
74  2019-04-18 by le_epic_xd_part_2


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. This Post -,,

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He reminds me of Peterson. The dead vacant stare (from dealing with foids) really seals it.

Also, volcel if you wouldn't.

he has the same sullen eyes

Lmao pizza why

The face popularity test between a lawlz and a pizza.

Le 56%

idk that meme smh

Lmao. He looks more depressed than I do

Yellow doesn’t suit him. He needs a new hairstyle, some facial hair to prove he’s all adult/legal and a smile ffs. Apart from that sunflower 🌻 is looking ok.

to prove he’s all adult/legal

seriously, dude looks like he's 17

Generous. I was thinking barely UK legal.

What's UK legal?


Life-fuel for Libertarian-cels




He’s got nice lips so that’ll keep his value up.

I have fat lips too. Am I valuable to you? 😥😥

You’re priceless 😘

Don't play with my heart dammit 😨😨😰😰😰

Don’t worry, if the first one breaks we can find a replacement.

Depends on whether you're a man of Allah tbh

You could pass a trans man.

post it to the chapo trans thread. maybe someone bites

Someone pls

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fuck I hope op gives support

I got banned for 3 minutes for this bombshell

so obviously he [BLACKED] the right side of the screen... what do you guys think was there before he edited it?

His Daddy poster

Is that Lawlz lmfao

of course

I’m so fucking happy.

Louis Rossmann

pizzashill is more handsome than all of you, and smarter than half of you.

Please submit copes, seethes, and salt below the line

He needs Vitamins C and D in his life.

Weird enough I sit in the Florida sun for like an hour every day.

Maybe its all of the grease on your face blocking the UV?

Could be.

Have you had some kind of facial injury that broke your eye socket or something?

fucking ethnics tbh

Man looks like Goob from meet the Robinsons

Corpse lookin ass

Why don't his eyes match?