Communist gen Z member becomes radicalized after their hard UPS job

151  2019-04-19 by Lee13412

absolute sperg our and rage as r/genZ continues to be a political battleground


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. absolute sperg our and rage -,,,

  3. r/genZ -,,*

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Sweaty bot is sweaty.

Pinging Intensifies

what the fuck is a bussy socioeconomic cuck it sounds like buzzwords this asshole is using

Search the terms on Reddit, young zoomer. We have such sights to show you.

Search... on Reddit

Ew no reddit search is only slightly less horrendous than seriousposters

Two teens spergin out tryna out curse each other. Slow day for drama.

the other one was 22

Holy christ… they all need to eat some Tide Pods.

Bro thats kinda cringe

Tide pods are expensive though. These people can’t hold down jobs, how are they going to afford them?

They only need to buy them once...

It should be legal to hit teenagers with any political opinions with a baseball bat.

Uhm sweaty /u/vienna_iskawaii is 21 years old.

>still being a delivery boy at 21



Isn't the whole point of Fry's character that he's a complete loser?

I have no idea why people who watch cartoons identify with him. Oh wait, yes I do.

So basically a drunk teenager

Oh so /u/vienna_iskawaii can post bussy?

That's even more pathetic of them.

U/vienna_iskawaii why do you call other people bootlickers when you unironically support the USSR? Cuck fetish?

I would also like to know this. u/vienna_iskawaii how many perversions do you have, and how do they compare to your cuck fetish?

Seeing as u/vienna_iskawaii is of age, ay bb wan som fuk? I'll pork you, but only if you've got a tight boyish ass and a strap on that you actually know how to use.

You subby bitches can blow me and my female penis uwu

/u/Vienna_IsKawaii post timestamped meds. /u/trappysaruh will know if you’re lying.

Oh wow, this commie is also a nasty troon? Color me surprised!

Transphobia isn't cool

You're like, not cool man

A video leaked with several major moments from Avengers Endgame:

-Professor Hulk sounds just like Mark Ruffalo, and can speak full sentences. He’s seen wearing a tank top and glasses.

-Scott, Hulk, Steve, and Tony travel to the battle of New York to retrieve the mind, space, and time stone. Steve fights his past self.

-Thor is living with Korg and Miek, getting drunk and not caring about what happened. Hulk and Rocket go to get him, and his beard and hair are messy and grown out.

-Tony calls Rocket “Ratchet,” and Rocket replies “you’re only a genius on Earth.”

-Hulk tried to wield the Stark gauntlet, but it appears to be too powerful for him.

-Steve dual wields his shield and Mjolnir, it’s unclear how mjolnir comes back.

-Sam is the first dusted avenger to come back, we hear him say to Steve “On Your Left,” then we see T’challa and Shuri coming out of a portal, and Sam flying out.

-Big scene with all the Avengers, including Wasp, the Guardians, Spider-Man, vs Thanos and a revived Black Order. It looks like the big fight in Ready Player One, but we actually care about the characters. Captain America finally says “Avengers Assemble!”

-Stark reunites with Peter and gives him a hug

-Carol gets the short hair she has in recent comics, and Peter Parker gives her the Stark Gauntlet

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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My first longpostbot acknowledgement and it's for Avengers spoilers copypasta 😤😤😤😩

You asshole


Of cops


-ted involuntarily

dootwthesickness_II, your comment ID had a Happy Number in it!

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Here's a link to what Happy Numbers are:, and if you're willing to risk YouTube links, here's a video explaining them: Comment ID's are unique 7 character strings which identify comments in the sea of Reddit.

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know how to correctly read that study

Ootl what’s the 40% stuff

40% of the population are trannies and commit 13% of the crime?

40% of trannies can suck their dick?

40% of trannies commit suicide?

40% of trannies commit suicide?

This one.

post hog f*ggot

Neithers communism


If you aren't busy later I've got a mind to tickle your Adam's apple with my ballsack while you eat out my ass and I gargle your cute feminine cock.


Is your frankenvagene tight?

Neither is you bby 😘

Whoever supports a massive failure like the USSR is in itself a person with bad taste and a huge cuckold who pimps their wife for free. True Chads are Chinese Communist Party sympathisers. Dont support losers, support winners.

Implying they have a wife

We can ping?

Yes. The Dark Days are over.

