I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
Not like you needed any more proof that GC are just insufferable bitches so only shitty men date them, which results in them turning into even bigger cunts, but just in case you did, this thread is a good example.
Also a prime example of horseshoe theory. Despite being a hard left group, they've come all the way back to the right-wing conservative view on policing sex.
Yeah, doggie? Degrading. Anal? It HAS TO be about controlling and degrading women, and porn, can't be different feeling, curiosity or just the "taboo" aspect.
This one is even putting feminist in quotes for liking anal. I guess feminism is about how much you hate anal sex and the more you hate anal sex, the more feminist you are.
To make the horseshoe even tighter, they keep going on about risks and STD's, similar to how it was used to stigmatize homosexuality in the 80's/90's(?). Or like how white nationalists argue about interracial couples and higher risks for kids when it comes to race mixing. Yeah, technically, you might have a tiny point from some scientific/survey perspective, but it shouldn't stop anyone from having anal/interracial sex and is only used to derail the discussion and justify your dumb argument.
I think they're accusing them of as-a-black-manning i.e. socking. Though their distorted worldview obviously makes authentic posts of that nature appear much less plausible than they really are.
Also homo/anal is connected to much higher risks, it's not that tiny unfortunately.
They already did that in the 2nd wave i.e. Dworkin etc.
Feminists and tradcons overlap in their "protection of women" goals to some extent, so it makes sense - the horseshoe kinda works as a blurry observation but it's not really that valid I don't think.
I got banned there for mentioning that it might be a little selfish to become a single mother by choice.
If it happens due to extenuating circumstances, then of course it’s noble to step up and do the right thing, but this one user was bitching about the criticism she’s gotten by mentioning that she’s planning to become a single mother.
I just linked this to show why it’s a bad idea, then I got banned.
NO the premise of ur "joke" does nto work. i will break it down why now. if i was into trannys it would not be a negative if i could grab 1 who was really hung. 2 if i was into that i COULD take it all. 3 i am to high t to be into trannys.
Heterosexual couples have always engaged in anal sex. As a practice, it's been around since the dawn of time.
Oh god I really want to ping, but I still have no idea if we can. They wrote a fucking dissertation on anal sex over there. Imagine being that person unironically.
Gendercritical is the point where I want to start feeling sorry for these people. Then I remember they're a foid group and deserve everything they get.
It's porn, it's always porn. To much masterbation has led to a too large hole that no longer recieved pleasure properly. Cavernous gussy is a real problem these days
The only reason I have ever done anal with a girl was because I didn't want to lose my virginity to my sister. I thought if I put it in her butt I'd still technically be a virgin.
I will never understand gender critical. Are they both super feminist and super right wing? "Wymxn be super independent and sexuality is good BUT these wymxn don't know what they're doing and they're corrupting men."
They're an oddity in the feminist movement. Still definitely leftwing, but they share some similarities with right-wing social conservatism (but their reasoning behind those similarities are massively different)
Theyre anti-trans because the see gender as a product of socialization (i.e. There is no biological basis for differences in behavior between the genders). Since trans people are socialized in the manner of their biological sex than they cannot be the opposite gender.
They are also very prudish about sex, although there is less uniformity on what is acceptable. Most dislike porn as they see it as degrading to women and a sign of men's perceived ownership and commodification of women's bodies, same with many sexual practices (such as anal, as seen here).
Also, much like lefties AND social conservatives, they are massive lolcows.
The mission of GC is not “freedom” or “liberation” but to replace the patriarchy with a bunch of middle-aged lesbians with PhDs telling women what to do and deciding what’s best for them.
And yes I will continue posting this line until it catches on
They're corrupting men which leads to them causing problems for women - so ultimately a feminist position centerer around female interest for its own sake i.e. not soc con.
Also women do like to control and chastise other women so it's natural that such behavior would find its way into some feminist circles - esp. of course targeted at gender/cause traitors; "sister punishers" has been an established term for some while now.
