Wypipo keep walking their dog through Howard University's campus, and the black students lose their mind about once again being colonized.

205  2019-04-18 by missmurrr


furry is zoophile blackface


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Why Are So Many White Americans Dying Young? Suicide, substance abuse, and liver disease are the top midlife causes of death https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201511/why-are-so-many-middle-aged-white-americans-dying-young


Fake and gay

Except white wives

Except FAT white women

FAT white women

I thought their thing was dogs

that's autistic white women


taytay ain't fat

Fuck outta here MDEfugee

The fugees unironically out number us

Fuck immigration is actually bad then

only MDE dislikes blacks

nice cope faggit

Back to the defaults with you, libtard 😎

“You know this is a university. You know this is a historically black university. And you feel so entitled that you’re just going to walk your dog there?” says Briana Littlejohn, a graduating senior at Howard. “I find it very disrespectful.”

First a cartoon frog, then the ok hand sign, now walking dogs. What’s the next sign of racism?


this is our air

not for mayos to breathe. Get your own air

Nice try trashawnda it’s only 3/5s your air

When you find this sub thinking its about drama and it's just a racist masturbatory chamber... what a fucking let down.

dramaposters are colonizing your mind baby b*tch maybe if u submit and we make you house poster

we're walking our dogs across his mindscape


When wypipo go on computers just to cuck themselves what a fucking disappointment

hahaha im white?

hahaha go down to your corner and say yo homies these niggas on reddit think im white. See how black you feel to your average hood rat. Your like the skinniest kid at fat camp.

I live in Rancho Palos Verdes so there are no homies on the corner.

Don't you understand? There's no color you could be that would make me want to trade places with you...

Internet. Weirdo.

Fuck off faggot

Must be hard to be such a baby back bitch, I'm sure chapo would be a better fit for you.

The fact that this lolcow is proof that drama has been colonized by srsposting rightoids

The lingo you incels use is hilarious to me. I have no idea what you said.

I bet you feel really comfortable here in this sub...got your own words and secret handshakes.

It's where you can be yourself without being judged so harshly by society.

Imagine thinking we care about what a filthy mayo like you has to say.

Lol, "we" … this sneaky lil hate sub really is how you fulfill your sense of community isn't it?

Not gonna knock it. I think we're all in our respective roles.

Good day.

You are absolutely correct about this being a hate sub. I'm taking offense in that you think there's a hint of being any form of sympathy here for any sort of group.

I never hinted at anything - certainly not about what you said. I mean, I try and say things as plainly as I can. Especially when directing it at people on the spectrum.

Lol, "we" … this sneaky lil hate sub really is how you fulfill your sense of community isn't it?

You are not a socially well-adjusted individual.

Not gonna knock it. I think we're all in our respective roles.

You are beneath me.

Good day.

Bye retard.

Whatever you say, gamer scum.

You forgot one:

Honk Honk!

Bark bark 🤡🐶

Doing wypipo shit like whispering in the movie theater after every single preview, ”Ok we are seeing that” and not taking your shoes off when you go inside your home (disgusting).

Black people are the ones that never shut up during movies.

Cause they can’t hear themselves over your whispering

I go to the movie theater in sheepshead bay brookyln , Black people have a lot of opinions on movie scenes that y’all need to 👏 sit 👏 down 👏 and 👏 listen 👏

Briana Littlejohn


She has a littlejohn

Daddy's name was Robbin' da Hood.

don't forget, those dogs humping? thats rape culture yo

btw whatever happened to mayo women losing their shit about rape culture? campus rape is passe now I guess, too many fakes in the media

Gods, literal dog whistles?

They ought to call the police on them and have them removed the way every Poolside Patty and BBQ Becky does. But we all know what the police would do. NOT A GODDAMN THING

Y’all I can’t even

What’s the matter with dogs? Do dogs get better grades or something?

Dogs are the mascot of violent subjugation. The white man will literally steal your young, break them to his means, breed them to his purpose, and rub it all in your face

Yeah but arent they so cute?