Just don't mean ping.

during uni i worked at a slaughterhouse (part of a larger factory with about 600 workers total), and i didn't meet a single communist.

just imagine having a low-skill job while supporting groups that advocate for importing people that can replace you. peak fucking retardation.

Um ok, but are you 100k in debt after completing your BA in sociology in 5 years, that taught you how you were being exploited?

i wanted to study history but my father told me to stop being a massive retard so i ended up with math/comp sci :(

😡 under socialism everyone would be allowed to be a historian if they wanted!

This but unironically

But only if they taught state approved version of history

Except for children of historians. Because that's no actual working class and working class children were obviously preferred.

Good. Post favorite language

C# or die

Python uber alles

i have to use c# at work, but i prefer python because, not to brag, it reminds me of my fat cock hehe 😎

My anaconda distribution don't want nine unless you got buns hun.

Redmondshits pls go

babby managed code

Yikes. Valgrind C cels out

Yikes. Modern smart pointer RAII cels out.

Clearly ANSI C is the answer to all questions on Gods Earth.

Anything else and you're clearly a heathen. There is nothing else you need but ANSI C or you're just a shitty journo coder who needs to git gud.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Praise be to Ritchie.

>Not using glorious Rust, praise be its name

Keep yourself safe, friend!



The only moral choice.

Look at this prole, not even swank enough to fly F#.

Pretty sure it’s all about rust these days.

If you're not asluristic enough to write Lisp, you will not survive the Revolution.

Tfw you wanted to major in 18th century French literature but your mum says to stop being a retard 😓

just imagine having a low-skill job while supporting groups that advocate for importing people that can replace you. peak fucking retardation.

If you're going to be a commie, at least nazbol makes sense. Globocommo is probably the most retarded fucking thing I can think of.

Communists are the hardest working and the most intelligent and compassionate people



Tbf, they worked very hard to prevent anyone from escaping their labor death camps

communists are the hardest workers

whines about hard job lifting boxes at UPS :(((

Doncha know, unskilled labor is supposed to be valuable.

Snappy quote if I’ve ever seen one

Hi comrade /u/vienna_iskawaii. I would like to tell your story to others in hope of enlightening them. Could you please share what your job at UPS is and what specifically has enlightened to to reject the capitalist scum?

What cemented my hate for the system is watching me and my coworker work our asses off like fucking machines collectively lifting thousands of pounds of shit throughout the day together. And our "supervisor" got in after getting a degree in business and his father being a higher up in the company (glass gateway) , he would literally just yell at us to go faster all fucking day and not do shit besides make sure we're going fast enough to get his yearly bonus for productivity that he gets to pocket for himself.

(Supervisors are not even the top dogs just imagine how much those pigs behind the break room make in their little air conditioned private and segregated facility where they dont have to interact with us poor fucking prols)

Supervisors where I'm at make 90,000 dollars a year. Making sure us slaves stay in like and keep the corperate machine going, we made $15.00 per hour. Fuck this shit, that job should not exist we should democratically control the factory and split those earnings based who works the hardest, and who needs it the most instead of this bullshit corporate beurocracy and rotate difficult positions and managing duties. So we can safely do labor without fucking up our bodies

And this was before I read Das kapital and figures out Capital and how we are being exploited from the worth of our full labor.

It was a good job, was fucking hard as shit 105 degree dirty dangerous trailers of moving heavy ass boxes for 4 hours a day with a single 10 minute break, that fucking sucked.

What didint was the union, my insurance and my friends I made there. I would have stayed because the pension and security that the union made possible but I had to quit because my University was far away, i didint want to move boxes all my life, I wanted to make this world a better place. So I'm going into Biomedical engineering and creating an army of cat girls and antifa super soldiers with a CO OP company I'll start from the ground up with other trans communists, and well call it Transcendence Biotech

And we will make







This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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Nigga. You're being paid $15 an hour to do a job they could literally train a monkey to do. Do you know how fucking lucky you are??? Maybe you should gave applied yourself more in life to become the supervisor.

Worse than that, if it's the job I've seen advertised online by UPS they also offer tuition reimbursement up to 25k over 4 years or so. The hours are also either "sunrise" or "twilight" shifts so that they are outside of classes.

They would have paid for a decent chunk of that business degree that your supervisor got on top of OPs regular wage. It's probably the best job a student could possibly have.

