"If they act like a Nazi, look like a Nazi they’re a Nazi. They made their beds, they can lie in them." - Known Nazi BelleAryan.

183  2019-04-18 by Quietus42


The 9/11 Vore Conspiracy argues that the twin towers were not hit by planes externally. Instead, planes were built inside the towers, and continually inflated which eventually caused a collapse.

The anonymous theorist, reviewing footage of the 9/11 attack, stops the footage numerous times to point out "weak zones" of the town that gave in as a response to the increasing weight of the internal aircraft.

He highlights areas in the footage that portray people and objects being violently thrown out of the windows with force, as well as small billows of steam and fire, happening at the lower floor levels of one of the towers.

"Look at this shit. You're telling me there's just random ass explosions going on? Down here? We ain't even remotely close to where the plane collided. Bull fucking horse shit.'

The theorist explains that the planes were built by "crazed U.S. government scientists who watched too much Doctor Who, it was like that of a real life TARDIS experiment".

"They built these massive towers, for what? Business? Hell nah, have you seen the economy pre-9/11? It was shit. We didn't have the money nor energy for no goddamn tower of that size, and definitely not two."

We asked why the experiment would take place in the middle of a city as crowded as NYC. The theorist responded:

"It's hidden in plain sight. NYC's got all the resources in the world, right at your disposal. Nah, seriously man, look at these streets, there's a fuckin' garbage pile up just down the road. You know what kind of technology you can find in these piles? There's some fuckin' money to be made. Plus you get to make a nationwide scare if your experiment fucks up, and publicity means more money. They had all to gain and nothing to lose."

The theorist explains that any and all footage taken inside the Twin Towers pre-9/11 was simply simulated, props, or illusion. Footage of NYC recorded in a position respective to which the twin towers overlooked, was created via a clever series of mirrors originally sourcing from the "432 Park Avenue" building.

The theorist claims that any and all footage of the planes are "so fake, it's laughable", he states: "Nobody saw any planes... not in real life. Outside of what the TV stations would tell you, not a single soul saw an actual, physical plane hit the buildings. Hell, you could ask everyone in New York today, you won't find a single person who saw a plane."


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Lol okay the

an hour ago

2 comments, 1 of which is a shadowbanned tard

this is an impressively low effort

Yeah I just wanted to share this extremely ironic comment considering the source.

Why would anyone take r/fuckthealtright seriously if their mod is a Nazi? It makes the sub look like a joke and the subscribers look retarded. Are we allowed to ping her or are they on the nono list?

She'll definitely cry to the admins but on the upside she's a mod there so she for sure saw the totes link.

Did you see devrata's comment? Apparently a moderate Democrat is an "alt_reich enabler" and you dont take your pills (I believe the second part tho)

Yeah I'm definitely off my meds. Adderall kills my appetite so I don't take em.

It was bad enough that known alt-Reich enabler Quietus42 sought validation and companionship among the drug-addled teen bussybois of /drama, but now he’s joined their stalker brigades. Maybe his new buddy K_B (aka Benzo-boi) will give him an attaboy pat on the head when the evening pills wear off. Imagine being this bored and insecure! Yikes! Bussy! (Tee hee!)

I love how he calls us teens while he talks like a thirteen year old and me an altright enabler while he's buddy buddy with BelleAryan.

Logic is hard when one is trying to defend a Nazi and attack Nazis.

Lonely Laps

Dafuq? Is this supposed to be a reference to something?

I have no idea.

He meant Lonely Lapps. This is a dating subreddit for northern Finns.

Sounds hot tbh.

Maybe even... steamy... 😏😏😏 (You get it cuz the saunas? I don't want anyone to miss out on how clever this is.)

Don't forget about the palju.

I used to think his bizarre insults were a reference to something (pijama nazis, diaper nazi, diaper this diapar that stinky diaper poo poo etc) but now I know they are just his autistic fetishes bursting from within

IKR? I've never read such drivel as his insults. And he must think they're great because they go on and on in the same juvenile tone. He seems to be obsessed with poop related insults and I'm wondering if that has anything to do with Belle's well documented poop fetish? A match made in heaven?

Also he has this addiction to using boi on the end of other words. Fucking poopboi if you ask me.

The thing that is really disgusting is regardless if she wants to pretend to be left or right she is a known drug addict and child abuser. Who the fuck defends a legitimate child abuser?

The mods of FtAR, it seems.

She was in a dark place!