The white man lies through his many faces. He'll show you the horrors of his domination and make you smile

I haven't seen people try to breed their dogs with black people since 2015.

And the white woman will fuck the dog, so...

White "people" are disgusting and must end

Nothing in particular. It's the filthy mayos holding the leash.

dogs are racist

All Basketball Americans are afraid of dogs.

“It’s not just about the dogs, but the fact that we go to an hbcu to surround ourselves with a safe community we can be ourselves around,” writes another. “Y’all continue to be in our bubble and it gets worse and worse everyday. You come here and think you can just insert yourself into a space we use to be confident in our identity without y’all stepping in.”

They should probably put up some signs saying "blacks only" to solve this conundrum

“It’s not just about the dogs, but the fact that we go to an hbcu Country Club to surround ourselves with a safe community we can be ourselves around,” writes another. “Y’all continue to be in our bubble and it gets worse and worse everyday. You come here and think you can just insert yourself into a space we use to be confident in our identity without y’all stepping in.”

The difference is the country club would actually do something about it

The definition of segregation will be changed to only when the race in power unequally keeps other races from instituions

we go to an hbcu to surround ourselves with a safe community we can be ourselves around

This person must not be familiar with the FBI crime statistics if he/she thinks it's safer to surround xerself with Basketball Americans.

>blacks need their "own space" in order to be confident in their identity

>mayo chads who are comfortable literally anywhere on the planet walk their dogs where they please


It's sort of heartwarming to see African-Americans learning to despise another ethnic group for moving into their nice neighborhood, refusing to follow local social norms, and (here, literally) shitting the place up.

Goes to show we're all the same inside. Heartwarming really.

If only groids realized that we feel the exact same way about them, but instead of dog walkers and people having picnics it's robbers and rapists we have to contend with

Cool but nobody cares about their lawn. It's a piece of grass-covered dirt, nothing more.

"What I didn’t completely know until I got to Howard was just how much of a sacred space [The Yard] is to historically black universities"

The Yard

historically black universities

There a joke about prisons somewhere in here I just know it. 🤔

I wouldn’t do well as a blackmerican because that would actually piss me off.

Yeah if that was the case statistically speaking in generalities you wouldn't have a high enough iq to be mad at things you couldn't hope to understand.

*shoots round ball in circle

Huh everyone at my school is happy to see dogs on the quad. Then again my school is over 70% mayo so maybe that explains it.

Same. People liked seeing a dog. Also almost no blacks and muslims.

I pick up girls at college when I walk my six huskies when I was single, dogs are the ultimate wingmen.

How many take the knot?

Look at his username. He probably takes the knot.

imagine being a human that doesn't like dogs

how wretched a void their lives must be

When white people complain about black people moving in, it's racist. When black people complain about white people moving in, it's woke.

Then these retards wonder why other retards voted for a retarded fat mayo to be president.

Maybe it's better if whites and blacks just went our separate ways. Something tells me the basketball folk wouldn't like that very much

We tried that with Liberia and it turns out actual Africans hate the basketball Americans almost as much as whites do.

The difference is the filthy pig scum will REMOVE a black person. Bet they don’t remove these whites and their mutts, though.

Whites get shot by cops many times, and dogs get shot almost every time cops show up.

Nobody said anything about shootings. This conversation wasn’t about shootings. It is about whether cops would come and remove whites they way they do blacks. Poolside Patty, BBQ Becky, Corner Store Carolyn and Sidewalk Sally. Don’t try to muddy the waters by conflating the two issues. Stop being intellectually dishonest.

That's more about cops not removing femoids as much as moids.

yeah. that one had normal comments, so this was better. i should post the initial blog post from another dc blog that started all of this.

Why don't these idiots take the time and pull an old mayo foid act and call the cops while shoving a camera in the face of the dog walkers?

Round up all of the pibbles and release them at Howard University.

It's the right thing to do.

Why do niggers hate dogs so much ?

Dunno, ask your mom's boyfriend.

