting support for a more radical shift left as a "solution" to stuff like healthcare as a lead-in to socializing everything so they can sit on their couch all day collective Universal Basic Income and quit their frycook job.

The neoliberals will have a nuclear meltdown on the scale of Chernobyl, however, and possibly implode, leaving a power vacuum for Chapotards to fill.

The worst thing for Chapos in the next election would unironically be if Comrade Bernie won; like all communists, they'd immediately start in-fighting over the dumbest stuff and eventually splinter over it.

Mass suicide acting up against their parents

they'd RESIST even harder I reckon

I'm more inclined to think that the great folx over at /r/esist, /r/nevertrump and /r/politicalhumour commit mass suicide.

LOL when you realize that Chapos = Tea Party and AOC = Ted Cruz.

They ain't gonna do shit

The only shootings will he self inflicted.

Depends on what Soros and co pay them to do

They want Daddy to be reelected. Their chief motive is spite against moderate liberals, not any actual concern for poor people.

They'll be mature and philosophical about it, accepting the will of the people and the electoral college, and take the opportunity for self-reflection as they ask if their own faults could somehow be responsible.

If Bernie is the nominee and Trump wins they'll blame liberals, the media, and corporations for betraying Sanders.

If anybody that isn't Bernie is the nominee and Trump wins they'll say that the democrats deserve it for running a far right extremist to fight Trump and that the extremist should have personally sucked their dick to get their vote.

Suicide pact.

they'll just cuck themselves harder by donating to more podcasts

With Chernobyl meltdown levels of seething although arguably r/politics will be even more butthurt tbh

They will continue to bravely resist the facsist USA by not getting jobs and living in mummy's basement

Mass suicides, hopefully.

"I know I wasted my vote by writing in Bernie, but really, it's your fault for not putting up a candidate I could feeeeel excited about".