"Woke" Vegan wants all meat eaters to be labelled as "animal abusers".

47  2019-04-21 by GodOfDarknessWine


Technically true...

On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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Holy fucking long posts.

Soy has the best macros of all the non-dairy milk. Also, dairy milk lowers estrogen in men and soy milk doesn't. There are many professional vegan athletes--even bodybuilders.

What does the WOM part of your username mean?

With other men

Oh, daddy...

It's not enough to have them on a list. We need some sort of identifier like a symbol.

He forces his dog to be vegan lol

Now that's fucked up.

As a vegan this offends me. Maybe you should check your privilege before you start joking around about vegans. You wouldn't like it if I just took a bite out of your leg. I will destroy you. Oh yeah, and guess what. You smell like poop. And not animal poop, because there is nothing wrong with animal poop. But you should stop being mean to animals. Oh and you say I am lonely now? Well I will have you know that I am a member off vegans meet .com. yeah, try me. Next time I will send you to a non existent country like Canada. don't ever joke about vegans you communist scum.

I already had that lolcow tagged in RES.

Im ok with that if they admit plants are living things, the smell of grass is the grass killing them as you kill them and that having a rounded diet is safer and more nutritious then eating bish made soy and kale.

That smell is a chemical grass releases to warn other grass to pull sugars from the blades to the roots because of imminent danger. That smell is grass screaming out for its kin and loved ones to save themselves.


The dinosaurs 🦖 will consume all of the meat eaters. Does that make them animal abusers in their eyes?🤔

Funny to see people calling the guy a prick or rude even though there is nothing rude about what he said.

We get it, meat lovers, you like to eat meat. Just be honest and say that you like eating meat whether it makes animals suffer or not, stop trying to get moral brownie points for how nice you are.