This is what the mods did.

119  2019-04-20 by SandorClegane_AMA


they are a disappointment to Allah.

inshallah brother

Truly, one of the most disappointing outcomes in history

Inshallah the blessed day of the CAN will be upon us soon.

This is Literally like, the Holocaust and shit. 😭

They baited us with showers (❤️Drama👑) and then let the Gas (🐟🤮SRDines😫🐟) loose!

Except this actually happened!

utub username

ca-tier banter


Le "you have to go back" has arrived

And they did it for free

The smart ones became Deuxcels though

/r/Deuxrama exists to talk about this sub. This sub:

We must never forget

We're gonna need a bigger can

Then half of us got banned from SRD because they can't take shade for shit.

r/Kappa was pure chaos yesterday and I couldn't post because I'm not allowed to

I'm gonna assume that they recommended it so that we could shit it up.


85% of the mods here are useless, autistic retards and/or sockposters

We're all SRDnes now.

Well, except for the ones who became Deuxcels.