Drama in new Twilight Zone subreddit as OG Mod unbans magacels and purges chapo mods. All 22 subscribers of the subreddit have a heated discussion

161  2019-04-20 by sevp


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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Oh boy anecdotes!

Jordan Peele something something Twilight Zone something something black on black background. I dunno there's a vaguely racist joke in there somewhere.

You will find the joke, just Peele back the layers to discover it.

There must be a huge demand for social commentary sci fi, because peele is like the blandest version of that, yet he is massively popular.

I don't think you realize just how groundbreaking Get Out was back in 2017. It was the first time anyone ever acknowledged the fact that white people are racist to black people.

i THOUGHT it was the first movie that acknowledged that black people exist

It was kind of new in pointing out northeastern white liberal racism.

That's where you're wrong kiddo. He voted for Obama. Twice!!

So let me get this straight... A black man points out that actually, liberals are the racists, and everybody loves it. I do exactly the same thing, and I'm "not making any sense" and "need to be fully clothed at this establishment, or any Wendy's, really"?


It's why I post in blackface exclusively

Social commentary has always been a part of scifi. The problems with this version are:

1) Peeles comments assume far far far leftwing activists are right, things like "all cops are racist"

2) He is not subtle in his commentary, it clubs you over the head with it.

3) The only comments he has made so far are "conservatives bad", "white males bad". This weeks episode is obviously going to be "orange man bad", a child elected president, lots of American flags...

Contrary to what this shows supporters think, we who don't like the show don't consider commentary bad, but you have to do it right and you need to comment on real problems, not activist talking points.

Heyo, I'm the mod in question. It's pretty interesting to see the people from Anarchism and others going down my comments, downvoting it and sending me 'friendly' pms. I never thought we would see this much activity in TwilightZone.

Thanks for making reddit a better place!

Unironically this

I never thought we would see this much activity in TwilightZone.

And now you've learnt how contemporary marketing works.

Seems to be just Anarchism and AntifascistsOfReddit, btw. Surprised not to see SLS or CTH join in yet.

Or y’know, people see a new show and want a place to talk about it.

You sure have a fucking awful way of show that.


You should know that every single one of those PMs and comments are from a valuable user, that is active in your community!

Very true, haha.

Post them (or PM to me). It’s always good to have a cache of the hypocrisy of these morons.

Pls sticky

y'all can't behave on the thread

Needs 👏 more 👏 emojis

Based jannie

What’s your favorite OG series episode?

I like “nice place to visit” and “monsters due on Maple street”

Two of my favorites is "The Fever" and "Time Enough at Last"

He does it for free, folks.

Those are just heated gamer moments.

So what did you think of the episodes so far? The plane one was my favorite.

To be honest, I don't have a US TV carrier so I haven't watched it yet. I was planning to just wait till it finishes airing and try to find it like on Blu-ray or something.

😂 that makes this whole fight funnier. You should make me mod so you have someone that's seen the episode around. The /r/drama community can attest to what a great mod I am.

If your serious you could apply, I'm fine with anyone that can be a stable moderator.

He's okay, just keep him away from your livestock and less attractive daughters.

Did not like the plane one’s ending. It should have finished when the lunatic took over, not on the island.

I just want to say unironically that you are very cool <3

Thank you Jesus.

You’re doing great in there.

Hey you should make me a mod there. I'll remove all the piracy links I've been seeing recently. You don't want that stuff there because the admins will be quick to ban or quarantine the sub.

Anyone interested in ahem...piracy already knows how to find things and isn't going to be clicking random reddit links. I mean are their grandmas on reddit clicking these things?

Although seriousposting is a sin (and on Easter of all days), I fucking wish more mods had their heads on straight like you do. Instead we mostly get a bunch of morons who get drunk on a thimbleful of power.

You're doin good there

Neutral subs should be exactly that, neutral. Faith in jannies restored partially.

I don't know if you're aware of this, but moderating a sub and not using it as a soapbox for your personal beliefs, no matter how inane and retarded, is a violation of reddit law.

You have been reported.

I respect this a lot better than when a janniecel tries to pathetically 'take a stand' in his little internet fiefdom.

Maybe you can be the spark that lights the fire of purging reddit of it's completely one sided political bias. Hey...I can dream can't I?

y’all posting

Every fucking time.

It's mayo on mayo violence!

Fuck you OP for sicking these weirdos on me.

This subreddit has a very strong stance against harassing content, such as your post. I suggest you apologise to the OP for your hateful comment.


You do know you’ll never be a woman right?


