Muslims join the Easter festivities in Sri Lanka in their own way

284  2019-04-21 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


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That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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Хуисос воскресе!

Someone's should mention it at least because the media doesn't want to touch this at one at all.

I’ve gotten a push notification from every newspaper at this point you persecution obsessed mayoid.



This but kinda unironically tbh

The suicide bomber was named Muhammed Muhammed lmao


Suicide bombers in sri lanka tend to be Tamil's, who tend to be secular.

Tamil Tigers got BTFO years ago tho

A decade is a long time to rebuild


oh lawd that’s good b8

idgi is this in reference to something

It's something Trump does quite often, either purposely or not... he puts tiny mistakes/typos into tweets that he thinks otherwise wouldn't get a lot of attention in the MSM. Then MSM retweets him to correct the "mistakes" which really just spreads his message further.

"OMG TRUMP UR SO DUMB... Muslims killed only 138 people, not 138 million!!"

What’s MSM?

M - Nigger S- M-

Mdegeneracy check is negative. Carry on.

Mainstream media.

Only alexjonescels will understand

Or maybe it's time to accept that there is no secret message and that you and Trump are both dumb.

Big cope. Q predicted this.

Dude Qussy lmao

He’s hilariously dumb though. I don’t care whether it’s 8D chess or 1D tic tac toe. He’s the President us burgers deserve. God bless. 🇺🇸

Thinking Daddy is playing the 12d chess is a much more fun clownworld than thinking he's dumb

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Whether he's doing it on purpose or not, it has the same effect of amplifying his messages.

List it wasn't 138 Brazilian people

Thank god I couldn’t bear run out of sopa de macaco

I think he tried to type sri lankian or some shit and it auto corrected to million

At any rate who cares

And then you have the Q-tards..

Anybody who unironically uses the term 'MSM' should be apprehended on sight.

It's incredibly useful for gaming Reddit, also. So you make a post, but since it's the same retarded shit everyone else posts, it probably won't get much attention. But you put a typo in the title, and people will rush to the comments to correct you, each comment weighs more than votes, the way the Reddit algorithm works.

For example: Took my daughter to the zoo and the rapes were so funny.

OP's Comment: Oops, meant "apes" not "rapes", Reddit won't let me edit the title, sorry!

never forget the 138 million

One thing that the Mueller report confirmed is that Trump is an unironic retard. It's not just 4D chess or playing it up for publicity/the press, dude is just low IQ.

150 Catholics get exploded and the media is already starting their "Islam is the real victim here" narrative.

Where? I didn't see any

look harder

Western Christian missionaries unscrupulpusly converting Buddhist orphans for food and shelter after the Asian tsunami.

Where’s the lie?

It's not unscrupulous, it's smart marketing.

They're saving their brown souls 😠

Trying to convert someone using free food and shelter as bait is pretty much the same as blowing up hundreds of infidels and frankly no one could complain about the latter after doing the former.

Is this the part where I get to use the leftcel "MUH BOTH SIDES" argument?

Quite scrumptious how they crow about it constantly, then do it themselves.

Honestly, why don’t they just learn to code?

Nice hate speech

This guy should sub to r/atheism - his edge is so sharp he could be a mohel.

He says he's atheist and that All religion is bad but then he takes a side, specifically against Western religions.

Why not just come out and say he doesn't like Jesuscels bc they tried to send him to conversion therapy?


being honest

Pick one.

If you have a twitter account, you too can be a journalist!


Religion is the root of all evil, except when Asians do it; they just look so cute with their little robes

How come Reddit atheists are so shy of criticising Islam?

Most edgy atheists I've seen elsewhere are the Dawkins type.

How come Reddit atheists are so shy of criticising Islam?

It's the reddit mod effect. Mods essentially curate the opinions in their subs by banning people who they don't agree with. Eventually the only people who are left generally tow the line of the Mods opinions.

Compound that with the fact that the majority of reddit's mods are all identical clones of some pathetic college drop out neet who loves superheroes and far left identity politics, and you can start to see how things like "Reddit athesists" get cultivated.

Compound that with the fact that the majority of reddit's mods are all identical clones of some pathetic college drop out neet who loves superheroes, harry potter and far left identity politics, and you can start to see how things like "Reddit athesists" get cultivated.

What has Harry Potter got to do with it? Harry Potter is pretty much everything radlibs would hate - it's overwhelmingly white, has a white male lead, no transgenders, and two instances of the Unwoke miscegenation (white male and asian female), lots of "problematic" things (such as house elf slavery), father figures, anti-semitic tropes (goblins)... I don't think Hogwarts even operates on a gender quota!

So atheist he does unpaid pr an Islamic terrorist attack.

Never go full blown cunt Teresa .

Real journalists are willing to risk their lives and freedom to spread knowledge. Twitter “journalists” are political activists who occasionally pick up political conspiracy theories as “news”.

Down the thread, replying to a buddhist who said to accept the christians in prayer during their time of need.

Then you apologise for the problem. When kids are shot in schools I oppose guns. When people are murdered for religion, we opposite religion...unless we're brainwashed.

This man has the gall to call himself educated, while jumping hoops to not criticize islam

Wew this lad. Missionaries proselytizing? What has the world come to?

Wew lad. I was gonna pray for those missionaries, but they're missionaries who proselytize? Can't deal with that mayo shit smh famalam

Why are you tards not noticing the obvious connotations? It’s Buddhists who are under suspicion here.

That guy got sacked from the BBC and went on Big Brother after that.