But two things others here haven’t said yet: 1. A man doing anal doesn’t have to look at the woman’s facial features or make eye contact or visually see her as anything but her body. He gets to be totally disconnected from her visually as a human person, gets a pass on that intimacy but still gets to see her body while conversely she doesn’t get to see what’s going on at all. Can’t see what’s being done to her body and can’t see his facial expressions to maintain that emotional connection.
I love how some idiot unironically believes this seemingly not realizing you can have anal sex in the missionary position. It’s not like the holes are a foot apart.
A little off topic, but damn do I hope they cut down on anal in porn, that shit is just omnipresent these days. Nothing wrong just don't put that gape and prolapse everywhere, jeez.
it's not everyone's cup of tea. My husband is only sort of interested (loves to receive anal, will occasionally give) so I don't get it as often as I used to.
I feel like there are certain situations where marital infidelity is downright proper. Pegging is inherently weird enough in any setting, but being pegged by your own wife somehow makes it worse.
At this point, I think it's safe to say that anal sex is close to rape, if not rape itself. Almost no woman would consent to anal sex unless it was because of coercion by social pressure and male pressure to do so. If rape=coerced sex than I don't see how you can't call anal=rape, or at least something close to it.
My girlfriend legit wants to try it and I don't want to because I aint trying to get shit on my dick.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-04-19
I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 latetravel 2019-04-19
Men who cannot, for the life of them, get laid: I would never desecrate m'ladys butthole!
No shit.
1 DrZerglingMD 2019-04-19
More buttholes for me to desecrate, woohoo!
1 ObsessedAussie 2019-04-19
Woohoo more assholes for tje rrst of us! High five! 🤚
1 niczar 2019-04-19
More buttholes for me to defecate!
1 Nerdlinger 2019-04-19
No butthole, no shit.
1 1029384756-mk2 2019-04-19
1 [deleted] 2019-04-19
1 Woolgun 2019-04-19
Not like you needed any more proof that GC are just insufferable bitches so only shitty men date them, which results in them turning into even bigger cunts, but just in case you did, this thread is a good example.
1 Whaddaulookinat 2019-04-19
They must collectively own enough cats that would rival Germany in population
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2019-04-19
1 ablackenedrose 2019-04-19
1 TheMayorOfHounslow 2019-04-19
Ban this faggot
1 AsianVinylEnthusiast 2019-04-19
Imagine my shock that radical feminists are heavily involved with the Purring Jew.
1 Fletch71011 2019-04-19
Also a prime example of horseshoe theory. Despite being a hard left group, they've come all the way back to the right-wing conservative view on policing sex.
1 Woolgun 2019-04-19
Yeah, doggie? Degrading. Anal? It HAS TO be about controlling and degrading women, and porn, can't be different feeling, curiosity or just the "taboo" aspect.
This one is even putting feminist in quotes for liking anal. I guess feminism is about how much you hate anal sex and the more you hate anal sex, the more feminist you are.
To make the horseshoe even tighter, they keep going on about risks and STD's, similar to how it was used to stigmatize homosexuality in the 80's/90's(?). Or like how white nationalists argue about interracial couples and higher risks for kids when it comes to race mixing. Yeah, technically, you might have a tiny point from some scientific/survey perspective, but it shouldn't stop anyone from having anal/interracial sex and is only used to derail the discussion and justify your dumb argument.
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
I think they're accusing them of as-a-black-manning i.e. socking. Though their distorted worldview obviously makes authentic posts of that nature appear much less plausible than they really are.
Also homo/anal is connected to much higher risks, it's not that tiny unfortunately.
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
They already did that in the 2nd wave i.e. Dworkin etc.
Feminists and tradcons overlap in their "protection of women" goals to some extent, so it makes sense - the horseshoe kinda works as a blurry observation but it's not really that valid I don't think.
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
In some cases the bad experiences with the LQ men may have started the process.
1 Chapocel 2019-04-19
LQ men?
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
low qualitey
1 MotoLib666- 2019-04-19
1 palerthanrice 2019-04-19
I got banned there for mentioning that it might be a little selfish to become a single mother by choice.
