Chapotards SEETHING

141  2019-04-19 by Tagesausbruch


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Did you literally just link the sub itself and not even a post?


Okay, this is epic

As an official chapocel I demand you delete this post 😑😑😑😑

Some things are too dangerous to be posted


Why i never...

I always knew you were an illegal immigrant

Out. Out! OUT!!!

Fuck off.


Mod this man. 😰

It's really not much less effort than the average post here

It's the weekly update bot, it has been set to "SEETHING" since June 10, 2016.

I'm torn between this being an extremely low effort post or high IQ meta commentary shitpost about state of the sub.

Those are not mutually exclusive.

I choose to believe it is both.

The mongoloid quantum state; if you make fun of retards in a retarded fashion, is the retardation even retarded?

chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house. chapo trap house.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

woah that was uncalled for man

Lmao the first post is honoring a USSR soldier, cause we’re definitely not tankies btw

They're honoring him for his service fighting the Nazis, which was while the USSR was allied with the US.

This is the kind of heros that only USSR could produce. Eternal glory to all the soviet fighters that spent their life fighting Nazism and fascism, freeing Europe from their own evil, and still remaining an unknown for most of European people. o7 to you Comrade, may your story forever live in every Comrade's heart in the whole world. You earned and deserved it.


Now tell me this is not a tankie

I didn't actually read the thread, holy hell.

Fighting a totalitarian regime by being in one. Now this is epic

Ah yes the war where the USSR happily allied with the nazis and only opposed because they were literally invaded by them

Never forget the top-shelf historical cope of the modernized Russian fleet getting BTFO’d anime style by a Japan that had just stopped playing with swords in 1904-1905.

Japan won cuz stormy wind. Change my mind.

Easy. That’s the same damn cope Kublai Khan used after getting bussy blasted TWICE.

i know youre shitposting but japan was the biggest producers of firearms by the 16th century

Ja ja, takes away from the shitposting. I feel like there was definitely a discrepancy in tech and tactics by the 20th century though.

it does, the russians did have an awful military in the 1900s though

Has Russia ever had a military that wasn’t awful?

Damn bootlickers

Dude chapos lmao
Dude trannies lmao
Dude righties lmao
Dude lefties lmao
Dude gamers lmao

There, you no longer have to check the threads in this sub anymore

D _ _ _ B _ _ _ _

whom would like to play hangman?

I'd like to solve.


Well we know it only has one d, based on the fact that you show all uses of a letter in a game of hangman. Hence, that first word can’t be something like β€œdude,” you idiot, you numbskull

Dumb Bitch

dong blump

updoots to the left

Perfectly balanced


I think we're done here

What planet do these r-slurs live on?

The problem is all of the right wing subs got banned, chapo is one of the few wells of drama still available.

Jesus op how did you stumble on this much drama

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We've peaked