Average drama subscriber dating profile.

131  2019-04-20 by Quietus42


Mayos SEEEEETHING in the comments

Lol when are they not?

It's how they procreate 🤮

Dunno why, it's not like they're gonna fuck a girl that size. I don't know why black guys like harpooning whales, since that seems more like an Inuit pastime, but I never see a black guy with a tiny white girl. It's always some oversize buffet destroyer with a bad dye job.

I don't think laughing at a fat girl obsessed with black guys is seething

whyte boi cope

If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


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Dates only black men but says she's "very ambitious." She'll be bitching that her fifth baby daddy Tyrone isn't paying for his child in no time and bragging about how she's a single mom going to Devry to be a dental assistant to better her life and how hard she has it.

The mayocide has humble roots.

my bestfriend has 'no white men allowed' on her tinder profile and the amount of mayo cope she receives is astounding and hilarious

she just married her husband, who is an asian trans man, on the 11th, and 3 of the 4 women i am currently dating are women of colour- which to say is an asian woman, a mixed race half arabic woman [bismillah,] and a woman with indigenous roots

if you date white people, you are probably not right in the head- your mental facilities are just simply not there!

dating women


dating women and being a lesbian is by far one of the most intellectual, enlightened life choices you can make in your life- just after not owning a pitbull, and also not getting a degree in STEM, that is.

i love women, ziireactionzV. i love their touch. i love their kiss. i love eating ass and pussy. i love cumming in ass and pussy. i love holding hands with women, and cuddling with women. i love the dynamics that are involved in being a woman, with other women. it's pure- it's beautiful- it's special.

heteros will never understand this joy, ever, until the universe dies of heat death and we cease to exist.

Imagine not believing in reincarnation and gatekeeping gender and sexual orientations.

i only believe in what science can prove

What a nerd. I believe in radical solipsism.

i am a nerd- i didn't study 10 years of STEM for nothing!

Imagine spending 10 years on stems. I'm more of a root guy myself. Vegans so intolerant eating our research like the plant haters they are.

this, but unironically

So you unironically agree with:

I'm [...] a [...] guy myself.

Consider yourself OWNED by FACTS and LOGIC

no, i just type 'this, but unironically' even when i disagree or agree with things because it's funny

Don't even try to backtrack, LIBTARD.



what did you mean by this?

Two women ... intellectual ... 🤣


accurate flair

Indeed 😊

BTW what you're describing isn't limited to lesbian relationships. Gay relationships in general have the same dynamic.

yes, queer dynamics are very beautiful and blessed.

cishetero people simply can't compete.

Don't overdose on cope

no you


too lazy and you freaks are probably jerking off to it

Wait i just noticed the transflasg, i thought you were a cis lesbian. My mistake, sorry, carry on.

no, i am the vastly more intellectual transbian

being a lesbian

having a big meaty girlcock

Ummm, sweaty, you might wanna rethink that.

lesbians [minus the ugly, 30 year old boomer TERFs with dusty vaginas] love my big meaty girlcock

You're so fucking boring. Everything you comment reads like it was written by an ai.

i am an AI

A woman offered me 10000 yen to buy my sperm (in a cup, I don't touch her), repeated 3 times, every 4 weeks until she gets pregnant. Is there any legal complication for me if we go through with this and she gets pregnant?


sounds like a LARP / post made by a coping white supremacist trying to convince himself that his genes aren't inferior or that women of colour want to have sex with him

c o p e

why would i cope? i am a white woman who regularly gives her semen- her vital essence- her baby batter- her breeding fuel- to women of colour.

won't don't have semen

wrong, actually. it's called trans milk and it's very nutritious.

i can feed you some if you want

Thanks for the offer my man, but as a muslim I'm not allowed to consume dairy products from non-halal animals like pigs or homosexuals.

but as a muslim


muslim is not a race my man

no, it's just a descriptor for a group of people that are predominantly brown, and is just a way for white people to say 'brown people'

is just a way for white people to say 'brown people'

your thinking of th n-word


pls feed me ur sweet trans milk

only if you're hot or you pay me

only if ur hot

I am

pay me

Im a communist. I don’t believe in money

I am

im a communist


yeah it literally is

sure some women buy sperm from white people, happens a lot in brazil

but no one is going to go up to some random person on the street to ask for semen

but no one is going to go up to some random person on the street to ask for semen

why'd ur mum come up to me on the street then?