Haha you’re a huge chump if you let your sup walk all over you like that.

Trust me I did slow down to what I felt comfortable with, but going slow doesn't make the trailers any less hot/cold or the boxes any less heavy and awkward, or the supes any less bitchy, yeah that's true about the check and I really wanted it but I had a bad home life and didint want to waste just as much money and time renting out a place and working still when I could just go to uni and move on with life. It's best for my fucking back and knees anyways lmao. Plus the estrogen was going to make that job way harder, no thanks lol.

You do know you’ll never be a woman right?

Of course random fuck on the internet, I'll trust you instead of my physiatrist, endocrinologist and Cognitive behavioral therapist. It's not like these mental health and medical professionals know better than you or anything. Lmao fuck off these absolute amazing people saved my life and cured my depression. For the first time in my life I feel happy. You're just a bully, being a shitty person because your life is miserable and you're punching down.

Inhale my entire red Marxist dick

Eat shit loser, I am a woman I am beautiful and valid no matter what anyone says and I'm going to live my life with values I care about and the way I want. nobody can change my mind. I dont live to appease you and I'll not only survive but thrive and hopefully be a point of hope for any other struggling women out there. (PM me if anyone needs help about transgender issues)

Women have vaginas retard.

You're incredibly ignorant, you call this a girl? The fuck is wrong with you delusional fuck lmao Trans people are valid

Yes. You’re a valid person but not a women.

You’re a valid person

citation needed

You’re a valid person

They aren't, but that's because they're a commie and not because they've got that 😍 trussy 😍

yeah its a girl, a fucking ugly one that pretends to be male

have you heard its voice lmao its like someone trying to do an offensive flamboyant gay stereotype

You can fuck Buck Angel in the pussy or Blaire White in the ass. Choose one.

i dont have that jim carrey dumb and dumber gif so youll just have to imagine it

Imagine thinking I’d watch that alleged “comedy”

you don't seem mentally healthy

estrogen was going to make the job way harder

Is no one seeing how sexist that was lmao

Wait, so you aren’t even on fucking HRT yet? You know what we call a transwoman who isn’t actively trying to transition? A man.

Didn't they have dollies or pallet jacks and shit?

fuckin fifteen bucks an hour and you're still whining. Do you shit your pants on a regular basis?

I worked loading/unloading during college and agree it is pretty shitty physical work given the pace they expect you to work and all the other physical aspects you noted. Especially frustrating when the climate is super hot or cold and the boss is getting on you to work faster.

The important thing to remember is that trans women are not real women and capitalism will win.

Lmbo smhing my head head. What kind of work do you think you'll do under communism? It will be harder than a ups job and if your lucky it will put food on your table

It would be automated by machines and the economy of the machines producing it will be added to society while we have an even larger pool of new labor, meaning for what jobs cant be automated we just all work less hours.

Less work, better economy, more living. Socialism unlike capitalism embraces technology taking jobs.

get a load of this guy

Capitalists embrace automation as well, because with machines they wouldn't have to deal with whiny bitches like you.

Oh you sweet summer child

So basically you want communism so you can be a NEET.

Rich NEETS are the peak of human freedom, you can truly be or do whatever you want and enjoy your life instead of monotonous labor


Dont let capitalism make you feel bad for allowing yourself to be human and want more time to explore this world and yourself :)

Lmao. Isn't being rich immoral to you tankie fags? Let's be honest here. You just want to steal other peoples shit.

No you fucking creepy incel, wealth disparity is immoral, if we can all enjoy the benefits of incredible infrastructure, healthcare, education and food then our richness is an amazing thing.

What gives the you right to take other peoples shit? What happens when people don't agree with you? Do you subjugate them? Violently if necessary?

You do realize all the nationalized companies in other countries still tread their workers like... gasp, workers. You'd probably be treated like extra shit for your dick girl fetish.

"What gives you the right to take other peoples shit"

EXACTLY, why the fuck are you getting paid a fraction of your labor and not the whole thing. Any worker should want to work in a Coop. And no unionized jobs treated me the best out of all the others, you're lying to yourself otherwise. Now fuck of you class cuck grow a spine and a heart and unionize your workplace. I'm blocking you.

I'm management dude. I crush unions. But I can see why a lazy fuck like you would love them though. No union I've worked with has ever needed to once protected an honest employee. It's the scum trash like you they end up going to bat for.