If it happens due to extenuating circumstances, then of course it’s noble to step up and do the right thing, but this one user was bitching about the criticism she’s gotten by mentioning that she’s planning to become a single mother.
I just linked this to show why it’s a bad idea, then I got banned.
1 RandolphCox 2019-04-19
women pass out as sfuckin like it is nothin. my first time havin sex (she was a 10 btw) was cool with anal. dick 2 big tho.
1 Whaddaulookinat 2019-04-19
Yours or hers?
1 RandolphCox 2019-04-19
NO the premise of ur "joke" does nto work. i will break it down why now. if i was into trannys it would not be a negative if i could grab 1 who was really hung. 2 if i was into that i COULD take it all. 3 i am to high t to be into trannys.
1 Whaddaulookinat 2019-04-19
That's a lotta words for essentially "that chick I banged put my dick to shame."
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-04-19
Its over for dicklets
1 Jas0nJewnova 2019-04-19
Stop being an ignoramus Randy, the higher your T the MORE likely you're into trannies
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-04-19
Steroid forums would like a word with you. Weird phenomenon.
1 DoctorMort 2019-04-19
t. 12 year old who purposely spells poorly while pretending he's high
1 RandolphCox 2019-04-19
im high on a lil drug called fame
1 Zomaarwat 2019-04-19
> she was 10 btw
1 RandolphCox 2019-04-19
that only makes u look bad that ur mind jumped to 10 yr olds when im talkin bout sex with hot women.
1 [deleted] 2019-04-19
1 HamsterGutz1 2019-04-19
imagine bragging about sex with foids
1 aX10mAt1CaL1Y 2019-04-19
1 cheers_grills 2019-04-19
1 -Shank- 2019-04-19
Oof. Big yikes, y’all.
1 prince_of_prussia1 2019-04-19
I like to pretend i started the big yikes thing in october on an old alt
Maybe i got it from somewhere else
I trily love how memes spread
1 jewdanksdad 2019-04-19
No one cares, Randy
1 trilateral1 2019-04-19
women who enjoy butt stuff? that must be incredibly confusing for most GC users.
1 Nadare3 2019-04-19
You, my friend, haven't heard of the "It's internalized misogyny" trump card.
1 mechakingghidorah 2019-04-19
3.5 billion women and not a single one enjoys anal things naturally. Some are hypnotized by evil men into thinking it’s fun,but it is not.
-the woke stance
1 Iskariotes 2019-04-19
I find that deeply problematic
1 probably-insane 2019-04-19
Those fucking moids and their selfish refusal to give away stuff for free!
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-04-19
So if he ate her ass or her pussy he's still selfish and they wonder why no one wants to fuck them
1 fat_fist_fister 2019-04-19
These men are too weak to realize how many women get off the thought alone of pleasing their man’s desires.
1 thechemtrailkid 2019-04-19
Eating GC snatch is the highest form of emotional labor
1 probably-insane 2019-04-19
1 AwesumeWEIGH 2019-04-19
based tbh
1 ObsessedAussie 2019-04-19
Imagine the diseases and strange things you'd find down there amongst the folds, sweat and fungus .
1 FrontierFrance210 2019-04-19
Trust the foid fungus.
1 Iskariotes 2019-04-19
Hmm imagine baking some bread with GC pussy yeast
1 GunOfSod 2019-04-19
Jolly Ranchers?
1 killdie 2019-04-19
wow these retards have the worst sex lives.
1 Coraxel 2019-04-19
They clearly haven't heard of cuckoldry where the man sits and the woman gets all the pleasure.
1 DrZerglingMD 2019-04-19
Nothing wrong with a little anal here and there
1 Icerex 2019-04-19
Stop being selfish and go eat out that pussy
1 FrostBittenSalsa 2019-04-19
1 ironicshitpostr 2019-04-19
No thanks
1 Party_Independence 2019-04-19
Imagine not eating gussy and Gass
1 pepperouchau 2019-04-19
Vaginal doggy style is canceled too apparently. Even my inpotent vanilla ass has managed to get to achieving a forbidden sex act apparently.
