
439  2019-04-18 by Mamalgam


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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For a boomer tier r-slur daddy is on some next level trolling

I want to know if he has a pr team specifically to cook up boomer memes for him

just imagine, a bunch of millenials somewhere in the basement of the white house, hunched over their computers. Suddenly, the phone rings:

the report's out! Daddy's off the hook!

alright we're running the game of thrones meme. Permission to dispatch?

granted. Godspeed!

The NEETS dm the meme through an encrypted fibre-optic cable straight to the oval office. daddy gives it his seal of approval. The tweet is released into the shitstorm in record time.

relieved white house staffers fall back into their chairs with a sigh. The meme team shitpost on /pol/ to celebrate a successful mission. All is right with the world.

This is really dumb tbh šŸ˜•

posts on drama are dumb

what do you expect I'm autistic

Bet your fun at lan parties.

Seems like a pretty insignificant thing to wager but aight I'm in


Listen gramercel, he wants them to bet their fun at lan parties. What don't you get?

It's over for grammarcels

U r dumb

And that's why it's probably true, at least to some point.

All is right

is right


reeeeeeeeEEEEEEE fucking NAZIS get oUT

Le trololol šŸ˜Ž

Actually he has a social media team scan the donald and twitter for ideas. No seriously once we were talking about calling out one of the dems in Congress about his Vietnam history. An hour later trump tweets out he asked vietnam if he ever fought there. He didnt. No one had mentioned it on twitter yet. They literally have some millennial combing the donald for ideas for him. He also reposted at least 6 memes from there.

It's nice to see Daddy cares for all his children!

Bold of a draft dodger to call out anyone for their service.

I actually thought the same thing. Some people were suggesting he shouldn't do it. Drama daddy doesn't give a fuck.

Thankyou for your service

Lol no they just steal them from The_Donald and Twitter shitposters. None of the memes Daddy tweets are OC

He has a social media expert. He gets most of his memes from one trump supporter.

He does.

You realize he post from /pol right?

i unironically canā€™t get fios on my block because of white house cables.

I like to think thereā€™s another red button on the Oval Office desk that just launches spicy memes instead of ICBMs.

I want to be a professional shitposter.

How are they NEETS if they're employed by The Whitehouse? šŸ¤”

Itā€™s a voluntary position

Wow I'm not a republican I only vote for Trump and straight ticket R for the trololol promise šŸ˜Ž


He really is the president America deserves

Make one with Trump being Harry Potter!

I don't read so you do it

I lost both arms in an alligator accident, so drawing memes is out of the question.

He's probably the most American President ever. We're a nation of fat retards and he's exactly who we are.

As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heartā€™s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

- The Prophet Muhammad, PBUH

Pic or it didnā€™t happen

Pics of The Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, are Haram.

Are there degrees of it? Like, if I made a smiley face out of bacon on a plate, took a picture of it, then renamed the image ā€œthe_prophet_muhammed_pbuh.jpgā€, how haram would that be?

Very Haram. The Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, is not pleased.

If itā€™s not engaging in intercrural sex with a nine yo can it really be Mohammed PBUH

In my denomination jerking off to cartoon Muhammad faces is worship, not blasphemy.

Life fuel for common-clay-of-the-west cels

Not enough pedophilia to be le glorious prophet

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. - Mencken PBUH

The Prophet Muhamma

It is truly over for H.L. Mencken-cels.

Literally who?

retards Willfully Ignorant

Retards can't help being retarded.

wtf I love democracy now

He's probably the most American President ever.

what about the one that was all trump is, but also had syphilis (?)

I donā€™t get this one because Trump definitely has neurosyphilis.

He's proof that democracy finds a way to accurately represent the people even when the person with fewer votes wins.

Because that's how a republic works.

Most countries are republics. Youā€™re thinking of the electoral college.

Most countries are republics.

Yes. Like the US, where democracy functions through a republic (electoral college). Some people forget this.

Lmao at all these people downvoting you not knowing what a republic is


The way the Electoral College is formatted is not necessary for a republic. Especially when it fails to do its job and supports the populist demagogue.

Especially when it fails to do its job and supports the populist demagogue.

"It's supposed to work only for ME WAAAAH!!!"