Imagine actually failing to be a journalist lmao

Journalism has really hit the bottom of the well.

There is no excuse for terror attacks against innocent people but as a journalist I saw Western Christian missionaries unscrupulpusly converting Buddhist orphans for food and shelter after the Asian tsunami. Don't send your prayers.


You do know that's what a missionary is, right?

Remember everyone Muslims have definitely never forced anyone to convert to their religion.

Offers zero proof.

Blue checkmark.

Enough said.



Twitter finally rising up against the woketards

He isn't wrong though. Evangelicals really know how to exploit a tragedy.

Day of the Printing Press when?

The different reaction we are going to get from the politicians and media when compared to the kiwi killer is going to be hilarious in a current year sort of way


Because, it's the current year.

Current year + 4.

Because poor countries aren't full of mayos lmao

Tbf the Muslims killed in Christchurch weren't mayos.

True. But it was in a mayo country. If they were killed in the middle east we'd never hear about it.

There's tons of them getting killed in the middle east, but its not by mayos so why bother

Lol and people wonder why these people want to move here, their lives are literally shinier and worth more air time.

If there was a mayo country where people were blowing each other up every other week people wouldn't care about that either. For some reason it's only browno countries that have an abundance of overzealous amateur pyrotechnicians

Tbf, like, 80% of Europe is poorer than Mississippi. That’s poor as shit to me.

Why? NZ had too many things that made it extra newsworthy "assault" rifles with high capacity mags, alt right, shooter was Australian, had a very high kill count in a western nation, livestreamed the whole attack, censorship, internet culture and memes.

Its sad but the media doesnt give a shit about what happens in thrird world countries

How's the saying go? Nothing alarming about shit in the toilet. It's only when you find a turd in your kitchen sink that you take notice.

Its true, but come on mate. I cant be the only feelingscel here.

I care, but not about whether the media care lol.

The toilet was occupied, I had no choice.

Have you guys noticed that the shooter has been sentenced to big-time damnatio memorae? Nobody even types out his name, and I’m half-certain that if I do so all of my social media will be put on a watchlist.

Bredan Tarrant, The cunt should've been taken out back and shot. But yeah its weird that this is the guy that we don't talk about?

Maybe the media is finally figuring that turning murderers into minor celebrities is a bad thing?

He did take the self-publicizing to levels that no other spree killer has before. Live-streamed it and everything.

Sad that it took that to get people to wise up.


Even weirder.


The same thing happens with all of them. People remember where the shooting happened more than who did it. You see references to the "Vegas shooter," "Pulse nightclub shooter," and "Parkland shooter" way more than you see their names.

Anders Brevik is pretty well known in Europe. Though I think he changed his name or something

Well, Breivik has almost become a meme, like the racist Unabomber.

American media doesn't. The BBC does. Ironic.

Besides, it's the viewers that don't care, not reporters.

Like anything in third-world shitholes is worth caring about.

Dog bites man, man bites dog

No no no, you silly tard. This was the Buddhist, get it right.

I can't find any info on who did it this article gives a good run down of the events and never mention the responsible party.

OP's article mentions NTJ, so it's pretty safe to assume it was the INTJ NEETS.

Based pajeet names the intjneet.

Abu Mohammad the Buddhist 🤗

BBC report that government agencies had been warned of imminent islamic terrorist attacks. So probably religion of peace.

The West needs to stop importing these Christian deathcultists.

Considering this is Sri Lanka I wonder if this is religion of peace or "religion of peace"

Religion of beace

Carrying a plate, the man, who had registered at the hotel the night before as Mohamed Azzam Mohamed, was just about to be served when he set off his devastating strike in the packed restaurant

Mohamed Mohamed


was just about to be served when he set off his devastating strike in the packed restaurant

but alas, twas the buffet patrons whomst were served

oh just muslim things

R-slurred media: “This attack was obviously influenced by mayos and we should stand behind our religion of peace brothers and sisters...”

There are mayos in the religion of peace, you know.

The 28-year-old is now married to a Muslim man she met on an online dating site, but he did not know she was once a man when they wed.

That what he told the dailymail was it?

Bongs never fail to outmeme themselves

Clown world

This attack was obviously influenced by mayos

Where's the lie, friend?

You beat me to the post. Good title btw.

Three reports so far lmao.

I'm just trying to show respect for people from diverse backgrounds with different cultural pratices.

Also, if the reports are anything funny post em.

Just "what the fuck" etc.

What were the reports?

Let's not jump to conclusions here.

9 simultaneous bombs on Easter Sunday can be simply coincidence. When has Islam ever done this before?


This is Sri Lanka, so it was initially fair to suspect that it was Buddhists. They’ve been getting really uppity there.

The fact that the bomber targeted Christians is just bizarre though. It’s like he just wanted to blow anything significant up, and didn’t care if it was the particular religion that was oppressing his people or not.

your second statement doesn't really hold up after like 6 different churches have been bombed

literally every year for the past 4 years lol

I'm just here to get a seat before the shitshow

Ramadan starts in 15 days

Guess I'll reserve a front row seat for that.

Now is the time for Jacinda Arden to get on her hijab and then get Sadiq Khan or someone to rent out a priest outfit. Now the easy bit, have them blow each other on the CNN.

End result: World peace.

This is why based Modi is best for the subcontinent.

i worry deeply about the backlash against m,oslems

Easter may be "haram" for them, so they do the most halal thing possible- terrorism. :)

What an extreme reaction to not waking up to an Easter Egg.

They certainly have.