As for why I shouldn't own a part of the company I work for, well I don't own a part of the company I work for? Are you saving I should violently seize it? You can't change reality dude. Then again, you do seem to be trying to change the fact your a man. So I shouldn't be surprised you can't accept reality.

a fraction of your labour

Didn’t both parties agree on the value of your labour?

You're saying that a useless pawn whose only responsibility is lifting boxes should warn equal shares to the people that manage the entire company.

Because I signed a voluntary contract to get paid some fraction of my labor.

NEETs are genetically inferior sweetie

Work rules and sitting around being a bum sucks.

Socialism unlike capitalism embraces technology taking jobs.

Do you really think Capitalism isn't embracing automation?

collectively lifting thousands of pounds of shit throughout the day together

Based on your picture you can barely lift a strap on


he's 21

Just got his first job

It made him communist

And he's getting ass blasted about it arguing with a middle school child

I honestly think my sides are in peril



Could be a good greentext story if someone expanded it

The virgin trap communist Vs the chad 15 year old

She* I'm a girl. Stop being discriminatory and bigoted, be a good person.

Nah you’re neither now you cut ur dick off now you’re a Frankenstein’s monsters


I'm a girl

Prove it

I dont have to prove anything to you fucking creep, now stop incelstallking me and go masturbate to your trans anime waifus while sputtering out into the void wether or now your gay for likeing 14 year olds cartoon Japanese girl peen.

Bet your room smells like sushi, depression and semen because of the sweat and jizz encrusted body pillow you sexually abuse every night with your 45 degree bent goblin wiener that cant even get hard because you blow your load to 2D anime butts 7 times a day. 🍆🙊🍣

Ah shoot, ya got me.

Now post bussy 👀

all that is still better than being trans

Sure buddy, go to dinner and get your cheezy mac and tendies before going back to game for 8 hours on xbone with your cum encrusted controller you pathologically lying unhygienic fuck.

Based and snappypilled

Wow little old me was able to get a fan base of 10 fat nazi neckbeards following her around reddit, I'm flattered

Lmao feed me your salt cummies chuds 👁👅👁 Let's have a pissing contest whoever pees further get to fuck the other person's dad

You'll never win, only I win. Because i have a big dick a big heart and a killer rack uwu

Tell Tyrese to pick me up after school tomorrow

We’re all glad to see you here Vienna. I’m personally a big fan of what you’re doing to further the Marxist movement


I concur, we have nothing to fear as long as people like you are the faces the working people associate with communism.

if there was a communist revolution people like her and pretty much every one at chapo would be the first to be set up against the wall and shot no matter what they wanna believe.

wtf I'm a communist now

Better dead than red

I hate mondays but boy do I fucking love cum.

Don't we all sista

My favorite chapocel response is the "haha your so triggered for posting about me!"

Sweaty no, we come here to laugh at you.


Enough talk Lmao you finna fuck my bf Tyrese yet or what loser 🍆🌊

I'd love some sweet afrikan bussy, it's a shame a good man is wasted on a foid like you.

👏👌 just be warned though he loves to body build including doing kegels so he has an anus of titanium 😤 better stay hard the whole time or his butthole clench will rip off your

R E C E S I V E 🍆 M A Y O 🍆 P E E N🍆

And absorb that lil cute hoe faster than a sad looking wrinkly bleached hotdog being pulled into a singularity of a black hole of this magnificent chocolate titan.


imagine using the term mayo unironically


im not retarded i get the joke around this sub you hate everyone here i get it its fun

>im not retarded


He's ruinin' our safe space 😤

Bro I will bring the fbi down here

i get the joke

Honey if you have to say that then obviously you don't





This is the funniest thing I've read here in awhile

show us that b-slur

Post meds, newfriend.

lmao at a teenage communist trying to talk like a black person

Bad avatar there buddey - OUT

I'm down, where he at?

Wow, much racist. That is very unpraxis of you conrad

LmA0 sH0w Me Ur H0G ChUD

whos needs chud piss when ya got lolcow milkers 🐄🐄🐄

Herzlich willkommen nach unserem lieben Subreddit, Newfreund!

just a reminder that this is what the people that get angry at pretend fascism look like

You know, the first step of proselytizing for a fringe political movement like ML is not making yourself look like a fringe lunatic to everyone you’re preaching to outside of your narrow ingroup. That’s why white nationalists coin terms such as “alternative right” and “white genocide” rather than marching under a swastika banner everywhere they go.