I voted for Trump dipshit

Doesn't matter, your post is still retarded because you think the EC failed.

Yeah, a republic based on the ideal that smaller areas of population get more representation. That still doesnā€™t have anything to do with the definition of republic. Stop being retarded, Iā€™m sick of seriousposting.

Do you think Donny has a meme team or it's just Baron?

Baron actually had all these memes cooked up in 2011.

Barron's anno mirabilis

I assume he has a staffer who sends him the latest memes from T_D

You joke but for years trump would have a report delivered daily to him with every time he was mentioned in the news.

I bet he has something similar now w/ all the best memes

He has a reddit account

He probably browses T_D secretly tbh when twitter reeing gets too much

Sui-fuel for the-right-cant-meme-cels

The "left can't meme / right can't meme" crap has to be one of the dumbest byproducts of the culture wars.

Yeah everyone knows only nonpartisans can meme.

You mean centrists

Because nonpartisans can be on the left and right

I know what I said bitch.



Trump unironically memes better than 100% of his supporters.

sorry for the seriouspost but does the report literally actually say "we can't prove that Donald Trump didn't commit a crime" like WTF does that even mean? He has to prove his innocence now?

It's just the inverse of Hilary's "She commited a crime, but we dont have proof it was malicious so we arent going to press charges."

You are a victim please cry more

ą¼¼ ą¼Žąŗ¶ ą·“ ą¼Žąŗ¶ą¼½


That earns him victimbux though, which automatically makes him right

Good lord youā€™re magnificently retarded šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


listen here guy only we're allowed to use that word





That is a compelling argument friend

Thanks, but it's nothing compared to the magnificent argument that you presented.

Nevermind that showing intent isn't even required for someone to be found guilty of violating national security laws.

I love how the resisters are running with that quote, you were supposed to prove he was guilty, that statement is objectively silly goose shit.

Yeah you didn't need proof when we were talking about Shillarys emails.

The clear undeniable proof of her guilt in that case came from her own statements though.

The report says Russia tried to influence the election, but Team Donald didn't take the bait. It says Team Donald did not collude with Russia. It says "no other American" colluded with Russia - which, the way I read it, kind of lets Hillary off the hook too. Basically, Russia was coming on like a fat drunk chick at a frat party, but no one took her upstairs.

Re: Obstruction - Donny was plenty mad about a lot of shit and said some mean things but no one followed through, or what he tried to obstruct wasn't a criminal investigation so he didn't obstruct justice.

I've read a good part of it but I haven't like studied the whole report.

The position that you can't obstruct justice if no crime actually occurred (that you're trying to obstruct justice for) is a different, and i think newer, legal opinion than i think what has been considered mainstream for a while.

Then fucking read it again. Everything you wrote was wrong.

One of the first parts is that collusion isn't a legal term. It notes multiple attempts by Russia to contact team Trump and team Trump was receptive and responded to many of them. It notes that multiple people perjuring themselves, pleading the fifth and destroying evidence meant that there may be more which they couldn't find.

Junior appeared to offer sanctions relief for dirt on Clinton. It's kind of tough to tell because Mueller wrote Junior was too stupid for them to convince a court that he understood what he was doing. Manafort shared internal polling data with a Russian linked former employer in Ukraine.

Mueller wrote that you don't need to have an underlying crime to obstruct justice but since he couldn't indict Trump because of DoJ policy. He included 11 things that appear to quite plainly be obstruction and wrote a long and detailed bit about how is it totally appropriate to impeach a president over obstruction of justice hint hint.


There has been a lot of cope today but you are coping the hardest by far.

It's funny cause he's Tarrantian, Kangaroo cope.

Guys please dont downvote the lol cow. It cant help itself, its r-slured.

An investigation assumes you are guilty, the innocent until proven guilty part of the justice system only applies to juries during a trial. The summary where it says it doesn't convict him or exonerate him is basically saying their wouldn't be enough proof to say he did it but there is enough proof to say something funny happened.

An investigation assumes a crime has been committed with the purpose of determining guilty parties. Not to "assume you are guilty".

Sure, however you want to phrase it, but the point is they don't have to presume innocence.

It's not a function of "however I want to phrase it" it's a foundation of our judicial system.

