Christcucks on T_D believe that Daddy is literally Jesus.

78  2019-04-21 by Ghdust2


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Protestantism was a mistake.

These aren't nere protestants, mein frend: these are evangelical amerimutts. The worst kind of Christians (besides Cucktolichs and Orthodoxs, obvs)

America is what happens when protestantism isn't suppressed and allowed to bloom.

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Diet of Worms Gang

Remember that Martin Luther thought the Ottomans should not be resisted and that Christian Europe was asking for it.

Not even modern cucks are that honest.

Silence P a p i s t

Martin Luther should’ve been burned as a heretic

Only brain dead Irish are still Catholic

broke: trump is Jesus

woke: Jesus is not real, therefore Trump cannot be Jesus

Bespoke: mayocide imminent, inshallah

the most Christlike human I have ever seen as our president

The words of a functional illiterate

I could see being in a Trump cult, but I can't understand how he's anything like Jesus.

supply side white jesus, not the jesus in the bible.

I don't think most people can, it's even being called out in that thread. It's dumb even by normal online political cult standards.

I’ve seen that nonsense more than once at various boomer internet watering holes. These people are fucking nuts.

I make it easy on myself and just assume everyone is schizophrenic.

I think it's a shit post honestly

I can't open your hyperlink for some reason, but yes, that's sometimes what a shit post is

I refuse to believe this person isnt trolling. No matter how crazy you are or how stupid. No one is thinking trump is most Christian person. You might even thing he is good Christian, ok. But most.

Remember guys, both sides.

Christ snugs 🤗

Is it fair to say Trump is the least Christ-like president in U.S. History? He's certainly bottom 5.

Notice how the "we are radical centrists, ban agenda-posting leftists" crowd stays away from the posts pointing out conservautist retardation with the same fear they have for vaccines?

Notice how you cry like agenda posting leftist

Both are fictional characters constructed to control the ignorant 🧐

Pretty sure the Bible says something against worshipping politicians