👏 Y'ALL 👏 CAN'T 👏 BEHAVE 👏 : 🍁 Edition

25  2019-04-21 by Ted_UtteredBoast


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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/u/OrzBlueFog why do you close every single thread that doesn't go the way (((you))) want it to?

It’s problematic when people correctly point out that Trudeau is a moron.

I am convinced trudeau won because Canadians are so insecure about not being american that they have to act the opposite of the US politically.

this is very very true with white urban Canadians, and a little more than half-true with suburban white Canadians, but they are mostly aware of their mistake this time around.

non-white Canadians are not affected by this mindset at all, and I can respect that

Sonto correct the mistake they’ll elect someone from a far right party?

I mean, I can appreciate radical centrism as much as the next dramacel but that feels extreme.

you think the federal conservative party is far right?

are you r-slurred?

It never began for us leafcels. The Conservative party is like Paul Ryan Republicans. Provincially we had a further right party in Alberta, but they merged with the conservatives.

I think i'll still be voting for them this time, but whenever the next election is I'm voting PPC, and maybe many more will if they feel the Cons are doing nothing. Hopefully Trudeau is not the Liberal party leader by then and wont sneak back in.

Same. Cons have been dicking around since Harper left. At least Bernier has some pop.

I don’t follow lead politics honestly. I just found calling them far right or far left rustles leaves.

So stop being so far left and rejoin the center.

Why do all commonwealth countries believe they have "no culture"? It makes them act wacky and is probably very damaging.

Because they do have no culture, or at least Canada doesn't. Most of the country is just US-lite with Tim Hortons and universal healthcare.

I go to BC every year to hang with my canadian friends and if it weren't for the metric system and mounties I could easily forget I'm not in the states.

Canada is literally the exact same culture as America, there is no difference. Anything that is “Canadian” is all from Québec, just try and think of anything distinctively Canadian and it’s from Québec. Toques, hockey, Poutine, french, weird words for normal things; it’s all quebecois

I am convinced trudeau won because Canadians are so insecure about not being american

They define their entire identity based on how they do things differently than Americans. Talk to a Canadian in the USA for half hour and they, at a genetic level, cannot help themselves from talking about all the things they like better in Canada.

How does "we're polite but also gay" even take up 30 minutes

I'm not sure. I try not to talk to Canadians for more than the 90 second mark, but those autistic assholes have no clue how to realize that the people around them are eagerly looking for a way to talk about anything else other than the pronunciation of Regina.

Still not convinced it’s not the same country

Leftists that like trudeau are basically just exclusively idpol leftists.

he's slightly better then cons regarding the working class but annoys the shit outa the rural whites by pretending all the worlds problems can be explained by how the world adopted white people's notion of human right, technology, the scientific method and representative democracy.

justin trudeau will win 2019


lol now that would actually take some collusion, better get a special counsel ready

lmao, the conservatives are split between the ppc and cpc, and the NDP will never get a majority government

trudeau will win

they are not split at all yet, lol

even the Bernier strongholds like r/metacanada are willing to swallow it for Scheer this election. We will not tolerate more Justin.

The real test of the split comes with the next election. I've already made mention of this in another post.

also, you should see how much the green party is surging lately. mostly eating the NDP, but with Trudeau being a shitter I expect this election to be their best showing yet

lmao unironically browsing metacanada

oh no no no no no no

hahahahaha go back to canada's transgender community at /r/onguardforthee

and send some more lolcows back here

lmao unironically browsing metacanada

oh no no nono no no

oh hey i got this guy into a pizzashill loop in only 4 posts

new record

unironic metacanada MDEfugee rightoids agenda posting on /r/drama


that is no way to talk to your senpai



Not all white people are racist.

Not all black people are violent criminals.

Not all Muslims are terrorists.

Not all Jews are sneaky, scheming, manipulative shekel hoarders.

But all, ALL, Canadians talk absolute garbage on the internet, each and every one. Day of the rake when?

God we Canacucks want to be Americunts so bad, started with blaming white supremacy as our biggest danger while Winnie the pooh controls all of Vancouver now our politicians want to be like daddy trump it's so boring.