The Dragon Demands Self-Immolates - yes him again - Unhinged fan and Wiki editor rants for an hour about an acclaimed screenwriter who changed some small details in Game of Thrones. Other petty nerds actually become concerned about him, wall of text Youtube interventions abound.

22  2019-04-19 by SandorClegane_AMA


In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.

We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:

The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.

Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.

I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.


In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.

In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.


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LoTR is the whitest dreariest documentary about virgins walking to get rid of some jewellery for thousands of pages I have ever had the displeasure of being adapted into an overrated snoozefest 9 hour film.


None of the things you wrote are false, and you are wrong nonetheless.

Can someone link me to the sauce of this pasta?

Rhaenyra Reigns Pinned by The Dragon Demands

Firstly: do not shout at me. Whenever you get emotional your voice rises and it literally hurts my ears (it's not as much about the volume as it is about the tone of a man fueled by pure fury which is troublesome to think about too). Secondly: take a break. I appreciate and support your channel's content, but the more I hear from you the more desperate, frustrated, depressed, and unstable you're sounding. Also the exhaustion heard in your voice gets me. Take a "vacation" from YouTube. Drink till you drop, dance all night, do something you like and relax. I refuse to be a witness of self-destructive behavior. Rest and get back here when you feel better about the world. Negativity is contagious, you know. You marinated in it long enough and now it is due time for a detox for you and your audience. Thirdly: do not expose yourself. Talking about your personal stuff may be harmful in the future. The more you reveal about yourself the more data those who would like to hurt you get to work with. This is a safety issue. Lastly: contact some pro bono working lawyers and ask about your situation. I know that Gil from Got Academy is constantly working with a psychoanalyst (her name is Noga), so you could ask a fellow Game of Thrones 'Tuber if maybe they could work with you on this exposing videos.

I sometimes feel like I am being considered a part of some kind of cult here... it may be comforting to shout into the microphone that "Rhaenyra" - really meaning you - "has an army", but your choice of words feels like you're leaving no choice to those who are listening. Kind of verbally pulling in people you assume agree with you on everything and want to participate in this "hunt". For me it does feel a bit aggressive, even if justified. Plus... I do know that in America you guys have an obsession with teeth, but believe me when I say adult people in other parts of the world have worse teeth than "Benioff" and nobody would call them atrocious. I myself have worse teeth than that man does, and I have never heard in my life that my teeth are ugly, so...

All in all I feel that you need a partner in "crime", someone who would keep you happy about what you're doing and stressing less about everything regarding someone else's books and the handling of their adaptation. Your health and well-being is worth much more than winning some righteous-in-your-mind cause. You and your needs should come first, always. Please, do keep that in mind for those who care for your health and safety.

I hope that after deleting this video you will start taking care of yourself some more. If that's of any comfort I would like to mention that during the latest Game of Thrones Podcast people were talking (six times) in the livechat about your discoveries (mainly about the "hot brown women" video), so you are reaching people.

The Dragon Demands

1 day ago (edited) .........….now I have a lot to think about. This is sobering.

I recorded this live with no preparation in the hours before the Season 8 premiere, bombarded with tv superfans saying how great it would be. Really freaking me out.

It was like a switch turned after the episode actually aired, and there was something tangible to judge, and it was good but not great.

I'm very tired :)

"I sometimes feel like I am being considered a part of some kind of cult here...…"

That hurts most of all. Because I don't have a good response to it. I...if I lose the faith of all of you guys, I am truly lost....

I'm not just tired, I was getting very sick with a cold when I made this. Even two days later it's weird to look back at that mindset I was in.

….I'm going to make episode reaction videos. Short ones. See the premiere one soon, whole attitude changed.

but....but the cult-like threats of "Rhaenyra has an army! I have an army! We're going to fix the world!".....are the only things that make me feel in control in a world falling totally apart. :) It was always kind of a brash joke (shrug).