Do you need lubrication for your udders, or did you take care of the milking preparations prior to arriving?

You love the attention and you know it. Why else even come here and ask for more abuse.

Just learn to be honest with yourself, sugar tits.

Yeah, I love all you crusty edgelords sending me disgusting PMs. Really gets me off.

How about you guys act like normal, functioning human beings? Of course, that would be too much to ask. Whatever, you guys proved my point for me.

Snappy quote when?

I just don't get why you people won't leave me the fuck alone. I even said in the twilight thread that I just wanted to leave, since I don't like people that think that way.

But instead of respecting that, you guys send me like 20 messages telling me disgusting things about me as a person? How do you guys look at yourselves as good people when you're condoning that?

So please, just. Leave. Me. Alone.

What do you mean "you people," m*yo?

Posts in r/Mtf

We're not going anywhere with this one lol.

They got mayo mayo skin in the game after all lol.

Did you chop your dick off and shave your Adam's apple yet? Are you white? Are you white? And, are you white?

White doesn't exist.

Which drama poster is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to come here?

And no, we all know you want it, so take it. Take it like the drama loving sloot you are.

Which drama poster is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to come here?

That’s MasterLawlz. He’s kind of the wildcard around here.

If masterlawlz had a ahem woman at gunpoint he'd be too busy using her as a toilet

I just don't get why you people won't leave me the fuck alone.

You could just, you know, stop replying? This is self harm at this point, honey.

Didn't seem to have a problem when chapotards were brigading and harassing mod OP. No one likes a hypocrite.

Normal, functional human beings don't cut their dick off.

Peak white fragility

chapocel fragility

Honestly, if it weren't for all the damn replies filling my inbox, I would have left it at my first comment, but some people think this is a game, and want to "debate" like this is an argument at all, which it isn't to me.

sweaty if they troll you to goad a response you are losing the game 😂 👌


You did it to yourself, sweaty

Products marketed to black people make me so upset that I need to tell the internet about it!

like what? Malt liquor, hair relaxer and grape soda?

Every time I see Jordan Peele’s name I can feel it burning my pure white soul!

I've literally never seen anything he's ever done. All I know is that both Key and Peel are mulattos, which is probably why white people like them so much. Just like Obama.

Only unenlightened concern trolling swine would allow the focus of their rage to be limited to a few halfers. The true ubermench sees red at the thought of any media being consumed by or produced for non-whites.

I'm not a guardian against thoughts and feelings, I'm a person moderating a subreddit for a television show.

Strong sense of self-awareness from a modcel. Still does it for free, though.

Not if I gild them!!

AJAB: All Jannies Are Bad. No exceptions.

  • sees nazis and racists everywhere
  • posts in CTH
  • is a tranny

There has to be some kind of causal link between these things, it happens way too much to be a coincidence. I'm just not sure in which direction the causality goes.

The confounding variable is mental illness; probably narcicism or some other kind of disorder where the person craves attention like the whores they are.

  • They want to be a civil rights activist, so they see bad guys everywhere, and as per Poe's Law this eventually turned into "everyone but me is a Nazi!".
  • Atheism isn't edgy anymore and got associated with virgins and neckbeards, so to show how edgy they are and anger their parents they turn to the last group every American can agree sucks: communists.
  • They aren't getting enough attention for the above because they're blobby, soy-infested cucks who fall too low on the progressive stack to ever get a word into a discussion with their NuFriends, so they decide that the shame of wearing lady's underwear is basically gender dysphoria and they should transition. It "feels right" because they get pats on the back head and more attention because of it.

At the core, they're all just attention whores, and they've constructed a culture that rewards these things with attention.

Damn. I genuinely do come to /r/drama for the cutting psychological insight.

More education would be a start

There has to be some kind of causal link between these things, it happens way too much to be a coincidence.

Straight up it's autism.

Trannies have something like 5 x the normal rates of autism than the general population. It's why they're so socially retarded and incapable of not being spergs.

as an actual autist I can assure you that autism definitely plays a big part in this

/u/EmmaTheRobot did you decide to become a transgender lesbian before or after you realized you were an incel?

transgender lesbian

hahaha, like every single fucking time.

Sucks to be an actual lesbian these days, imagine the amount of feminine penis fucking chasing you around non-stop. Fuck, isn't that the entire point of being a lesbian? Not wanting dicks shoved in your face 24/7?

Why are people like this

I'm not a guardian against thoughts and feelings, I'm a person moderating a subreddit for a television show.

Actually based.