Marxism speaks for itself, The science of The labor theory of value is true no matter what, I'm just shifting the Overton window and having fun after a stressful day at work, listin who gives a fuck bud. The important shit is me spreading union propaganda at my workplace, joining antifa in protests, helping my comrades when the system fucks them over, irl helping my community by campaigning for Bernie and letting them get the healthcare and educational relief they need. Not this dumb reddit shit, I'm going to be Me, and not care have fun with it, life is ment to be enjoyed and I dont want to constrain my youth and juvenile humor just because some balding losers on reddit dont think it's cool. You feel me :)

I was a libertarian dipshit making fun of feminists online before a really cool lesbian in real life at UPS talked to me. Now I'm a trans communist, and I'm much nicer to everyone irl. Except alt right shitheads, I'll *figuratively slash their fucking tires*

"I used to be a libertarian shitlord before I turned into a tranbian communist!"

Oh cool never heard that one before


The libertarian to trancommie pipeline. Poor kid never had a chance.

I thought i was the only one who noticed that trope...

It seems bizarrely common. Maybe people who are not particularly mentally stable or happy end up gravitating towards extreme positions?

The people I know who are now far left trans folks, 3 irl, all say some variation of "used to be right/libertarian" but I know for a fact they were apolitical before. Not to get too "seriouspost" but it's prolly like Pinker calls "the left pole" where everything else ideologically is to the right.

It's because we are, if you ask libertarians what their values are Its freedom and liberty above all else, it's why libertarians are stereotyped as young because most radicalize left into Communism if they feel they understand the only way to have a free society is by abolishing the the state and corporations.

either that or they become fascists if they get absorbed by divisional agitation propaganda and (ironically identity politics) and blame society's problems not on the system but the undesirables who they think are causing problems, black people, gay people. Any religious people that arent their particular religion.

These both reject liberalism, but only fascists reject the idea that we are all equal and deserving of equality no matter who we are or where we came from. Pretty much fash are just pieces of shit, and absolute fucking Psycopaths that deserve nothing but a bullet.

Mental illness leads to some crazy shit

all say some variation of "used to be right/libertarian" but I know for a fact they were apolitical before

I heard that too but then I found out several had secret shithead accounts or obsessively browsed racist forums or otherwise kept the bad shit on the down low because they knew how people would react. It's crazy common, look at Contrapoints and her familiarity with chan culture, sympathy towards incels, etc.

I know a lot of it is rooted in self-loathing (hey, I've been there myself) but I gotta wonder about the people who go hard right then hard left.

Noticing things is antisemitic, friendo

You preach communism but you do realize under an Authoritarian communist state which is what you want correct The disabled,the elderly,the sick, and trans people would be the first to go because they simply cost too much for the government to take care of them,

would youshutup kidrob. Y do you have such a hardon for arguing w/ this chick?

Seriousposting tryhard.

because its funny

Then milk the cow idiot. Dont seriouspost at it

Wtf I love communism now

Imagine actually thinking that Succdem Daddy wants policies like raising the minimum wage to be associated with morons waving around guns and hammer-and-sickle flags.

You do you fam. Regardless of political beliefs those are good ideals to have

Thank you friend, I love nice comments like these I really appreciate that from you ❤

we are blessed to have you with us

keep on fighting

I was a libertarian dipshit making fun of feminists online before a really cool lesbian in real life at UPS talked to me. Now I'm a trans communist

so a woman finally talked to you and you chopped you dick off over it?

You're such an f-slur

Baby had to work a few months at UPS waaaah welcome to real life you pampered b-slur

It always looked fake, but it was this post, when it really dawned on me... Alhamdullilah, we might be witness to the awesome spectacle of a Russian IRA staffer on a pre-election social media campaign, with KPIs on reframing the American left in our demo... by actually pretending to be a soviet communist.

I feel like we're watching history. Like a snake eating it's own tail and sucking it's own dick at the same time.

Look at the code shifting, the use of idioms of the target audience. Building up the persona before they drop their messaging (Bernie? Really?). Переда́й, ёб твою́ мать, во́дку! What a time to be alive.