Think about where you are my serious posting friend

The immigration problem in this sub is serious.

you try to correct the behavior but you know as soon as your back is turned these refugees will just go right back to it :((

Things only a retard would say for 200 Alex.

If I were a presumption of guilt he would be in prison.

Youā€™re not sorry šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤

No they basically didnā€™t accuse him of a crime since they couldnā€™t prosecute so it would be unfair to imply heā€™s guilty and not let him defend himself via a trial. They basically just laid out all the retarded shit he did and told congress to decide if it broke the law

From page 180

collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the U.S. Code


For that reason, this Office's focus in resolving the question of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law, not the commonly discussed term "collusion." The Office considered in particular whether contacts between Trump Campaign officials and Russia-linked individuals could trigger liability for the crime of conspiracy-either under statutes that have their own conspiracy language (e.g. , 18 U.S.C. Ā§Ā§ 1349, 195l(a)), or under the general conspiracy statute (18 U.S.C. Ā§ 371).

There's a large burden of proof on the prosecutor for conspiracy charges and they didn't have enough evidence to go to court.

When it comes to obstruction of justice Mueller basically passes the ball to congress saying that they should decide.

No the report says that the Trump campaign didn't conspire with the Russians in hacking Clinton's emails or buying fake social media ads.

The report breaks down 11 separate issues where Trump did something that looked like he was obstructing justice. It says that even if Trump didn't initially commit a crime, his attempts to subvert investigations can be obstruction of justice. Mueller then notes under DoJ policy he can't indict Trump but congress can impeach him for obstruction of justice.

"We don't know if he's guilty, but we don't know if he's not guilty either"

It's more like "we can't say he's guilty enough to rise to being criminally liable, but he's sure as shit not innocent"

Maybe they can get another special counsel funded by the US to prove collusion after 2 years.

Is daddy a .... gaymer?

Worse, a LARPer. A decent one though, not easy to win at the Game of Thrones.

Man, it's always the same 3-4 people who are at the top of responses to Trump's tweets. What a pathetic and embarrassing existence that must be, hanging on Trump's every word.

Hi my name is RyanHillMI and I'm a professional DJT tweet clap backer. See my checkmark?

Hes such a weird lookin motherfucker

Le 56% face

Guarantee heā€™s tried to pick up chicks with his Twitter credentials and evening up raping them.

Ah, a male feminist.

What does that guy even do?

Guaranteed it's nothing to do with volunteering to help his local community become a better place, he's too busy for useless suff like that when he could be twating.

lately its that sort of black ryan hill guy hes eugene gu level

yeah absolute retards who do nothing in life because theyre 24/7 on trumps dick & tweets, yet they have the temerity to complain.

They spend more time on Twitter than even Daddy šŸ˜®

their shitty twitter is all they have

Ryan hill and those 2 brothers i forgot the name of.

I wonder what theyā€™ll do in 5 years since trump will be gone

The fucking Krassensteins LMAO.

Never forget the time they wrote a #resist childrenā€™s book and depicted mueller as a chippendales dancer. People wondered what the hell that was doing in a kidā€™s book, so the brothers got super offended and started spamming topless pics of them with kids.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme| deletthis

jesus fuck what

Sorry honey, but it was not required to show me that todayšŸ¤¢šŸ¤® negative 50 redditbux for you

Their AMA was gold. Both sides of reddit's political aisle decided to call a truce that day, lay down their swords, and then partake in non-stop criticism and clowning of these two. It was a rare sight to behold.


This makes me feel warm and fuzzy šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

those brothers are ripped. i need to get on whatever program they are on

Oh jeez, I thought Twitter was doing some heavy personalization and their algorithm had somehow identified a link between me and them. (I literally donā€™t use twitter except to follow trump and post ridiculous maga parody bullshit).

You mean those guys are objectively popular with all the people who reply to trump, not just me? Ok, new life goal is to get my ā€œMaga Man Xā€ account ranked the highest.

Its like those parasites that attach themselves to bibber fish and feed from the scraps it leaves behind, except these rtards do it for attention and most of them literally spend hours each day just hitting F5 on trumps feed.

Makes me wonder if there's a hidden bot-war between the various checkmarks trying to get in the first response.