I know Britain is foggy but that’s no excuse to continue to be a drug addict while abusing your children and leaving them alone with your pedophile boyfriend.

She'd be better off with the father, frankly. But he's still behind bars for raping an infant.

No, the kid is simply sitting there neglected whilst Belle fights the fash on her government-bought iPhone.

His you tube videos are still up though. They're extremely creepy.

Link the youtube. Is it this sick fuck?

Well to be fair, she has made a new reddit account since then.

literally every antifa member i know is close friends with someone who was and/or is alt right

Horseshoe theory at work.

<pats head>

Lol devavrata17 is really trying to shame you out of being radically centrist. All these spergs seem to be in a seethe to cope power cycle ever since the mueller report dropped.

I don't know why they're even seething. If you don't like Daddy, the report shows that he's literally too retarded to have successfully colluded or obstructed (but not for lack of trying).

Daddy's not a Russian agent but he did break the law. It's pretty much the best result from a rational left perspective.

Now that’s the cope-take of the century!

Okay maybe he was pretty buddy buddy with Russian help but it turns out accepting help from foreign agents in an election isn't against the law. Who knew?

Lol I still love how fake news labels his joking at a rally for wiki leaks to release her 30k missing emails, as ‘working with Russia to hack into our elections systems’. 😂😂😂

This was a cover up for losing to a bad candidate and for the DNC rigging their own primary. And to boot, All of this collusion delusion is literally the only thing that has me fired up to vote for daddy again. Otherwise I’d likely be apathetic to politics, at this point.

But what about the Yang Gang? Don't you want NEETbux?

Soulless sneaky Chinese with zero regard for individual liberty. I truly don’t need 1k either, that’s chump change even to someone as autistic as me.

I’d assume most campaigns have foreign ties.

My brief brush with these people convinced me that deva is an incredible bitch. Absolute epic, really.

Never even heard of that sub and already banned

You get an instant ban message to them and britposting if you comment even once on here. Amazing, the mental gymnastics they must go through to think anyone cares.

Horseshoe theory

Belle is great at playing the victim so nobody thinks about her past deeds

? Can’t recall, fill me in

Yassssss that’s a ride

in the last 24 hours you have made nearly a hundred combined comments and posts. that's not even counting the many modmails, slack messages, and more we can't see

Not even 30 seconds in and I'm already dying

She’s one of the best lolcows, her history spans literal decades.

Nazi naming the other nazis what a snitch

It was bad enough that known alt-Reich enabler and pal Quietus42 sought validation and companionship among the drug-addled teen bussybois of /drama, but now he’s joined their stalker brigades. Maybe his new obsessed-stalker buddy K_B (aka Benzo-boi) will give him an attaboy pat on the head when the evening pills wear off. Imagine being this bored and insecure! Yikes! Mayo-tay-tay gussy! (Tee hee!)

/u/devavrata17 you’re getting good at catching on to the lingo. We need you modded ASAP 😁😁😄

The fact that she would say Q42 is an alt-reich enabler and from what Ive seen Q42 post on this sub, Im concurring that Dev is a full blown fucking retard

Daring to joke with rightoids = Nazi bff duh.

You post on EVERY trans thread reminding everyone that Trans women are women, you shuck the MDEgenerates (who else do we ping to deport those manlets?), you honestly post good natured comments/posts, and you only laugh/remove content that’s batshit crazy mostly right wing shit. Sorry to serious post but hoooooollly shit. “Nazi enabling” ... are you fucking kidding me???

Baptize me baby 😱😩🍆 💦 😋

I'm actually an ordained minister IRL so I bless your centrism, my child.

proddies get out

Eww no I'm a Boist.

A what?

bosed and redpilled

I was actually calling real fascists retards in discord the other night, and ridiculing the fuck out of Them. Having some safe space to call literally every single person that doesn’t adhere to your insane ideology, a fascist, is just a circle jerk, plain and simple, it’s also reductive.


He probably dedicates an hour a day of his life to studying /r/drama, seething quietly in his basement, gulping his old man pills so his heart doesn't give out (reminder he's 40) muttering angrily to himself 'yeah, I can use that against them'.

Mod /u/devavrata17 and /u/prince_kropotkin simultaneously for like a week. Should be hilarious

Hi, just letting you know this comment was removed by Anti-Evil Operations. If you have questions, ask the admins, not us.

I wonder which f-slur cried about it. Both are viable.

They let me know. Thankfully, I got the suspension appealed

They suspended you? That's epic.

