Krauts on suicide watch as Greece demands WW2 reparations.

99  2019-04-18 by GodOfDarknessWine


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


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Where da child support at?

The reparation talks going on have opened the door for other non-colonial European states to demand money from basically just Germany, France, Spain and the UK and I love it.

They opened a door to endless whataboutism and soon every nation will get their Guiltbux at last

Hey as a taco I want gibs from Spain!!! The shit they pulled during the conquest was way worse than anything burgers have ever done.

If ur a taco are u probably part Spain anyway?

I guess yeah.

(the kicker though is that my last name goes back to the Moriscos in Spain from the 15th century and it's an incredibly rare last name)

oh i thought this was about to be a football anecdote

then i realized it wasn't and i fell asleep before i made it to the end

try to save that expression for punchlines or interesting post-scripts in future please

Wow rude

i guess thats true, i just left it implied but football anecdotes are also acceptable place to use kicker. i shouldnt have excluded them

you mean handegg or real football?

typical europoor, make up words for sports, forget them, then try to make fun of people for using those exact words in exactly the way you originally wanted.

'football' is any fieldsport that isn't played on horseback or isn't a watersport, ie polo. i would have accepted any kind of football. from association to australian.

europoors also invented the term 'soccer', im sorry but you cant just change your mind now that you realize it was a stupid mistake borne of your potato-famine addled brains

i tried to be interested in what you were actually talking about but i briefly fell asleep before i made it to the end

Ok so how about this, my old local pub was named after a Kite native to the area, "The Whistling Kite"

hell yeah, now you've got my attention

Well that was actually pretty much all I had.


hey did you delete that video of the kite? I was gonna watch it when i woke up but cant find it now

my last name goes back to the Moriscos

Well, now you owe reparations to all the countries invaded by the Moors.

hahaha yeah. thing is think about it. Some kebab probably raped some spaniard who probably raped some native here. It's raping all the way down.

Black Americans have on average more ancestors that were white slave owners than white Americans do.

Most whites' ancestors arrived after the end of slavery, and even during the height of slavery only a small percentage of whites owned slaves.

A high percentage of jews in the US at that time owned slaves though... Although just like while people, most jews' ancestors arrived in the US after the end of slavery.

So really it's black Americans who owe reparations to black Americans for the sins of their ancestors.

Like Spain could afford it.

Really. They had all the gold in Mexico and owned half the planet now what do they have to show for it?


That's the saddest thing about colonialism. Euro-tards sacked dozens of countries and what do they have to show for it? Unemployment, economic crisises and a bunch of refugees

because of 20th century liberal cucks

The spanish sucked balls at bookkeeping and blew all their cash on endless wars to try to contain the germano-chads and "protect the faith". Popecels absolutely BTFO

Just goes to show that money cannot fix centuries of brainlets

Dude go fuck yourself. This country is already broke af

lol nisiquiera se pueden tomar una broma. porque no me sorprende?

a) This but less ironically. Central and South America are essentially populated by Hispanic rape babies and if reparations become the European norm then they should be moved way up the list.

b) Spanistan has no money for gibs. Mexicans should've had the foresight to be colonized by a nation with a stable government and functioning economy.

It begins anew for Trojancels.

I’m betting by the time it’s the UK’s turn to pay post-British Empire reparations and Irish potato famine genocide reparations they’ll be bankrupt because of Brexit anyway. The Windsor’s really are playing 5D chess.

Shouldnt almost all of europe belong to the celts? Or were the basque there first?

Celts or basques does not even matter tbh. They are both bussy connaisseurs.


Neanderthals arent human so they dont count. I guess the closest relatives of the cro magnon are south slavs and finns.

So, everyone else get the fuq out.

Archaic humans are humans too.

the difference is Greece and Germany being part of the EU actually has teeth

Congo has no leverage whatsoever to demand reparations from France (other than white guilt from woke frogs which is indeed a powerful force)

Don’t you mean Belgium

ya I do

i dunno, belgium might just hand it to them

Tbh Congo has a way more legitimate claim to reparations than Greece. And Congo probably wouldn't use the money any more stupidly than Greece lol

As a burger, I believe I am entitled to reparations from the UK, France, Spain, the Netherlands, and Sweden.