Pls show me your dick

This proves all the harshest nazi propaganda true, literally turning retarded kids into communist trann*es

Marxism speaks drools out of the corner of its mouth for itself

The 21 year old I know from my workplace is more of a man you could ever be.

Just grow up and get a different job if this displeases you so.

Good thing I'm a girl ^

And yep already did 👌

Good for you.

That person I mentioned is also more of a girl than you could be, by the way. You lost on both counts. Hopefully you will improve as a person and prove me wrong in the future.

God you're fucking pathetic, how hard are you trying to punch down on me. It was never about how masc or fem I was. You're just an evil piece of shit, grow a heart loser.

God you're fucking pathetic

Imagine calling anyone else pathetic when you literally go and get unironically angry at people on reddit and sperg so fucking bad that you can't contain it and have to sperg more on another subreddit.

You: loud shitting noises coming from your throat

Lol sorry dont speak shit lord 💩🙊

Hate me cause you ain't me, fanboy 💃

Why would anyone want to be an autistic tranny?


trying to punch down on me.

I did say I hope you will improve as a person and prove my assumption about you wrong.

I kinda wish you would keep up with the bantz, because you sure talked big before:

You'll never win, only I win. Because i have a big dick a big heart and a killer rack uwu

Then you break down on me like this:

God you're fucking pathetic, how hard are you trying to punch down on me. It was never about how masc or fem I was. You're just an evil piece of shit, grow a heart loser.

This sub will always be open to you if you need to vent.

So what do you do now? Since putting boxes on a pallet is too hard apparently


Can I interest you in a 40% statistic?


Hey that’s our word

Prolly just some dramanaut's alt


You need to grow some balls.

First post on drama, and it's some of the most hilarious original copypasta I have ever seen


never change white people

you make the worst tankies of all

I want you to know, that Stalin is crying in hell right now and is in more agony than you could imagine knowing you exist and that you support the USSR. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you based pinko.

u/Snapshillbot has a new quote

Imagine losing your mind because you pack boxes all day

you were born in 204 and think you're human lmao

You'll never win, only I win.

TrumpPosting 🤮

Gen Zigger political candidate when?

Stupid foid is wearing $100+ shoes

work one month in manual labor job for the most unionized companies in the world

become radical tankie because even that isn’t good enough

spend $130 on the most basic NPC streetwear shoes in the world

Every generation after 1993 was a mistake.

2002 kids stand up 😤

Sorry bro i dont buy npc shoes i wear chad cowboy boots and a jean jacket

Fuck. Shes a drama tard

The irony is that UPS has a strong union and has tons of benefits. Every UPS worker I've met was very relaxed during their off hours and happy to be working there over any other service.

The other irony is that UPS is going to go out of business eventually because their workers demanded they don't even look into drones.

Talking to you is distressing, I unironically feel bad. I'm going to block you

Is there a better way of making yourself look like a fucking retard

That fucko doesn't even realize how ridiculous he sounds

like everyone in this thread


what the fuck is a bussy

how dare you /u/kidrobot069

i didnt know man im sorry im new to all these reddit terms

Who am i you sure you wanna know my story is not for that faint of heart

Don't you dare make fun of him. He's seen some shit.

He had to work for months.


make fun of whom me i honestly dont give a shit man have fun with it

And for four hours!

I suspect this kid is talking about loading/unloading, which is actually pretty shit work. Loading is super fast-paced grabbing shit off the conveyor belt, running it into the truck, putting it in the right spot, marking it (to verify you checked it's the right truck), and bolting back out to the belt before you miss stuff for your truck. You do that for four hours and it can get really tiring, and shit can be really heavy and the climate uncomfortable (like humid or freezing days). Alternatively you can be the only guy loading or unloading an 18-wheeler with stuff of vastly varying weights, and the boss will get on you if you aren't fast enough. And sometimes they'll ask you to pitch in with loading/unloading after a day of driving, which you don't have to, but you feel pressured to, and that can extend your day really long, and it's all physical work.

It certainly didn't turn me into a commie, but I can understand why it would frustrate some people, and I did get frustrated with loading pretty frequently. UPS is very reliant on people go-go-going all day long to facilitate optimal package movement using the fewest workers they can. This kid might have had an especially shitty boss or something who got on his ass for not being fast enough.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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Yes thank you, someone fucking gets it. I did unloading for 8 months with a very aggressive supe. Still so far the hardest job I've had. Still a good job that I recommend.

