Redditors are absolutely convinced that Daddy is much worse than Andrew "Indian Killer" Jackson ever was.

24  2019-04-22 by GodOfDarknessWine


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Call me when daddy opts to ignore the courts and death march a couple thousand people.

Trump, in my view, has been a worse president than Hoover, Harding, Nixon, or Bush 43, though.

Jesus mother of Christ, at this time in Bush's presidency, we had 9/11, an economic downturn, the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq. You would have to be a goddamn moron to think that Bush was a better president.

Fucking thousands of Iraqi civilians killed but atleast Georgie gives sweets to Michelle.

Imagine caring about politics in 2004

Imagine caring.


All the people.

Tell that to the families of every dead Iraqi and American soldier

The left have gone batshit retarded

Why would they care about that when they consider every soldier a baby killing monster

B-but he was a nice person :((((

At this point in his presidency, obama was expanding war in every direction he could as well.

Trump is a total clown but he's not even worse than W, did people forget he caused two several trillion dollar wars on bad info?

Kind of interesting how urban Westerners always substitute concepts and judge political leaders' by comparing them to modern liberal values, instead of looking at how much they benefited to a nation.

I don't really get why. Did the West fix all its real problem, or did the establishment trick its people?

andrew jackson was unironically our best president

dabbed on the central bank

ok Ron Paul

Cope Henry Clay-cel

He stopped the civil war from happening for 30 years by threatening to kill the governor of South Carolina. Based and tearpilled.

Don’t know where people are getting the natives were hippies.

Thank President Richard Nixon for Classifying Marijuana as a Schedule I.

War On Young People, Especially Jazzy Black Cats.

They forgot to mention that he's responsible for HMOs and setting the stage for our current healthcare system, which is abysmal.

Lot of super retard takes in there. I think this one really is a step above the rest though. Imagine looking back at everything we know, and thinking that Bush was the fool he played himself up to be.

While Bush was an absolutely putz, I don't think he was smart enough to "start a war" and, given the situation and the other people in the cabinet, any elected president would have taken that ride especially if Republican.

That's obviously true, how many Injuns has Trump killed compared to Jackson?