….I was feeling horrified at the prospect that there won't be another adaptation of this in our lifetimes, and worse...that mass media as a whole will blindly praise Friedman instead of condemning him.

I was in a pretty bad place when I made this, spur of the moment.

Which Game of Thrones podcast mentioned me?

Rhaenyra Reigns 1 day ago

Oh, believe me, I do get you. The thing is... it is hard to feel for you when you act with negativity. Like I've said it is contagious and destructive. I have seen people in my surrounding turning fully cynical, etc. And, well... Deadpool style I do not wish for anyone to go this way.

Funnily enough I do have some serious cold right now too. Can't speak really, and my partner is fighting heavy infection after a cancer-removing surgery at the hospital this whole month all the while I am trying not to freak out after having my house robbed. Not to mention... Easter is coming.

I can only wish us both strength and more optimistic thoughts.

As for the said podcast, the video is titled "Game of Thrones Season 8 Pre-Show w/Preston Jacobs & Phil" and is uploaded on RedTeamReview's channel. I read through the whole chat while counting how many times the talk of you resurfaced. Your work is also brought up in comment sections of various creators (Talking Thrones, GrayArea, Got Academy, etc.), so I say you do have an impact. I just think you would have a bigger one if you drop the forceful we-are-better-than-the-blind-ones narrative.

I genuinely believe that people can enjoy bad things without realizing that they are bad. I for one do enjoy some bad movies without knowing why people think that they are bad till this very day (The Amazing Spider-Man duology, X-Men: The Last Stand, The Happening, etc.), like actually my favorite movie about the foul tongue from Acheron a.k.a. xenomorph, is Alien: Resurrection (it just aired on TV yesterday and it was glorious as always).

I do like some bad movies despite knowing that they are bad too. I actually am a fan of Transformers ever since I was a child, growing up with Generation 1 cartoon episodes. When live action movies came up I did not liked them. I thought that the first one that everybody liked was bad, the second was even worse, the third one I couldn't believe the mess that it was, but I did loved the fourth one.

Another anecdote. I remember how my mother, who really hates superhero flicks, sat down with me and we watched Green Lantern for the first time. She loved it. It helped us bond. Who am I to bash that love? Why would I strip away positive emotions coming from this experience? I read comments from people that it is a bad movie, so I told that to my mother. She just shrugged it off saying: "I love it". I would feel bad trying to dis her enjoyment of it, given how dismissive she usually is towards superheroes. Let me tell you, if it wasn't for Green Lantern she would have never watched Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse with me, or Black Panther, or Aquaman, or any other film in the genre. She liked them all. She did not liked what happened with Game of Thrones, though. And even being fed through me with all the data you have gathered she still enjoys rewatching first four seasons. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I get why people still like the show and believe that if you want to educated them on why the show is bad you cannot start attacking them.

If they will feel worse thanks to you insisting that "they are in the wrong here" they will not be willing to listen. It is like in the politics. If you want the opposite side to listen to your reasoning for why something they came up with or believe in is wrong you cannot berate them. They will turn defensive just not to feel inferior. Even when someone deep down knows that the show is bad they will not be willing to hear you out after you treat them like the opposite side (the "Others", if you will) instead of embracing them.

I may enjoy bad movies, but I am always willing to hear out why they are bad. This said however any potential conversation about it ends the moment someone decides that I am not allowed to enjoy it. And this is how you are sometimes sounding. Rarely, but still. I wrote that comment above worried that you may turn people away from your own hard work. This should not be happening. It is too precious; a labor of love.