1 retarded4bustin 2019-04-19
Remember GC also canceled oral sex, so that makes nearly everyone who's gotten laid too problematic for them
1 AsianVinylEnthusiast 2019-04-19
GC are just women who can't imagine actually wanting your partner to enjoy sex.
1 my__name__is 2019-04-19
Oh god I really want to ping, but I still have no idea if we can. They wrote a fucking dissertation on anal sex over there. Imagine being that person unironically.
1 ineedmorealts 2019-04-19
We can! But make sure they haven't already been pinged in this thread and no mean pings
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
What, just 1 pinge per thread?
1 AsianVinylEnthusiast 2019-04-19
Aaaaand there it goes.
You 😴 snooze 💤 you 🤓 lose 🚫
1 MzCherryBlossom 2019-04-19
Anal sex was around before the pill.
1 myusername_sucks 2019-04-19
Ping away
1 HogPostBot 2019-04-19
anal with gussy is gay. anal with BUSSY is epic.
1 headasplodes 2019-04-19
Dude bussy lmao
1 zergling_Lester 2019-04-19
Fuck yeah!
1 POST_BUSSY 2019-04-19
1 EyeseeFN 2019-04-19
Gendercritical is the point where I want to start feeling sorry for these people. Then I remember they're a foid group and deserve everything they get.
1 MrZakalwe 2019-04-19
You think they've suffered FGM?
1 MzCherryBlossom 2019-04-19
Multiple strokes is my guess.
1 Bronafide 2019-04-19
It's porn, it's always porn. To much masterbation has led to a too large hole that no longer recieved pleasure properly. Cavernous gussy is a real problem these days
1 capthazelwoodsflask 2019-04-19
Angry, sexless spinsters in training whining about all the sex that they're not having.
1 Sedjin 2019-04-19
same tbh.
1 Gil-Gandel 2019-04-19
I don't understand why women who want their clit licked don't get a woman to do it.
1 zergling_Lester 2019-04-19
And they lived happily ever after.
1 AugustinesBitchBoy 2019-04-19
based and bussypilled
1 Dindooo 2019-04-19
The only reason I have ever done anal with a girl was because I didn't want to lose my virginity to my sister. I thought if I put it in her butt I'd still technically be a virgin.
1 Iskariotes 2019-04-19
Sweet home alabama
1 zergling_Lester 2019-04-19
1 LucidHuckleberry 2019-04-19
Asking the real questions here.
1 MzCherryBlossom 2019-04-19
Or not living.
1 SansSoIeiI 2019-04-19
gc type women are the reason why so many straight young men like myself turn away from women to femboys
1 Some_Khajiit 2019-04-19
1 Iskariotes 2019-04-19
Men are better at being women than women themselves
pls no bannerino im just trying to cope with my love 4traps
1 minority360 2019-04-19
I will never understand gender critical. Are they both super feminist and super right wing? "Wymxn be super independent and sexuality is good BUT these wymxn don't know what they're doing and they're corrupting men."
1 IHeartCommyMommy 2019-04-19
They're an oddity in the feminist movement. Still definitely leftwing, but they share some similarities with right-wing social conservatism (but their reasoning behind those similarities are massively different)
Theyre anti-trans because the see gender as a product of socialization (i.e. There is no biological basis for differences in behavior between the genders). Since trans people are socialized in the manner of their biological sex than they cannot be the opposite gender.
They are also very prudish about sex, although there is less uniformity on what is acceptable. Most dislike porn as they see it as degrading to women and a sign of men's perceived ownership and commodification of women's bodies, same with many sexual practices (such as anal, as seen here).
Also, much like lefties AND social conservatives, they are massive lolcows.
1 cheers_grills 2019-04-19
The ultimate horseshoe.
1 MPHJ-7 2019-04-19
Are terfs r/dirtbagcenter?
