Some sort of drama in /r/opieandanthony and people demand a moderator steps down

29  2019-04-19 by ChipChippersonAMA


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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this because r/opienanthony become new sub

Brother Joe doxx faggot r/o&a mod in new sub and admin suspend

very funny much drama

pray someone create summary for r/drama sub. will upvote

I watched the slow degradation of r/o&a from something abject to a thing of the villest sort. These guys overthere need an urgent shot of clorox. I dont even understand how it hasnt been nuked already.

Are they still "brotherman"-ing it up over there and circlejerking about how The Destroyer is a cool and genuine dude?

Can someone who only listens to Hot97 and NPR explain to me how the fuck these weirdos accumulated such an annoying bunch of self involved degenerates as a fan base? Where did all of these people steer so very wrong?

The show was pretty funny back in the day but most of the people involved are just shells of their former selves a documentary series on Anthony Cumia a Jim Norton documentary a Sam Roberts (an intern for O&A but a massive prick and kind of important) documentary

There isn't really a good Opie documentary, he's pretty boring and not very dramatic, but these are all good if someone wants to get caught up fast.

Ya I've seen those. I'm wiped for porsalins Sargon one. He's still a bitch for making the mde doc a giant handjob

Patton Oswald fucking murdered his wife

Didn't this stupid ass show end like 10 years ago? Why is this sub still a thing?