They probably change locations for latency's sake, like stock trading bots.

Those two brothers are so embarrassing. I had to mute one on twitter because I was cringing so hard at his tweet.

thatā€™s weak, you should unblock him immediately

But dadddddddddd

if i fail severely enough as a parent to have my kid use twitter, at least iā€™ll make sure the little fucker is going to be exposed to all the cringe there is

If you reply to every single DT tweet 5 times you should Keep Yourself Safe

This RyanHillMI guy needs a new hobby.

Brb wasting my life subtweeting Donald Blurf every 10 minutes.

its literally their job

probably pretty lucrative gig

Does Ryan Hill have an actual job, or is he just a professional tweet replier?


Bogdanoff dark pool money from Mars

does he have a guy to make these on demand or does he just get them of of td

Pedes make these memes for free so Daddy doesn't have to keep anyone on hand to make em

They just manifest on his Twitter and nobodyā€™s quite sure how.

tfw u think daddy does nothing but he's actually slaving away on photoshop only to drop them at the most opportune moment

Do you think they'll ever show the ones that were never released by daddy?

What does this even mean retard

wow rude this is a bully free zone

Generally he means to suggest liberals and the media are so fucking annoying -- especially since 2014 -- this pushed electorate rightward, causing Trump's election.

No shit, the question is how that makes sense on this post

He might be referring to the Twitter clapbacks, if you scroll down. I did not, but douchechills just thinking about them. The real Russian colluders have been the liberal media and woke Twitter for fucking years, now.

The real Russian colluders have been the liberal media and woke Twitter for fucking years, now.

that and meme magic, am i right pedes?? xdxd

It means cope

The reason Trump won is that he shitposts on twitter. How fucking hard to understand is that?

Some people just refuse to admit heā€™s hilarious. If he had lost the election and just kept doing this stuff heā€™d be the most beloved man in America.

I would say less beloved and more " looked at the way people look at Kanye"

Kanye is immensely Loved, so bad comparison

I'm still laughing about that 1/2020th burn on Liz

It means that only a pig cunt whore could have given birth to someone as stupid as you. Crawl back into your fat motherā€™s cancerous womb, you waste of carbon.

yall are joking about this but actually have ur priviledge showing. some people can not joke about this because they live in reality.

Unironically, truly, incomprehensibly, uncompromisingly based

Didnā€™t HBO threaten to sue him last time?

I think that was batman for using his song

Winning? Where is all the winning? I don't see ANY winning, starting with the fact that a preponderance of Americans owe taxes this year instead of getting a refund thanks to the tax cut for the top 1%. How's the weather in Vladivostok?

Literally lol, this comment has everything.

Just imagine Trump browsing /pol/ and the_boomer getting furiously worked up over endless Kangz and "How can we even compete" threads until he finds the perfect zero-IQ meme to spam

The posterā€™s president

Lmao holy shit

Kennedy won because he made good use of television appearances. Obama won because he made good use of social media. Daddy won because he made good use of his meme game.

Truly the best timeline.

Whats next

Presidency goes to the best sexter?

Commie Mommie a shoo-in in 2014

Presidency goes to the best sexter?

Anthony Wiener might finally get his chance, if that's the case.

President Carlos Danger yes!

kanye best rap game

Unironically based

What if he actually didn't collude and is rly sad :(

That fuckin' Ryan hill guy really needs to get a job or just take a permanent visit to Valhalla

The comments on twitter are a dumpster-fire. As expected.

i cannot believe an actual retard is in the office.

Trumpcels out out out!

stop violating copyright laws

Fantastic response.

These replies are wild

Replying to


The innocence project proved that too many men, especially Black men, were put in jail for crimes they didnā€™t commit. The Government and the liberal media tried to do the same to President @realDonaldTrump he could have been one of the innocent men sent to Jail. Thanks to Barr.

I love seeing all the "Net NEUTRALIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" folks screeching about copyright infringement.

It's like, Janet, you dumb bitch, we all know y'all watch pirated livestreams of GoT on Sunday nights, because being a gender studies grad, a.k.a a fucking hostess at a Chili's, you can't afford an HBO subscription, so get off your fucking high horse about copyright lmao