curb your classical liberalism 😂😂

56  2019-04-20 by Rentokill_boy


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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These guys are so bad at being demagogues it's embarrassing. I could be a better demagogue.

It's honestly hilarious how inept carl of swindon really is

Pizza 2020??


Time to start up that YouTube channel! I have faith in you!

Pizza of Shill

I'm surprised that Carl's rape tweet is getting so much attention but a video he made just saying a bunch of racial slurs hasn't been mentioned in the media at all lol

That's because mayos ARE really n slurs.

TBH the tweet should have said "I wouldn't rape you" - adding the 'even' makes it obviously an insult instead of the stealthiest b8

I'm glad to see politics is straight retarded everywhere that white people are

Mayos gonna mayo sweaty

I mean they runnin shit

:)) the most retarded are still american politics.

and the ideal societies are still those in white countries.

Lmao crackers think they’re all that 🤣🤣


Shut up white boy 🇮🇱🙅🏾‍♂️ Your “ideal countries” won’t be white for long kafir 😂🤣 Allahs chosen will crash down upon you and you will be punished for your infidelity ☝🏾☝🏾🇵🇸

i cant wait. i will join the new cruseders and kick muslims back to islamistan.

i will beat them so hard they will forget islam.

😂😂 The word of Mohammed has shown us the fall of your weak culture and religion! Believe when I tell you, all kafir and mushrik will submit before the mighty sword of Allahs justice! Alhamdulillah, the infidels fall before Him ☝🏾☝🏾🇵🇸

that pedo is a fagot

Sex with children was given to us by Allah, and so his prophet partook! If Allah did not want for man to lay with nine year olds, then why did he make them so attractive in the eye of man? This is when the kafir are stumped, as they cannot comprehend Allahs divine will! Also the Great Prophet Mohammed prohibited 🚫 homosexuality in all its forms! This word “fagot” shall be reserved for the perverts who go against his most holy proclamation!

You get a 10 for effort.

Thanks daddy 😘

Which ideal country would you like to live in and which do you live in?

4me USA n USA

not usa, i dont want to get shot just because im black, even though im white.

gotta answer the question tho

Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and maybe other.

Rich countries, but not taken over by degenerates.

There was a second half to the question


rip that blows man

yea. could be worse, but it is what it is.

at least your women are desperate



skinny women live in a sellers market

oh god

white countries? do you even still have those, big guy?

your mayo nations are getting BLACKED, and that's a good thing


Imagine if he and his scot-gimp won? It'd be as good as that time Moot had to explain faggotry to a judge for however many years the britbongs keep them in. All on record.

Sounds more like an attack on /r/drama users tbh

The stepfather got a proper suit! I wonder how well he'll do in an argument when he can't slice it up and intersperse le funny reaction faces.

I think I'm too much of a brainlet on britbong politics to understand the contradictions there

carl of swindon makes long boring videos and harasses people on twitter (before he gets banned). Carl decides to become an MP for european parliament. Carl joins ukip and it immediately tanks.

He isn‘t actually an MP for the European Parliament

he's running to be one

While funny, it's more likely that it's just the Brexit Party eating up their base.

Choosing to invite Carl to run for the Euro Parliament is reflective of why so much of their base felt the need for a Brexit party independent of UKIP's bullshit.

convicted last year for teaching his girlfriends dog the nazi salute

lmao I wanna see that

Have you been living under a rock

I avoid everything britain politics related, but the nazi dog sounds interesting I wont lie

Ill give you a rundown.

Guy teachea dog nazi salute as a joke. Old cucks in scotland aren't amused. Judge fines him or smth. The end

He got arrested for being an edgelord.

His video series Absolute Mad Lads is actually pretty good.

thanks lmao

See also, nations of the world -


I guess hiring Youtubers as spokesmen for your political party isnt a good idea.

Amazing how much trouble you can get in for saying you wouldn't rape someone

I wouldn’t even deploy centrist death squads

I wouldn’t even instate sharia law

I wouldn’t even nuke Canada

I wouldn’t even legalize post-birth abortion

I wouldn’t even nuke Canada

I don't believe you.

If two nukes on Japan gave us anime, even a single nuke is too dangerous.

i dont like either of them but is anyone surprised a party made to make brexit happen gets less vote now that brexit has happened (or been agreed to)

Farage (the biggest cheese in the Brexit camp) also formed his own party which took a huge chunk of UKIP voters and MEPs.

Honestly UKIP would probably be in even worse shape if they didn't have Youtube meme candidates.