I am honestly having flashbacks of the Dark Souls difficulty level debacle. Game of Thrones being the "easy mode" for "simpletons" in this case. This aside let me assure you that people who don't care about you wouldn't be writing lengthy comments about the matter. Just, please, be more positive about the future. We will obviously get another adaptation. Will it be more faithful to the original source material? I don't know. On Calluna Reviews' channel there's a video titled "Adapting Death Note: Why No Version Gets It Completely Right". This is one popular title, having so many adaptations and none of them being completely faithful or sticking to the theme and message. Another work that comes to my mind is Cinemassacre's video "Which Dracula Film is Most Faithful to the Book?". Surprise, surprise, such a simple book and with a plethora of movie adaptations... faithfulness? Mostly scarce. You would think that this is a negative trend, but believe me, there will be another adaptation of ASOIAF for sure. And there will be no Benioff attached to it, so faithfulness aside, this is already a major win. You should feel better knowing that. My thoughts are with you, so please drink some honey and mint tea, get a massage, sing under shower to your soul's content. Nobody likes listening to martyrs, 'cause their suffering can be felt and shared due to empathy in people. Plus, people have enough negativity around them. Just keep your spirit up, please. Seeing you spiraling down can hurt those who kept spreading the word of your work as it seems that no matter what we do as a group of supporting viewers your mood does not get any better with time. It's heartbreaking to watch in the long run. Once again, have some faith. I don't know about you, but I am much younger than Friedman, and a woman, so I am assuming that I will live long enough to see the end of his career. The prospect of it sounds a bit exciting, don't you think? '

looks up at what she wrote

Yeah, I have no idea why I wrote it all except that I wanted to make you feel better... so you better feel better, damn it! <3

The Dragon Demands 1 day ago @Rhaenyra Reigns Alien Resurrection was "different", not "bad"

Feli Aslan 1 day ago @Rhaenyra Reigns I get your points, but I feel like you have to understand where this negativity comes from. After all, this works matter for people and often, they not only matter for the actual story or plot, but also for their themes and messages. And I can get the hatred against Game of Thrones and I even feel it myself, because I feel like this adaptations doesn't only betrays the depth of the novel series story and characters, but also fundamentally it's soul, it's themes. I love ASoIaF because I love that it is a Fantasy series that does things differently than most stories in the genre. Not for its more gritty and realistic styles, but also because of the strong and valuable themes, the feminist themes, the anti-war message, the critic of feudalism which in most fantasy worlds is just an accepted system that is there for the flavor.

Rhaenyra Reigns 1 day ago @Feli Aslan Hate is toxic, consuming, destructive, and contagious. Nothing in the world is worth more than human life and in order for anyone to maintain health there should be less negativity which shortens anyone's lifespan. I appreciate this channel's content therefore I care for the owner's well-being. I am not trying to stop him from doing what he is doing. All I am pushing for is reason over emotions. We are adults, not children, so we should act like ones. No book on this world is worth all the rage.

bonfingertip 8 hours ago (edited) ​@The Dragon Demands

I was feeling horrified at the prospect that there won't be another adaptation of this in our lifetimes, and worse Think of it this way: you already have an awesome thing in you life, and that is the source material. Something thay you care about and cherish so much that <here goes everything you've been doing for the sake of Martin's work and the fandom>. The books are the priceless original thing, they are Your Precious. They are what matters I've already written under one of your videos that I too have a written piece I love the latest adaptation for which is utter garbage. It's a comic book series called Berserk, sort of a Japanese GoT... or should I say it's rather that GoT is an American Berserk since the latter startet getting published first :) We once were so excited about an upcoming anime, we dreamt about the story finally getting the adaptation it deserved, past the moment the first animated series ended, how the epic scenes would get epic animation... And you know what, now I actually don't care. Because the poor adaptation doesn't ruin the genius of the original. The only thing we the fans are worried about is for the author to not kick the bucket before he finally finishes the damn thing (yes, the series is still ongoing, and yes, in a painfully slow way; doesn't ring any bells at all, right? :D )

And I'll agree with Rhaenyra Reigns: take a good healthy rest, just forget about everything GoT-related for a time being. At the very least, a refreshed warrior is much more effective than a dead-tired one :)

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Also Sandor there’s 10 comments and all of them are yours, gotta learn to make shorter posts

Just backing up the YT comments.