Chapo has a 40% selfie thread. The real abominations are in sort by new.

32  2019-04-18 by Slump_o


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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you say you want trans cuties threads


Don't kinksham me 😤



Ironically, the most upvoted ones are the ones that look like some kind of abomination.

Anyone remotely passing is at the bottom

literally ever trans girl in melbourne wears a tattoo choker ☺️☺️

I wonder why

Testing the feeling of the inevitable self-noosing?

wh*te people


This is even better than I had hoped

Ima be honest.... there’s a couple I wouldn’t be able to recognize until the skirt came off.

They're all white or asian

trans folx CAN say the n word ✊🏾

it’s honorary diversity


literally the first post looks like elmer fudd irl and chapos respond with damn you're handsome. can't get worse than that. scrolls down ayo it actually does get a lot worse...

on the other hand I do wonder if the culture of constant back patting and enabling that the lgbt activism deludes itself with, will bring a turning point for uggus around the planet. i mean if those goblins can get told that they're handsome then there's really no excuse

People will tell anybody they’re handsome on the internet. You could be some triple fried crispy chicken burn victim with Chernobyl level deformities and everyone would still be clamouring to one up each other with sappy comments saying how gorgeous you look.

Is it still gay if my dick is smaller than hers?



In all honesty I was in the Army for a decade and even I wouldn't know how to fight that thing.

Just say it isn’t a real woman.

Instant win.

Not sure you'd have to fight them.

40% casualties before the fighting even starts.jpg

Normally you’d wanna go in from the sides and hit the eyes because they’re a weak spot but they’ve got that shit locked

I’m so confused. Is that MtF or FtM?

Don't you see the pigtails?

I don’t know what the fuck I’m looking tbh

A mess

The length of that ponytail is a timeline from ever since he realised his hair was thinning

wtf are those plastic bits on his glasses? Safety corners?

Blinders. Helps him be locked into delusion while blocking any form of reality.

It's so you don't have to wear safety glasses

Be respectful, check out his/her resume:

  • Actively defends Jussie Bussie

  • Identified as a pirate

  • DOES have a g/f, fgts

Dunno if he/she tho pls help

My question is, does leftist pull a lot of trans-people in via a welcoming environment--or does they have a social environment that creates them over time?

It’s autism. So many trans people have autism and that leads to them hanging out in fringe internet cultures which then leads to fringe beliefs. It’s why a lot of them are furries too.

This explains so much. I understand them completely now.

I absolutely feel like I understand that sub much better now.

Yeah, capitalism is safe. There won’t ever be a successful communist revolution in a first world country if this is what the governments have to go up against.

You can count on at least 40% of them going away immediately tho

Uhhhhh real talk, you may have wanted to run this by the mods. Snally just said this kind of post was a no-no on the COPE thread(like not even an hour ago) and could get the admins on us.

Serious post over, god damn those are ugly trannies

fuck em. Ban me and rdrama.

Based 🦖

The virgin precaution vs the chad jihad

You're the hero /r/drama needs

We can’t even move chapos?! Oh come on

It's more about it involving selfies. It can be a sticky wicket. Even though they posted the pics themselves it can get "personal" as it were.

Hey they shared their copyright 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm pondering it right now. On the one hand this could get really mean, really fast and the admins could very well take exception. On the other hand Chapos deserve it if only for raging at cop dog threads and shitting up the whole site, and kettles and pots and all that re: mocking and "brigading."

user reports:
1: witch hunting

Chompy flair intensifies...

imagine caring about what the mods think

Is my birthday today? This is amazing

Being a r-slur commie is starting to make more sense now.

You know how one of the hallmarks of cults is how they lovebomb new members by constantly validating them and making them feel incredibly important?


If you look not very closely you can see their masculine jaws. And that goober sitting on the pillar is too much.

Chapos proving themselves to be the underage zennial commies

This one was actually cute, so I’m assuming it’s someone else’s pic stolen.

Never in my life have I been so sure of the survival of capitalism. Hard to lose a war when 40% of your enemies do you job for you.

Chapos are mentally ill? Surprising.