It's obvious /u/devavrata17 has fascist sympathies. He defends known Nazi and public racist /u/BelleAriel any time he can. She probably sends him nudes of her nasty junkie body

there’s no such thing as a right not to be called a nazi

Well I suppose in the constitution there is no right, but there are such things as slander and libel laws.

She has "Aryan" right in her name. Come on now

/u/BelleAriel weren't you a Nazi like 1 account ago? 🤔🤔🤔

Eveyisms was an alt right account, but when you change accounts that means you get to forget all of the vile things you have said in the past.

Belle and Ariel? Two white disney princesses? Why not JasminePocahontas? What is she trying to say? 🤔🤔🤔👌

This is like playing a record backwards to hear the coded message "turn me on, dead man," but if you play it forward at normal speed, it's an entire concept album about the death of Paul.

I was just about to message you about the Dev comment, what a fucking potato.

Do you think Deva will ever figure out that you can't fight hate with hate and if you want to actually fight fascism you have to go out and talk to fascists and show them a better way?

Or will he keep palling around with a fake antifa sociopath while childishly mocking every even slightly right leaning person he sees, thereby helping to increase the division and ironically pushing some of them even further to the right?


Funny that you mention that because suggesting it is what got me banned from the FTAR sub 🙄 So no.

They’re flirting and it’s about you 🥰🤢 https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/comments/beqogr/theres_no_such_thing_as_a_right_not_to_be_called/el8q3dd/

He'd need to channel that adolescent righteous fury into something else. I dread to imagine what.

Anyway, looks like you're officially a Wenlock now.


you have to go out and talk to fascists and show them a better way?

In interwar Poland, Polaks and Ukrainians also were living closely and even marrying each other. And then this happened

But keep trying to tell people that you are not subhuman, in vain hopes that they give a flying fuck about that, you fucking nigger.

Hi, Alpha100f!

I am dropping by to wish you a wonderful day! Take care!


This bot makes me angry 😡 😠 every time I see it 😤

That wasn't for you, you fucking retard. I know you're obviously to dumb to figure out what's going on here so I'm just going to give you a day to go fuck off somewhere else while you figure it out.

Trying too hard

Trying to hard

this is fairly obvious, if you want people to stop being nazis you have to explain to them what actually is going on lol

One guy successfully deradicalizing hundreds of neo-nazis.


One guy screaming "Pajama Nazi" at every even moderately conservatard he meets.

I literally cannot tell these two apart.


Self-hating white trash Harry Potter pedophile detected.

u/BellieAriel stop gaslighting us, nazi scum

I love coming across Belle and devavrata replying to each other. You get paragraphs of codeine induced drooling nonsense from belle and "hehe you stinky diaper smelly nazy bois mmm smelly diaper kids i ban you you naughty boy" from dev.
It's not often two people this special are coherent enough to type at each other and I think we should just sit and appreciate it.

Do they even talk to each other?

Feels like either is doing their own thing.

Like someone waiting until it's their turn to speak instead of listening to what the other person has to say.

Hitting refresh until there's a new message, waiting with their own reply already prewritten.

The weather has been great all week, its half term the kids are off school. So what family stuff has Belle done with her kid, sweet fuck all, she has been posting on here all day every day.

When your kid is grown and you realise you wasted every opportunity to bring joy and adventure to their life, will you ask yourself was the reddit karma worth it? I doubt it....

I get off Reddit to spend time with my pets. I can't imagine spending every second of every day posting hundreds of Reddit comments while neglecting my kids smdh.

/u/kat_B0T you got a shout out!

It’s a good shout out!

Man that junky bitch is out of her head. Glad her kids are safely away from her, poor things are probably going to have a bad life anyway, getting their genes from her after all

"I explained I've spent all my government money on Reddit premium and my iPhone contract but they STILL say I have to pay! Why can't I have free energy? I'm a single mother with disabilities! FUMING! Fuck the tories!"

Good job it isn't winter " Sod the cold child, Uncle Corbyn needs my monthly donation"

Don't forget those Welsh hairdressers and bad tattooists. That money needs to go around and enrich the local community.

Oh no! r/Britposting has gone private how will we cope...

Looking for new ideas and moderators.

Time to brush up my CV.

That post about the energy bill having more than doubled at least brought a little of what Belle would have called 'scandfreude'.

They're accepting mod applications at FTAR.

How did I miss this juicy drama a few days ago. There’s so much missing history in the comments.