Ben “the Holocaust was no Great Loss” Garrison DROWNS libtards with WAVES of FACTS and LOGIC 🔥😈😈

179  2019-04-21 by Ghdust2


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Ben stylin' on the unintelligent 😎😎 as usual

Also mods can I have custom flair pls I came back to this sub after like 2 years and in feeling underdressed :(

wait your turn cunt

Listen friendo 🚫 don't 🚫 make me go sicko mode 💪💦👀😳 on you honey ok? Im a gamer pal 😎🖥️⌨️🖱️😎 watch out sweaty x

Take another 2 years off

Theres no place like home

russia collusion boat stuck, no water

daddy RISES UP, then crashes down, giving the russia collusion boat more water, justice also gives the boat more water

boat now floats wonderfully while daddy is underneath them

ben, sweaty, this doesn't make all that much sense

tsunamis are good for small wooden fishing boats

Hundreds of dead Japs can't be wrong

>tfw people don't know how seas and waves work..

Did... did you mean write sweety? Not sweaty?


Yikes Chief. This ain't it.

I'm sorry sweaty but this is an immigration policy violation and I'm going to need to ask you to lurk a little more before commenting again.

Muh open boarders. Stop violating my rights.

Normiecels must assimilate into our glorious culture or be deported. Unless they're lolcows and then they should be upvoted and milked.

It's a pretty good analogy for how the obstruction of justice case will play out.

Ben Garrison is a bizarre example of the idiot savant due to his really lopsided artistic talent. His drawings are all rendered really well, but the composition and framing is atrocious. He needs to put down at least a dozen labels so people know what the fuck he's talking about, and even then, if you think about it too much, it all falls apart.

The closest example I know of is Gord from Freddy Got Fingered and his drawings (which isn't a comparison I thought I'd ever make).


Political cartoons arent exactly easy to draw after youve done all the easy shit

I like the baby Barr wave in the back

This confirms it, daddy is Aquaman and we all know that Aquaman is gay. 😍

I can finally live out my scat/piss fantasies with daddy!😖🤤

lol that he gave the Daddy wave face chub for once

Ben Garrision is a retarded incel who is unproductive.

Who are all those people in the boat? There's no labels!!

Thank god he labeled the Roseanne Barr otherwise Id be lost on all of this

Who's that black guy at the helm? Ben's art is so cryptic without the labels!

Hilldawg's gunt poking out is a subtle dig that she is fat. LOL

ben garrison is a moron.


that being said. he is a pretty decent artist

ben garrison is a moron genius.

The symbolism of Ben Garrison is not something you can merely point to and say "here, this is what this represents". In order to fully appreciate the depth of the comic we must take every detail into account, every stroke of wisdom and insight into his beautiful mind. Notice, for instance, that the water seems to form the face of "Donald Trump" weilding some sort of "hammer". If you look into this, you will find that Donald Trump is actually the president of America! Now, if we look even closer, we notice that the hammer is labeled "justice", which is incredibly vague yet somehow poignant. It speaks to the individual in us, as it can mean so much to so many. Finally, we look at the boat in the foreground. You may be forgiven for thinking this was just a regular boat - but look again. You may notice that there are multiple people in the boat. If you dig deeper, you will find that all of these people have been, in some way or another, opposed to Donald Trump. In the woodwork on the back, we can find more lettering. "Russia Collusion" - What did he mean by this? Sometimes I wonder if Ben's ideas are too complex even for an educated individual like myself. Finally, what ties this together? At the very bottom, it says "The Tide Has Turned". Powerful stuff.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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Trump wave h holding judeicial hammer and smasing lips

This doesn’t look like Ben. Who is the man in the wave? Who are the individuals in the boat? Why isn’t everything captioned?

Ol' Fenny Benny is Coping hard

He's taking coping to a whole new level.

Why is Obama still there lmao

Blue wave??

For anyone who needs the labels this site includes the names of the people in the boat in the caption to this masterpiece.

I like the words on the pictures, now only if I could read them

ben really likes this visual metaphor of the wave, i swear he's done like 3 wave comics by now

the holocaust didnt even happen lol

For anyone who doesnt know, he also posts there comics with an accompanying description that is filled with even more lunacy. Here's the one for this one.

In the boat, left to right: Strzok, Clapper, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Shifty Schiff, Cankles, Brennan, and the Crook in Chief, Obama.

For two years the Democrats have been on a fishing expedition to bring down a lawfully elected president. They got skunked and reeled in no evidence to support their accusation that Trump colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary.

Their boat enjoyed a high tide of hope and momentum for two years, but after the Mueller Report was released, that tide went out. All the way out. Now they’re stuck in the mud and they all look ridiculous. Do they abandon their boat and trudge back to the shore of apology? No. Most of them are tripling down on their lunacy. They’re now threatening impeachment based on ‘obstruction,’ even though there’s no proof of that, either. Maybe Trump gritting his teeth at their witch-hunt qualifies as obstruction.

Mueller knew the case was based on a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, yet he allowed the case to drag on at taxpayer expense for two years. His report is filled with accusations, but then he also says there is no proof. He said his report does not ‘exonerate’ Trump, but there’s a pesky legal issue associated with that claim. Trump is innocent until proven guilty, and Mueller couldn’t even come close. The report is nothing but damage control to save his friend Hillary and his buddies in the corrupt security agencies.

The tide is rushing back in, but this time it’s a tidal wave in Trump’s favor. What the Deep State operatives did to him is nothing short of treason and they must be held accountable. LOCK THEM UP!

—Ben Garrison

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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He's right tbh. The left was retarded and made this shit up. That said it was mostly the administration investigating itself and wasn't really lead by the libtards.

Tbf I'd be fine if Trump would take out all those people, would be a massive favor to the left.

He’s gone like four comics now without drawing Mommy. He must be jonesing.