1 YoungMoneyGetMoney 2019-04-19
The mission of GC is not “freedom” or “liberation” but to replace the patriarchy with a bunch of middle-aged lesbians with PhDs telling women what to do and deciding what’s best for them.
And yes I will continue posting this line until it catches on
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
Not hot :(
1 Iskariotes 2019-04-19
I believe a bit on horseshoe theory. They’ve come full circle
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
They're corrupting men which leads to them causing problems for women - so ultimately a feminist position centerer around female interest for its own sake i.e. not soc con.
Also women do like to control and chastise other women so it's natural that such behavior would find its way into some feminist circles - esp. of course targeted at gender/cause traitors; "sister punishers" has been an established term for some while now.
1 IamKasper 2019-04-19
I love how some idiot unironically believes this seemingly not realizing you can have anal sex in the missionary position. It’s not like the holes are a foot apart.
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-04-19
You don’t know their bodies, moid.
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
And aural of course
1 MyAliasWasTaken 2019-04-19
> fe-bussy
1 rocinantebabieca 2019-04-19
A little off topic, but damn do I hope they cut down on anal in porn, that shit is just omnipresent these days. Nothing wrong just don't put that gape and prolapse everywhere, jeez.
1 Woolgun 2019-04-19
What you don't like it when they shove the camera 5cm away from an open wide, gaping butthole and give you a good look on all the intestines in 4k?
Weirdo. That's shit's super hot tbqhwyf.
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
It looks like Deadpool
1 CPT_Clarnence 2019-04-19
I feel like there are certain situations where marital infidelity is downright proper. Pegging is inherently weird enough in any setting, but being pegged by your own wife somehow makes it worse.
1 SpacePanther17 2019-04-19
Is GenderCriticalcels worse nightmare being fucked in the ass by a trans woman 🤔
1 aqouta 2019-04-19
My girlfriend legit wants to try it and I don't want to because I aint trying to get shit on my dick.
1 YoungMoneyGetMoney 2019-04-19
That’s why you gay
1 AsianVinylEnthusiast 2019-04-19
1 aqouta 2019-04-19
It's OK, she's a gay.
1 AsianVinylEnthusiast 2019-04-19
Then you are blessed, my son. Go with grace.
1 d-amazo 2019-04-19
gee it's almost like a brutal gangrape is going to leave a girl mutilated no matter if anal sex was involved or not.
what a retard.
1 sdnote 2019-04-19
"That doesn't involve your dick though. How much of a beta cuck are you?"
This got me banned in under 2 minutes.
1 jewdanksdad 2019-04-19
It amazes me they have this damn thread once a week
1 oss_spy 2019-04-19
Of course
1 myusername_sucks 2019-04-19
I'm sorry what the fuck?
1 dootwthesickness_II 2019-04-19
There is NOTHING more degenerate than anilingus 🤢🤢🤢
1 YoungMoneyGetMoney 2019-04-19
That’s why you gay
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
Enal Angus
1 SlapItSoSilly 2019-04-19
Fuck I am rock hard after reading that top comment
1 Dogfacedgod88 2019-04-19
No one in that sub is getting any.
1 SideFumbling 2019-04-19
I love how they always have these perfect fake boyfriends/husbands, who will say things like:
Or whatever it is that supports their flavor of the month argument.
1 Iskariotes 2019-04-19
Is it just me or putting an asterisk in a three letter word that EVERYONE reading knows what it is is a bit retarded
Unless they are trying to bypass a filter
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
1 RollBread 2019-04-19
Virgin prudes on anal
1 CrazyMoonlander 2019-04-19
All people enjoys a little bit of anal play.
1 YoungMoneyGetMoney 2019-04-19
Surprising mix of pro- and anti-anal posts, usually GC is firmly in the "Eww gross" camp.
It's over for exit only-cels.
1 CookedKentucky 2019-04-19
1 aucunejus 2019-04-19
sad honk
1 M-Manga 2019-04-19
Best comment