NYT reporter tries an edelweiSS

56  2019-04-19 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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"Edelweiss" (German for "noble white") is a show tune from the 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical The Sound of Music. It is named after the edelweiss, a white flower found high in the Alps (Leontopodium alpinum). The song was created for the 1959 Broadway production of The Sound of Music, as a song for the character Captain Georg von Trapp (originated by the performer Theodore Bikel). In the musical, Captain von Trapp and his family sing this song during the concert near the end of Act II, as a statement of Austrian patriotism in the face of the pressure put upon him to join the navy of Nazi Germany following the Anschluss (Nazi annexation of their homeland). It is also Captain von Trapp's subliminal goodbye to his beloved homeland, using the flower as a symbol of his loyalty to Austria. In the 1965 film adaptation, the song is also sung by the Captain earlier in the film when he rediscovers music with his children.

Is the White House full of Austrians or something?

Bavarians or Austrians, same thing really.

Bavarians or Austrians or Germans or Dutch, same thing really.

This but unironically.

I have a hard time keeping track of all those postage stamp-sized countries in Euroville.

Fucking high altitude cuck catholic g*rmans OUT OUT

Austria is german degeneracy + getting cucked at every turn

It's a anti-nazi song written by two Jews.

Apparently it's also the theme of man in the high castle

ya what was this broad going for here

Germans singing is automatically fash.

Not sure if fascism but definitely a crime. Have you heard Germans sing? Should have stuck to the piano and orchestral music

Erika is a good jingle tbh fam

Remember when Maggie Haberman had “Habers gonna Habe” in her twitter profile pic for three years like a fucking moron