Howard is private property it’s kind of fucked you think your dog can just shit there because you live near by. It would be weird having a picnic at a place that is a part of a college campus quad too

Alonda Thomas, a Howard University spokesperson, says there is no policy prohibiting dogs. Howard’s campus is open, meaning anyone is allowed to walk through it.

Brain so shiny and smooth, it is beautiful.


They did not need a policy until White people...

Why White Middle Class Americans Are Dying at an Alarming Rate http://for.tn/2mVEz2H via @FortuneMagazine

The grassy area is public.

You know the towns were there first, they had their families there they grew up there. Then all of a sudden University became the vogue place to send your grown child to drink and wreak havok.

White devils begone

Sounds like we need to send in the national guards again.

"Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever y'all" - some black Howard student probably

Nah, that’s BBQ Becky and Poolside Patty. God god Yts have short memories

complicated history with dogs.

Dogs are cancelled.

This article made me uncomfortable until I remembered black people can't be racist.

And in recent years, The Yard has also increasingly become something else: a place where nearby residents exercise, go for a leisurely stroll, or lay out a picnic blanket with their family.

Literally all colleges everywhere have always been like this.

Literally all colleges are not PRIVATE historically black institutions.

Even private schools keep their grounds open for the public to roam...


So why they mad at white folk for existing

The issue is that non-students are encroaching on campus grounds, despite there being numerous places for the encroachers to take their leisure time that ISN’T the college’s property.

The issue is that these same non-students are telling people that if they don’t like it, they should move the college. A college that has been there for 150 years.

The issue is that if the historical marker in question happened to be, say, the Washington Monument, this chucklefuck #GentrifyingGeorge wouldn’t be telling them to get it out of the neighborhood he just moved into.

Lol noone said they should move. They should suck it up tho

That is exactly what the Gay man said, he said that Howard University should "move the campus"

Lol so a random mentally I'll person says something. Better sperg out and blame the mayos

So you admit you got the facts wrong.

no, I don't see anywhere in the article that they said that

Well if they don't like it they can move.

Black fragility.


Where are all the black people? I see like one.

Cool. Your posting history just screams 'inferiority complex'. Literally every post is wypipo = bad.

Only way you know how to build your own race up is by tearing others down. Sad!

Thought we run the world though ?

I've always wondered if any of the students of Howard University have actually heard of Oliver Howard. Also how many arms they've lost for civil rights.

Howard is our safe space, not your play place

Jesus fucking Christ...

Why do black people get so pissy about white people walking dogs? They also freaked out when an off-leash dog park was put on the site of a former black community in my town.


Dogs are haram.

This is actually pretty common, Rich mayo assholes coming and and whining about shit.

Back in my home state there's a town up in the hills without much of a populace. Every year they would hire hunters to thin the deer herd to prevent over population.

Rich mayo assholes move in to a new country club that was just built. Have a shit fit "how could you hurt bambi?!" so they didn't hire hunters that year.

Only took 1 season of starved deer carcasses all over their neighborhood for them to change their tune.

They aren’t whining about shit tho they’re just hanging out in a public area. The ones whining are the black students because Yt’s have the audacity to walk their dog on a college campus

It's not just about walking the dogs tho. It's a sacred and traditional spot on campus that's being desecrated by dog shit. People don't wanna step in dog shit walking to class, especially at a private university.

Then post up one of the school police officers there and give them a ticket every time they leave dog shit because that’s illegal. It seems there problem centers less about the activity and more about the people

I totally get not wanting it to be a dog park and wanting people to follow rules, but why is it that people who weren't even born when the awful things took place, always say "BUT MAH HISTOREEE!!".

Bitch, you weren't even alive. Shut the fuck up.

Meh, I get it. It's their space, let them have it. Find somewhere else to walk your dog.

I can't even be arsed. I've seen way too many examples of snowflakes throwing tantrums about mayos doing the slightest, most insignificant things, so they can look woke.

Let's just all go back in time to around 2013, just before being offended by mayos for existing was trendy, and nuke this planet.

nothing a new yearly

chocolate festival

won't solve

Howard University’s yard isn’t a dog park, but a historic PRIVATE black university. White people ruin everything.