Let's be real though, we deserved just as much pay as the overpaid full time supes, we do the hardest fucking part for the worst pay out of the company.

You can’t say let’s get real and then say you deserve what nobody is willing to pay you. The reality of your situation is that you moved boxes all day. Nobody is saying that’s easy and it probably sucks. At the same time someone who moved boxes around isn’t valuable to a company and can easily be replaced by a high school kid.

If you feel so strongly about communism you should start your own business and pay everyone equally despite job title. You’re very convinced it’ll work so I think it’d be great for you to lead the way and be a prime example of how communism works.

No, I'll start my Cooperative business. You know the ones that exist and pay our janitors and other "unskilled labor" like full fledged human beings. We will split wages based on the democracy of the workplace, I feel like your ignorant of what communism actually is. You dont get paid the same, you get paid based on the difficulty of your part of the company. But Everyone is just guaranteed a decent wage to survive in our dystopian hellscape.

Unskilled workers are valuable, and need nothing else to justify existing. You deserve a home, healthcare and education if we have the means to share. (We do) Regardless of the worth of your labor or if you even can do labor. You're being classist, you're no better than the McDonalds worker down the street as a human being. I dont give a shit how many zeros are in your bank account. People are more than pawns.

No I know what communism is I based equal pay of your own idea that someone who moves boxes should make as much as people higher up. Do you see what’s wrong with your thought process here? You have no idea how that company runs outside of moving boxes, you haven’t invested any time in it, you don’t currently have the skills to run a business, and you didn’t invest your own money into it but yet you think someone who can and has put in the time and effort to learn how to do those things should make about as much as you because moving boxes is hard. It doesn’t work for this exact reason.

You need unskilled workers I get that as a whole they’re valuable. To say they’re valuable on an individual level with what they provide for a company is ridiculous though.

I think you and I have a fundamentally different idea of what a right is which is okay. I’m not sure that healthcare is necessarily a right but we should probably try to provide it to everyone. Having a home isn’t a right. Some sort of shelter sure but a home no.

I’m not sure why you think I said I’m more valuable as a human being than a McDonald’s worker. That was never my argument. My argument is that my work is more valuable than an unskilled laborer and therefore I should be compensated more. That doesn’t mean I think I’m a better human being than them it means I think I provide more valuable work.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Fuck off piece of shit what the hell is wrong with you


If you want more people to become communists maybe try a different approach like trying to be likable in any way. The second your argument falls apart you just go into mental breakdown mode and go straight to name calling and giving out threats.

You’ll never convince anyone by acting the way you do. It’ll only push people farther away from your ideologies because you come off as incapable of controlling your own emotions and holding rational discussion.

u/Vienna_IsKawaii Do you happen to dress in women's clothing orhave autism? I'm conducting a survey

its a transbender

I fucking knew it

chapocell a transbender and a commie weeb

it wasn't even the commie shit or the borderline NEET lifestyle. Autistic people always have this weird banality to their speech. Something I've picked up on. In the worst cases it carries over to the shit they type online

i honestly dont give a shit if u like communism or if ur trans as long as you dont act like a sped about it the folks at chapo and this dumbass dont get that the think everyone is out to get them

drama copes as they continue working dead end wage slave jobs, being regularly exploited for their labour, porky the capitalist making $5000 on the $1 they get, too afraid to take up arms against the oppressor, ruler class, making fun of brave, true heroes of the working class like u/vienna_iskawaii

you guys will grow up one day

u still haven’t showed me ur dick natty

either this guy is the biggest troll i've ever seen or the saddest commiecel to exist.

either way, he deserves a rope and a spear in his chest.

either this guy is the biggest troll i've ever seen or the saddest commiecel to exist.

either way, he deserves a rope and a spear in his chest.


This is the vanguard of the revolution, the fucking defender of the working class. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race...

Shut the fuck up you bootlicker, I became radicalized after months of working at my shitty hard ass job at UPS. Communists are the hardest working and the most intelligent and compassionate people being able to understand the system and want to protect their comrades being exploited by the shitty hierarchy that enslaves us for the benefit of the few.

What do you fight for? The status quo? You fucking disgust me

This kid is a fountain of copypasta

We're just deepthroating bait now huh

This is why we need a monarchy.