The Homestuck epilogue was released today and it did not meet expectations

29  2019-04-20 by Cleverly_Clearly


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Can someone please translate whatever the hell that person just said?

Guy creates webcomic

People like webcomic

Time advances

Guy stops wanting to make webcomic and instead make new one


Guy writes horrible webcomic shitting on all the characters and ruining the hopes and dreams of people because fuck you, move on with your life and read another book

Now if only Rowling would do the same.


She did, it was called Cursed Child

From what I understand from wandcels it was series-endingly bad.

Webcomics are one of the few genres in existance even lower than capeshit

Combine both and you have Worm. Also written by a canadian Liberal who made the natzis a badguy because autism.

So how did this shitty comic end?

  • Jade has a dog dick and wrecks Dave and Karkat’s relationship because her dog hormones make her in heat all the time
  • Dirk kills himself and then turns out to have been the narrator the entire time
  • Adult John fucks child Terezi
  • Jane becomes a Hitler analogue and attempts to exterminate the trolls
  • Jane cucks Jake with Gamzee
  • Dave meets Obama
  • Roxy births John’s kid in one timeline and becomes a gendernonconforming NB with Calliope in the other timeline

this sounds like sarcastic hyperbole but you’ll have to trust me on this one

I don’t know who any of those characters are but sounds hot.

Change some names and addresses more swordshit and it sounds like a possible ending for Game of Thrones

this sounds like sarcastic hyperbole but you’ll have to trust me on this one

Isn't that just Homestuck anyways?

wew I love me some HomeStuck drama. One of my favorites on Tumblr due to how many factions there were.

The rule34 content was better than the original comic.


Achewood's greatest crime was making people think webcomics could be good.

Weebshit is death.

You're right. It greatly exceeded them, and dumb teenage fans are crying because their faves didn't get a happy ending.