Professional Armchair "Philosopher" and r/Badphilosopher poster, webcomic writer gives his enlightened "wisdom" to the proles.

10  2019-04-22 by GodOfDarknessWine


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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Communism is just the selfish workers trying to leverage of the factory owners sweat πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Lazy and uneducated bumpkins should get a STEM degree and podcast their struggles.

That doesn't even make sense. People don't work for factory owners out of the kindness of their heart, they do it to get money

Because they’re selfish and holding...uh...someone down!!

agendaposting 😝😝😝


The guy I linked to is a massive lolcow, provides r/drama with many copypastas and drama for years. There was a thread a while ago where Space Jesus mocked him and this guy sperged out so much he wrote a shitty comic about "owning" Elon Musk.

"known r-slur says dumb shit" is not very juicy. where's the drama?

Retards themselves are the drama

No, dude, it has nothing to do with rich dudes. The communal system just makes life miserable for everyone, even at a low scale. Read stories of people who lived in communal houses.

No commie has ever answered me about how the state will wither