Here's a link to the actual 450 page report. Can one of you neets plz make a tldr?

67  2019-04-18 by uniqueguy263


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. This Post -,,

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Also is this shit really what we waste space on approved submitters for 😴😴😴 I had a high quality Chapo thread to post

Attorney here!

No. Fuck that.

TL;DR well we didn't find any criminal activity, but that doesn't mean he isn't a criminal.

No. More like:

"We found pretty damning evidence of obstruction of justice but the DOJ can't indict a sitting president, that's up to congress."

Lmao Pizza that's a hot take if I've ever heard one.

That's a direct reading of the report. Like, that's not a take, that's what the report says.


Tldr: op is a faggot


No one can read here


Based and illiteratepilled

? 🍔


FOX: there's no evidence that did it

CNN: there's no evidence that he didn't do it

If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would state so. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him

TIL Mueller is a radical centrist

Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him

I mean, I'm about as far from Trump supporter as you're going to find, but if someone isn't guilty, aren't they by default innocent? hence the phrase, "innocent until proven guilty"?

it seems like they just want people to keep arguing over this

Elsewhere in the report it says they took an approach of staying away from the mindset of criminal prosecution, and as such the investigation can't conclude he didn't do anything criminal. Please don't make me dig that up tho because I don't actually care about any of this 😹 😹 😹

It's more of a "the evidence could go either way so we're leaving it up to others." Kind of a lame cop out but at least it's amazing for drama.

Kind of a lame cop out

that's how I feel basically

not making a definitive statement here is actually worse than saying, "He's guilty" or, "he's not guilty"

people will still be arguing about this in 50 years.

It's almost like investigations aren't trials.

but I need resolution you fuck

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Why? This is way more fun. This shit can be milked for years, or at least until daddy dies.

You’d think we learned this during the Chadanaugh investigation.

50 years.

Hold yer horses pardner. Don't forget that Craig Murray and Julian Assage know who gave them the leaked DNC emails. Do you think Assage wouldn't trade the evidence for a plea? Also, Imran Awan and his family have fallen off the radar. Why were they allowed to go back to Pakistan?Why did Wasserman Shultz stick up for them after they stole/destroyed DNC and Gov property?

This is far from over, but it will be settled before 2020. If a the loose ends can be gathered in a nice bow, this would be a dramatic October surprise that the DNC covered up an inside job AND lied about it for 3 years.

Nah, they’re going to turn him into Julie Assange, first

Nice twist.

You should lay off the fentanyl.

Lol. Not a problem in Middle Class Canada 🇨🇦

Seth Rich

not making a definitive statement here is actually worse than saying, "He's guilty" or, "he's not guilty"

Mueller isn't the prosecuting attorney, just the investigator. The bar for prosecuting the president would be absurdly high if possible at all, and they don't think they have enough to win a case.

The nuance of this is where the ice cold cope comes in

it seems like they just want people to keep arguing over this

that's precisely what it is.

This is super tinfoil hat so take it with a big grain of salt but the majority of this shitshow and investigations probably lead back to Hilary because she was and still is the most assmad one can be over losing the election.

years of pointless investigations and god only knows how much in wasted resources just to find nothing of interest over a thoroughly mediocre president. Imagine if the democrats had done something rational like pour that effort into winning the next election instead?

Whatever I guess. 2020 elections are gonna be lit as fuck either way.

They could genuinely steamroll the 2020 election for absolutely no effort if they weren’t retarded. Apologise for the DNC shitshow, admit that idpol has got out of hand, and apologise for calling unemployed rust belt people racists. If they did those three things Trump would lose by a landslide.

US politics right now is just a case study on the sunk cost fallacy.

But unemployed rust belt people are racist 🤷‍♂️

Double jeopardy is a thing too though and he hasn't been put in trial.

this is exactly right. It's bullshit double talk. The point of the investigation wasn't to exonerate trump. It was to find out if he did it.

They found out he didn't do it. Or, they didn't find out that he did do it.

No matter how you phrase it, this is a win for Trump.

No matter how you phrase it, this is a win for Trump.

I was going to say that this report proves that Trump is legit imbecile, but then I thought about it and A: none of his supporters care and b: we kind of already knew that he was

so I guess I agree

If there were any doubts, you can always listen to him talk about his brilliant genius uncle.

For some reason I can't find the clip after 30 seconds of searching, but I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about.

Did Rob Ford teach his grampa how to win an election🤔

Implying anything Trump did helped.. Trump won simply because American voters are stupid enough to fall for a textbook demagogue, which is because Republicans have been attempting to destroy public education ever since the darkies were allowed to have some too. The irony is it backfired on them with Trump, they got out demagogued by a moron so now they have to support him or risk losing the stupid voters to apathy.

