Petition to mod Elon Musk and have him fight Notch to the death

103  2019-04-19 by WistopherWalken

Notch is a prototypical (((neckbeard))) but Musk is a filthy weeb. Who will win? Can we somehow get Kim Dotcom in on this?


only if the showdown is on mars and the winner has to stay there too

Space daddy would launch notch in blocks

Go grab notch then, fucker abandoned us 😭😭😭😭

Once Elon perfects his all electric, artificial womb his clone army will be unstoppable.


Space Daddy was invited to mod five months ago. Sadly he has not responded. He also hasn't posted on reddit in over a year

Where the fuck is Riley "Rap of the Year" Reid?

Good point.

You are missing daddy " You gotta git yo own bag Niggah" McAfee 😞😤😡

I draw the line at whalefuckers.

Is elon musk supporting the premiere anime drama of the now? 🤔🤔🤔


Why isn't /u/Hstark a mod?

Who coincidentally is also going to call random phone numbers to secure his NEETbux. And this is the way unapprovedcels spread the word:

Chad vs Incel who will win?