And the American Indians for occupying my land for so long.

Thousands of years living on OUR soil, and nobody ever calls em out for it!

I demand reparations from Ethiopia for the unlawful colonization of this continent

Lol. Greece has asked for repetitions from Germany for the last three decades and Germany gives them the same answer evrrytime. Don't drag us in your retarted culture wars Burger.

It's over for westerneuropecels

hello? yes, i would like to apply for reparations for my participation in the great meme war. I fought bravely for both sides.

Don't worry your grandsons will get the memeperations

Sweet sweet vintage Pepe VR memes.

Greece seems to rely on gibs lmao

should've invested more into infrastructure than homosex. take that socrates! no surprise his apology was met with the ancient greek equivalent of "lmao"


Wasnt it literally, KYS?

oh wow you're actually completely unironically and factually right. i cant believe i missed the obvious one here

Also remember he was put on trial for "corrupting the youth of Athens." Socrates was the OG dramatard.

holy shit haha

socrates gave the original "I'm sorry you feel that way" apology

The virgin Plato vs the Chad Socrates.

Greece can into economics

Country where no one pays the income tax upset that it’s economy crashed due to it stapling itself to the German economy.

didnt yurop mommy already firmly say no to that some years back?

“The question of German reparations has been conclusively settled, both legally and politically,” German government spokesman Steffen Seibert

oh so they're still saying no. well, sucks to be you greekcels then. also, stop being poor greece.

didnt yurop mommy already firmly say no to that some years back?

Yeah, but no there is another chance to say no to other unrelated funds Greece is already getting from EU (and therefore also from Germany).

Anyone slightly familiar with international law will know that they are unlikely to be successful. There was the Jurisdictional Immunities case in the early 2000's (I think?) where Italy tried to claim reparation she against Germany (with Greece intervening halfway through the case trying to claim as well) but they both lost due to Germany's state immunity. This probably just a last gasp political move.

I knew italians were stupid but them trying to claim reparations for ww2 is next level

Maybe Germany should claim reparations for ww2 from Italy. If Italy would have pulled their weight in ww2, we would not have this situation to begin with.

first they need to pay them back for the roman incursions to the north

Romanes eunt domus.

Next next level is demanding reparations from Spain for stealing Cristobal Colombo.

Absolute scenes when the German government explain that West Germany isn't the same thing as Germany, like how when a company changes its name slightly and doesn't have to assume any of the debt.

where Italy tried to claim reparations against Germany

Jesus imagine fucking up that badly and then claiming reperations for starting the war.

Someone blaming Germany for WW2? How will they ever recover???

(I hope it is not with another war)

It did get them out of the economic slump of WW1 tho

win win

It did get them out of the economic slump of WW1 tho

By killing millions and seizing their property.

That's the time honored tradition to dealing with overpopulation and economic troubles.


And lebensraum-pilled

Pretty sure rdrama qualifies for some reparations as well from admins.

The gayreeks already asked for this a while back. They'll get nothing again. Enrico Dandalo did literally nothing wrong in 1204.

Pay Denbts.

India can still be a super-power by 2020 if they get their reperations from Bongistan.

gibs me dat

When do we get reparations for all the damage Alexander The Great did?

The biggest irony of history are countries complaining that another country destroyed them and at the same time demanding respect because they had a glorious imperialistic past.

pay for Poland you fuckheads

Yay! I'm in line for some money, except I don't want any because I'm not retarded or 150 years old and the only thing Britain has done to truly offend me is give James Corden life.

Not surprising considering that Greeks and Italians are technically the blacks of Europe.

Loud, obnoxious fuckbois who still think they are somehow relevant because they WUZ EMPIREZ and shit.

Yeah, but they were the niggas who put Europe on the map.

Someone adjust that "I made this" comics and add

Part of that is mine!

... and you'll cover next 100 years of activism

Lol Germans are so guilty they will actually pay it

All nations owe reparations to the Germans for the 2 greatest battle royales of all time.

How many Greeks were sent to Polish Death Camps?

The article doesn't mention anything about Polish Death Camps. Maybe the Greeks should get some gibs from Poland if they were sent to Polish Death Camps.

Damn I hope Poland do the same. Mega drama potential. If (((they))) got paid why not the two others?