No disagreement. 👌

Shhit, calling The Donald stupid on Reddit, you're a brave whatever the fuck.

I was going to say that this report proves that Trump is legit imbecile,

the president has spoken in public before, this is not a secret

Don't forget that was the original purpose of the Whitewater investigation as well, but then Clinton lied about a blowjob so it BECAME about that instead. By that standard this could literally become about anything involving Trump, since there is nothing he has ever been involved in that he didn't pathologically lie about.

I'm just glad the worse of the two teams in modern politics is far too incompetent to actually pass any laws, it's crazy hard to update the immigration software used around the country every time a law is changed, thank you Trump for not making a single change since entering office, you have saved me countless headaches, with the Obama administration it was every 6 fucking months.

Trump's election has massively increased my investment holdings as well as saved me thousands in taxes, so I'm grateful to him as well :)

Dafuq kind of a retard are you that you managed to fail under Obama?

We'll see how it works out for you when you have to pay a lot more in taxes in 6-7 years.

This is how tax cuts work. Short term gains for the wealthy, followed by tax hikes down the road to pay for them.

An investigation and govt agent cannot exonerate you as you are exonerated by default.

It's a term invented by blasted dudes upset they failed

Innocent until proven guilty it's much more a thing in a criminal trial, doesn't really exist for the investigation portion. In the investigation phase they aren't supposed to proceed unless they believe the person is guilty and this statement basically says he might be or he might not be so proceeding is up to you.

I mean, I'm about as far from Trump supporter as you're going to find, but if someone isn't guilty, aren't they by default innocent? hence the phrase, "innocent until proven guilty"?


i mean in court cases they dont say youre innocent just presumed not guilty

its the best outcome you can get

Being innocent and being not guilty are not the same thing.

  • Guilty: We know you did it.

  • Innocent: We know you didn't do it.

  • Not Guilty: Maybe you did it but there isn't a enough evidence to convict you.

Lame. It's a rerun of the FBI Clinton emails thing but reversed.

Chris Wallace: Parts of the report are damaging to Trump

other discussions (41)

Oh baby yeah

41 threads of black tar COPE

It's been 8 minutes and it's up to 43

dramatards are literally tying off and heating up the spoon lmao

pace yourselves guys


black tar COPE

That's racist 🤬🤬🤬

*13% cope

Trump campaign didn’t collude with Russia but trump did everything in his hilariously incompetent power to interfere with the investigation.

The DDF is in full force today on drama trying to pretend that second part doesn’t exist.

Judging by the downvotes you’re getting they don’t seem to be coping well

I was surprised it was just downvotes and not salty comments but /u/big_papa_stiffy showed how far the cope can go.

why not just concede tho lmao the longer you guys drag this out the more shit were all going to be able to give you later


with what lol he got off scot free and now obama niggers are being investigated for spying

thats pretty much everything i could ask for in terms of internet shitposting, meanwhile you legit have emotions about american politics




Obstruct me harder daddy

yeah man sounds like a great idea to abandon the entire collusion thing and focus entirely on him possibly obstructing the thing they werent supposed to be doing in the first place

hes finished

You’re right, it’s not like there was a federal investigation that found out his obstruction or anything

hes definitely done this time! its over, and hillary will be sworn in as putin and trump are led off to jail



were more incriminating than anything in the report lmao

abandon the entire collusion thing and focus entirely on him possibly obstructing the thing they werent supposed to be doing in the first place

His job was to investigate Comey. Did you actually forget this?

the more shit were all going to be able to give you later

Sorry bb, I 😘 u but bogans will never be relevant to American politics.

dont have to be relevant to make fun of people who legit thought trump would get in trouble

Obstructing the investigation that was going to exonerate you anyway is the exact way trump would have wanted to go.

Well the investigation did put charges on a number of people who worked with him. Maybe Trump was just a big softy and looking out for his friends.

looking out for his friends.

If there's one thing that trump has never been accused of it's looking out for anyone other than himself.

lol is this how youre coping with wasting like 3 years


Donald Defence Force I assume

Thanks. I didn't know they renamed the IDF

Muller: It's complicated



TLDR: ur gay

It's 2019 and they're post PDFs that aren't searchable.

"Oh god, oh fuck."

TlDr; Daddy pissed his pants and never stopped.

The pee pee tape is real

If you want a decent analysis I'd wait for the PBS newshour rundown on it. They're usually better than most places, I won't say they're totally unbiased but they're much less than most places, plus they're not profit-driven, therefore don't need to be sensational about it.

tldr; Orange man bad

So when is this investigation officially over? We need to get on to the next one into this, if we're to judge by Benghazi we've only got 53 investigations to go!

Basically there was never a smoking gun, because Trump has a decent set of tard wranglers

tldr; I fucked your mom and you’re gay