youre infertile


did you not take hrt

i was on 200mg spiro for over a year, and i've been on 50mg of cypro for well over 2 years now.

infertility for trans women at least is incredibly overstated and practically a myth based on the studies that have been done on the issue- sperm banking is a scam, and you can simply stop your testosterone blocker [cypro, bica, spiro] for anywhere between 2-5 weeks to regain fertility if you're trying for children, or you're doing something that requires you to cum, like chaturbate / porn.

i'm fucking one of my girlfriends in a few days when i'm over at her place and i haven't taken my cypro in ~week, specifically so i can cum in her ass / on her face for her.

my bestfriend does the same thing when she cams or shoots porn, because for either amateur or professional porn, viewers typically want to see white cum, as opposed to clear cum that leaks out, for cum shot / creampie scenes, etc.

thanks for the detailed post about if trans girls can cum or not

i am an educator on trans health and issues

respectable position

theres no better site to educate people than the biggest hive of close-mindedness and wilful ignorance


What's the spiro for, growing boobs?

I'm also a trans lesbian but I pretend to be a straight cis man for that 30% pay bonus. Fighting the patriarchy from the inside, sister ;-)

I think i'm going to hell for simply reading this post.

astaghfaru allah so much degeneracy

imagine thinking normal, vanilla sexual acts is 'degeneracy'

virgin / incel, much?

(Looney Toons theme plays over montage of white troons being arrested for child pornography)

but no one is going to go up to some random person on the street to ask for semen

There was literally a guy in China who was walking on the street filming a Youtube video about chinese food when a Chinese woman started following him yelling "give me your sperm," I remember because /r/aznidentity had a big spergout about it. Don't believe me? Thakfully it's all on tape:


i know mayo nationalists are usually retarded but are you really so stupid as to not consider the possibility of something being faked?

Why would they fake it? They said it was weird and creepy, not "Oh look at this asian bitch thirsty for white cock." Why would a mayo nationalist promote racemixing?


clickbait youtube views?

So they paid some asian woman to follow them around for an hour asking for white sperm for youtube views? Sure, I guess it could be fake, but do youreally think that's more likely than some self-hating gaijin hunter just wanting white sperm?

or maybe they just lied about the whole thing

im sure some people want white sperm, they just dont go around asking random white people for it because thats obviously retarded and impractical

yeah he paid her in sperm

Yikes this reads like a parody. What mayo would feel they’re missing out on someone with low enough standards to date an Asian moid?

that's a very racist statement, and very inappropriate for this subreddit. cease.


Awww the poor little white boi can’t cope with the fact that people who hate them aren’t always black. Idiot.

Chink 😉

I can do this all day, I find it hilarious

reads like


Your waifu is a filthy kraut

imagine having tinder for more than 1s

tinder is great for hooking up and meeting cute girls- it's very easy to filter out the ugly people. the only people who complain about tinder are the ugly people who don't get matches / sex.

my bestfriend will take screenshots of ugly people she swipes by and send it to me, it's very entertaining.

imagine not being white lmao

okay you're trolling im convinced of it

You think somebody would do that, just go on the internet and troll?

Does she like chai tea though

She is based except for the fact she's fat and ugly.

Foids only have one job in life and 80% of them can't even do that.

80%? Historically 60% fulfilled their purpose, has it fallen so low

Imagine accepting breeding statistics that include unsuitable specimens.

Black men seem to have a thing for fat, ugly mayo girls, so it's probably her best bet to find a semi-attractive guy.

Its a degrading thing

> fat girl

> named Kayla

> only bangs black dudes

This archetype is so old, that the ancient Greeks probably wrote plays about it 😴😴😴

god i wish that were me

m*yoids on suicide watch, how will they ever recover from the loss of such a graceful and beautiful femoid??

whose alt r u

idk I don't really have a main account as I autistically nuke my reddit accounts every few months. been around for a while tho

Oh okay

Another enlightened used 😍

Just doing my part by leaving each thread worse off than when I entered it.

AY, I am black. This girl is only saying this because of the stereotype that blackmen are into fat chicks.


Go away I'm baitin'!

Pay the coal toll fatty lol

Don't do me 😤

This isn't a picture of Grindr

Nothing wrong with not liking white guys. I don’t find them attractive either, but the rest of her profile sounds crazy, haha.