r/Politics User is so broken down and experiencing peak COPE. Doesn't actually need to see the Mueller Report. "I don't need it. Trump called for and received Russian assistance." ... "I don't need the Mueller report. Collusion is in plain sight."

303  2019-04-18 by GodOfDarknessWine


I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


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gonna need to know which brave g-slur wrote this

Wow extremely relatable Snappy, love you my man

Mueller: Was Trump a Russian agent or just a useful idiot?


Rent Free COPE

How exactly is one a useful idiot, if the plot in which he is the idiot, ends with him being president. Its a galaxy brain move sorry to blow up your next narrative. Must have been a tough day when you found out that the facebook memes putting trumps face on jesus were made by russians and not evangelicals.

can't wait to vote for Daddy again _^

I hope the Russians release Kamala Harris emails as a prosecutor detailing all the shady shit she did to put poor black people in jail and then we can appoint Comey to head up a special counsel to investigate.

doesnt need it

suggest the other guy to read it as source

Evidence is a propaganda tool for white people and I don't rely on it. I find it's much more valuable to go off how something makes me feel

which one of you fuckers did this lol

Honestly what’s amazing me is how quickly they’re nuking my alts for posting capeshit spoilers.

I hate to literallypost but capeshit is literally more important than the future of american politics

Capeshit is truly the defining event of our time.


Hey you got unbanned. Did you post bussy like I told you?


Mods please ban this bussy hating bastard.

I got banned on so many subs for posting capeshit spoilers on my alt lol

Like what? The hero wins?

bruh lol

because the mods agree with the message.

Do you have a list of capeshit spoilers? I wanna get in on that?

It was the auto mod thing a few days ago. I’ll pull it for you.

Shit, are those real? I assumed somebody was just making shit up. I don't know anything about the movies. BRB gonna go get b& from r/boxoffice

This is unironically one of the best things I've ever seen.

That needs to be a snappy quote

I’m dieing over here reading this

it's dying you subhuman trash

but i forgive you because you're drunk

what's insane is the one reply beneath it claiming it's 100% serious.


I know I’m trying to stir them up.

Isn’t that an AOC quote?

Has anyone honestly read the damn thing?

If I want to I won't do it til probably saturday

How is everyone already squared up to it?

Imagine taking your time to read that shit rather than drive by laughing at copers.

Who the fuck has time to read a hundred+ page political report? Stick to reading Harry Potter!

Bruh. I’m paid to read shit. You think I voluntarily am going to read Meuller’s ducking effortpost for free? Fuck that.

You pick which side you're on then you either read Buzzfeed/Vox/WaPo's "Top 10 most damning acts of treason committed by Trump!" or if you're on the other side you hop on youtube and watch one of several hundred "Here's how the Mueller report completely vindicates Trump and exonerates him from everything he's ever been accused of ever!" political """commentary""" videos.

Reading is haram

Has anyone honestly read the damn thing?

you do know that you are asking that on reddit?

further more, on reddit and on r-drama.

The executive summary as well as the prosecution and declination decisions for both parts is adequate for most conversations on this site, regarding conspiracy/collusion and obstruction. Everything else is the gravy and potatoes.

I'll read through the whole report when I have the time.

I just didn't get what people were coping over. The report was about getting meaty details which takes time.

Because, basically, Mueller said there was no evidence (or insufficient evidence) of conspiracy and said "maybe, idk" on obstruction. They're coping because it wasn't the slam dunk that leftists have thought it'd be these past two years and worshipped him for it.

Now, he uses "conspiracy" because "collusion" is too vague and not part of criminal law (even though the media and leftists have used it constantly for two years). As part of their coping mechanism, they're now trying to move the goalposts and say shit like "Mueller didn't say no collusion, he said no conspiracy. WE'RE STILL RIGHT COLLUSION COLLUSION COLLUSION".


/r/politics has nothing on this conspiracy theorist

450 fucking tweets

At what point does someone with such deteriorated brain mater think this was the only way they could host their delusional tirade?

Well 👏 you 👏 see... (1/28994)

Im really not getting the cope when its true. It was kinda funny when it was shadowy but now its just sad.

mfw daddy is definitely winning in 2020

mfw i wont get yangbuxs

My neet dream is ruined!!! RUINED I SAY!!!!!

Just invest in drama coin, retire on the interest accrued

Genius idea. I'll just buy the riskiest derivatives on drama coin that I can find! You are the Michael Burry of our times, good sir.


Trumps wife sounds like a Russian Bond villain, that's good enough for me!