Mentally defective SJW retard commits lolcowception, can't take the emotional toll of being posted here and insists on doubling down in the comments

33  2019-04-21 by CrackIsHealthy4U


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. This Post -,,,

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And like in the crime dramas when you get them riled up and they drop their act, she reveals her true character by engaging in homophobia and suggests that she deserves special treatment solely based on her gender. I wonder how she feels about people using gay or faggot in speech and if she's ever corrected anyone 🤔

When you sent us your approvedcel application I took one look at your comment history and knew you belonged here.

Of course you have been on the 'receiving end'. You have no fucking op-sec. You don't check your corners. In every corner there's a flashing red sign that says, "Reminder: You are a pussy." Wake up to what's going on around you. You interrupted my thing on the Mexico thread, dumbass, and you did it by making a sneaky, disgusting little bitch move. Here is your role as a not-very-bright pussy: Wait to find out how it is you can best be subservient. Don't try to decide things on your own or make your own plan. You should not talk until someone asks you something. And don't try to gang up on woman no matter how dumb or silly. It is disgusting.

Another great pasta right out of the oven.

who cooks pasta in the oven? Clearly you're not italian 🙄

What does this even mean?

The oven pasta or the feminist spergazoid?

The sperg itself.

I wish I knew, such levels of spergout are incredibly hard to decipher. What I did was replace "pussy" with SRDine, "Mexico" with Drama and woman with centrist. Still not getting clear results though.

Ya I still don’t get it either. It certainly sounds angry.

You got your ass handed to you by a girl OP. That's gotta sting.

Luckily I already avoid possessing any shoelaces or razorblades in the event that a newly released video game features a character that doesn't look like me, or child porn banned from Steam. No need to worry about my safety friendo :)

OP ->

Paging /u/bluredgreenyellow to show us how mayo her skin is

Hey. Stop. She’s just “having a really hard time giving voice to the thought that Mexico is a bad place”.

Oof maybe it's because Mexico isn't a bad place sweety. I can go to google and type in "beautiful places in Mexico" to prove you wrong but you're blocked now so don't bother responding.

Based and Sinaloa-pilled.

Imagine getting a longpostbot reply to you 3 times in a row and then getting a "Fuck, you are slow" as the only response from the qween.

I would feel offended on his behalf, seeing someone waste such beatiful rants without even a good lolmilking, if those rants weren't an art in themselves.

Oh I am very satisfied with the responses I got so far. Asking for an apology speaks volumes on its own. Serbians didn't have to literally see their neighbors blown into pieces to take great satisfaction from intentionally raining artillery down on civilians, she's already given away more than enough.

Def a lolcow. Lady needs some Xanax or something, freaking the fuck out in comments.